Friday, 28 March 2014
Warning: We comedians are social commentators and prolific Jesters. By no means should anyone take our jokes too seriously.... Now to the Joke of the Night: A policeman searched Jack in a nightclub toilet last night and found a small bag of drugs(cocaine)."It's not my fault," Jack said, "every time I try flushing them down the toilet they magically appear back in my pocket again!" "Do you really expect me to believe that?" Said the policeman as he laughed. Jack replied, "I'll prove it to you if you want me to!" "Go on then." The policeman said as he smiled. Handing Jack the bag. After flushing them, the policeman looked at Jack and said, "Well, show me your pocket then." "What for?" Jack asked. Police said "The drugs!" Jack replied, "What drugs?" One word for Jack....
Football: Get down to SA's first BPL fan park: South Africa’s obsession with English football and proven track record of hosting major international events has resulted in the Barclays Premier League, the custodians of English football, making the country the first stop in their new marketing initiative of fan parks. The two-day event, to take place on Saturday and Sunday at the Zoo Lake Sports Club, will see 12 000 fans daily watching Premier League action on a gigantic 100m² screen, meeting South African stars Lucas Radebe and Mark Fish, who starred in the Premier League, and having their picture taken with the iconic Premier League trophy. Entrance to the event, kicking off at 12pm daily, is free and admission is on a first-come-first-served basis. Also making the trip to Mzansi with the Premier League is Liverpool legend Robbie Fowler and former Chelsea captain and World Cup winner Marcel Desailly. There will be a number of zones fans can visit to make their experience truly memorable: • The Trophy Zone: fans will be able to photograph the Barclays Premier League Trophy. • The Club Zone: supporters can learn more about the 20 Barclays Premier League clubs, and, through green-screen technology, picture themselves lifting the Barclays Premier League Trophy decorated with the ribbons of their favourite club. • The Screening Zone: fans can experience the noise and excitement of match day before learning about the winning teams and captains of the Premier League in an exclusive film. • The Pitch Zone: there will be a mini-football pitch where Barclays Premier League clubs will be conducting skills sessions with local football teams, plus there will be the chance for young fans to enjoy a football match run by Premier League community coaches. • The Skills Zone: three football skills pods for fans to test their close control and shooting power and accuracy. • The Live Match Zone: the main arena where fans will watch the live Barclays Premier League on a giant screen, the biggest in South Africa. Source from
Joke: One morning at a doctor's clinic, a patient arrives complaining of serious back pain. The doctor examines him and asks, "Tell me, what happened to your back?" The patient replies, "Sir, I work for a local night club. This morning, I went to my apartment early and heard some noise in my bed room. On entering I knew someone had been with my wife and the balcony door was opened. I rushed out of the balcony door and did not find anyone. As I looked down from the balcony, I saw a man running out and he was dressing himself. I was very angry. I grabbed the fridge and threw it at him. It was very heavy. That was how I strained my back." Later that day, a second patient arrives and he appears he had been in a car wreck. The doctor said, "My previous patient looked bad, but you look terrible! What the hell happened to you?" He replied, "You know I have been unemployed for a while now. Today was the first day at my new job. I forgot to set my alarm and I was late. I was running out of the building, getting dressed at the same time, and you won't believe it! I was hit by a fridge! I don't know how the fridge fell on me, or where it came from!" Before closing hours, the third patient came in. He looks like he was punished in hell. The doctor is shocked. He asked, "What in the hell happened to you?!" The patient replies, "Well, It started like this; "I was in a fridge..." heheheheeh!
Thursday, 27 March 2014
-If you tell a woman you just returned from a trip to Moon,she will ask you, “Whom did you go with?” Tell this to a man,he will ask you, ”Dude, do women wear clothes there?” -Men sitting top floor can hear the sound of a beer bottle opened ground floor... Similarly, a woman can notice if the strap of another woman’s bra comes off accidentally... -Most of the men prefer reading magazines and news papers that portray photos of naked ladies... Many women’s magazines too will have photos of naked ladies because the anatomy of a female body is a creative work of art and is worth admiring at… However, no magazine will ever portray a naked man’s body because it’s all hairy stuff and looks like an abstract painting which only the creator understands... -All married men are fools! If not, they wouldn’t have married... All married women are wise! If not, they would have remained unmarried... -In their bedroom, men plead for it before the act and women-after the act... while men taste success often, women almost always go dry... -When there is a nude scene in a movie,a woman watches it with the same casual sense she watches an emotional scene... However, a man doesn’t watch the nude scene...instead he tries to find out how curious his wife is about the nudity in the scene... -For most of the men around the world, the preferred home activity is sex and for most of the women, it’s spending good times with family and children...
Facts: Some funny differences between men and women... -Most often men start a conversation and women finish it... -There is no possibility of a woman admitting her mistake, however, the last man who admitted his mistake was the one who created women... -If you tell a woman you purchased a new car she will immediately ask you, “What’s the color of the car..??..”..Tell the same thing to a man and he will ask you, “What sort it is?” -Seek an explanation from a man on any topic under the sky and he will do that,at the most, in a sentence... Now ask a woman,” What’s the capital of your country?” and you will get the reply in paragraphs... -If you are lost in a street and ask a woman to guide you somewhere, she will give you directions via shops...And if you ask a man, he will give you directions via pubs... -When in a group,most of the men’s conversations, in general, revolve around news, events, politics, sports, jazzy cars and latest gadgets.. Surprisingly, all the women’s conversations revolve around the foods they never prepare, the pets they never possess, the jewelry they never own, the clothes they never wear, the books they never read and finally the TV shows they unnecessarily watch... -Men use their mobile phones strictly for communication purpose... A woman spends the whole day with a friend, comes home and talks to the same friend, over phone, for several hours... -When a man says “Hi” to every woman he comes across in a shopping complex, the rate of the response he gets will hardly be one percent... Whereas a woman says “Hi’ to every man she comes across in the same complex the rate of response she gets will definitely be hundred percent... -Many women do not need an occasion to dress up... They can dress up and go to a restaurant, to a dry cleaner’s shop, to throw out the litter, to get xerox copies and also to water the plants in rain... Whereas a man will dress up only for three see his ex girlfriend, to a wedding and to a funeral..
Joke: This guy got home earlier than usual and caught his wife in their bedroom,having fun with her lover. Hubby reaches out for his gun and makes the lover follow him into the kitchen. Then the husband says to the lover, "Let's do this! I'm gonna shoot twice in the air and we're gonna fall down together! The one my wife is gonna run up to first,will stay with her! Two shots were fired and then the scream of the wife was heard from the bedroom, "Honey!!!!!! Get out of the cupboard!!! Those two idiots just shot each other!!!"
Joke: A student failed "Law" and decided to make a deal with a Professor. Sir, do you know everything about law? Prof: Yes,I do. Student: If you can answer this question, I will accept my final mark, if you can't, you will have to change my grade to 'A" The Professor agreed. The boy asked, "What is legal but not logical and what is logical but not legal?And what is neither legal nor logical?" The professor thought about it for a while,but had no answer. He had to finally give up as he really did not know. He gave the boy his 'A' The following day, the professor asked the same question to his students. He was shocked when all of them raised their hands. One of the students answered: Sir, you are 65 and you are married to a 28 year old woman.This is legal but not logical! Your wife, is having an affair with a 23 year old boy.This is logical but not legal. Your wife's boyfriend has failed his exam and yet you have given him an 'A'. It's neither logical nor legal! The professor collapsed...
Heart Touching Story Read this… On the first day of their marriage, wife and husband decided and agreed not to open the door for anyone! On that day first, husband’s parents came to see them, they were behind the door. Husband and the wife looked at each other, husband wanted to open the door, but since they had an agreement he did not open the door, so his parents left. After a while the same day , wife’s parents came , wife and the husband looked at each other and even though they had an agreement , wife with tears on her eyes whispered , I can’t do this to my parents , and she opened the door. Husband did not say anything, years passed and they had 4 boys and the fifth child was a girl. The father, planned a very big party for the new born baby girl, and he invited everyone over. Later that night his wife asked him what was the reason for such a big celebration for this baby while we did not do it for the others! The Husband simply replied, because she is the one who will open the door for me! Daughters are always so special. Don't you think so?
Wednesday, 26 March 2014
Came across these article on The woman entered the room, and with a smile teasing her full lips, she sank into the comfort of the plush chair in the corner. The handsome stranger turned, having sensed her approach. Locking his steely grey eyes on hers, he moved slowly toward her,his experienced gaze measuring her, hypnotizing her with his soft murmurs of assurance. He got on his knees before her and without a word, smoothly released her from her constraining attire. With a sigh of surrender, she allowed his foreign hands to unleash her bare flesh. He expertly guided her through this tender, new territory, boldly taking her to heights she had never dared to dream of, his movements deliberate, confident in his ability to satisfy her every need. Her senses swam. She was overcome with an aching desire that had gone unfulfilled for so long. And, just as it seemed that ecstasy was within her grasp, he paused, and for one heart-stopping moment, she thought, "It's too big! It will never fit!" Then, with a sudden rush, it slid into place as if it had been made only for her. As pleasure and contentment washed over her, she met his steady gaze, tears of gratitude shining in her eyes. And he knew it wouldn't be long before she returned. Oh, yes, this woman would want more. She would want to do it again and again and again... they all would...... DON'T YOU JUST LOVE SHOPPING FOR SHOES?
VERY TOUCHING STORY!!!!!!!!!! My name is John. I had a best friend by name Michael. Our friendship was stronger than that of brothers, we schooled, ate, played and did everything together and our parents were so proud of us we always stood and fought for each other whenever trouble arose and 'happiness' was our best friend cos we were always happy. One day, I took a woman and decided to marry not knowing that............. As time went on, we got busy planning for our wedding and my best friend was so happy for me, just like I was also wishing him to find his own partner for marriage so that he wouldn't feel so lonely after I get married to my wife. Few weeks to our wedding, Michael visited me but met my absence. My wife-to-be was at home and Michael was not so relaxed without me but I asked him to wait at my house until I returned. To my surprise, I got home and he wasn't there, only for my wife to tell me that my best friend was trying to rape her. I believed her because I loved her so much and this got me so much and this got me so mad. Quickly, I drove down to Michael's house and before he could say a word, I hit him with a bottle of flower pot which he sustained a serious brain injury and he got admitted at the hospital. On going back to my house, I heard my wife speaking on the phone, "Don't worry Joyce, he believed everything I told him and I'm sure they're already fighting now". Joyce was a girl that was dying to have Michael back in our school days but he didn't want to date her so that our friendship wont be jeopardized. She was surprised when she ended the call only to see me behind her. I rushed out without saying a word, running and hoping my best friend forgives me but it all went tragic when the doctors told me he died after a brain surgery. I weep everyday I wake up and I feel like killing myself. HOW COULD I HAVE BEEN SO STUPID???? Story from
Joke of the Day: Jack and Jill in the office: Jill: Jack, I have been attending night classes for five months now because I have exams next week. Jack: Oh! Jill: Do you know who is Graham Bell? Jack: No. Jill: He invented the telephone in 1876. If you take night courses you would know this. The next day, the same discussion happened. Jill: Do you know who Alexander Dumasis? Jack: No. Jill: He's the author of "The Three Musketeers", if you take night courses, you would know this. The next day, once again: Jill: And do you know who Jean Jacques Rousseau is? Jack: No. Jill: He's the author of "Confessions", if you take night courses, you would know this. This time, Jack got irritated and said: jack: Do you know who Jim Peters is? Jill: No. Jack: He is your neighbour, screwing your wife since you started taking nightcourses!
Tuesday, 25 March 2014
Joke of the Night: This guy goes into a doctors and says,"Doctor, doctor you've gotta help me. I just can't stop having sex!" "Well,how often do you have it?" the doctor asks. "Well, twice a day I have sex with my wife, TWICE a day," he answers back. "That's not so much,"says the doctor. "Yes, but thats not all. Twice a day I have sex with my secretary, TWICE a day," replies the man. "Well that is probably a bit excessive," says the doctor. "Yes, but that's not all. Twice a day I have sex with a prostitute, TWICE a day,"says the man. "Well, that's definitely too much", says the doctor."You've got to learn to take yourself in hand." "I do," says the man,"Twice a day."
Football: Which one is the best club in the World according to you? A. Arsenal B. Barcelona C. Chelsea D. Man. Utd E. Man. City F. Real Madrid G. Liverpool H. Valencia I. Bayern Munich J. Inter Milan K. AC Milan L. Napoli M. Juventus N. Borrusia Dortmund O. Tottenham P. Heartland Fc Q.Not Listed(Specify)
Monday, 24 March 2014
Joke: A woman and her lover are in bed together when hubbie comes home. The woman jumps up, shoves the guy in a corner of the bedroom, rubs him down in baby oil and covers him in talcum powder. "Don't move! You're a statue!" The husband comes up to the bedroom and inquires about the new decoration. The wife explains that the Smith family next door acquired a statue for their bedroom recently and if they could get one, so could she. The married couple go to bed, but at midnight the husband goes downstairs, gets a glass of milk and some cookies, and comes back upstairs. He hands the snack to the statue and says, "Here! I stood around for 3 days at the Smiths and they never fed me a thing!"
Joke: Malik returns from the doctor and tells his wife, LaQuita, that the doctor has told him he has only 24 hours to live. Given this prognosis, Malik asks LaQuita for sex. Naturally, she agrees, and they "get busy". About six hours later, Malik goes to LaQuita and says, "Honey, you know I now have only 18 hours to live. Could we please do it one more time?" Of course LaQuita agrees and they do it again. Later, as Malik gets into bed, he looks at his watch and realized that he now has only 8 hours left. He touches LaQuita's shoulder and asks, "Honey,please....just one more time before I die." She says, "Of course Big Daddy" and they make love for the third time. After this session, LaQuita rolls over and falls asleep. Malik, however, worried about his impending death, tosses and turns, until he's down to 4 more hours. He taps LaQuita and says "honey, I have only 4 more hours. Do you think we could!?" At this point LaQuita sits up and says angrily, "Look nigga, I gotta get up in the morning.....YOU DON'T
Joke: So I finished exams early this Monday and decided to give any lady that came my way a lift. After the 3rd turn from my college,I saw this Catholic Sister and gave her a lift. While we were going, I didn't know how to start a conversation with her. Therefore, I placed my hand on her laps, pretending as if it was the gearstick. The Sister softly said, "Matthew 7:7" and I quickly removed my hand,concentrating on driving. I attempted it for the second and third times and each time she repeated, "Matthew 7:7" When I dropped the Sister at her destination, she opened the door and said to me, "Young man,your problem is that you don't read your Bible!" As soon as I got home, I opened my dusty Bible on Matthew 7:7 and read the next "Ask and you shall recieve" "Damn!"
Football: Backpass Part 1 It was, Andre Marriner concluded, disappointing. Is that not the understatement of the season? Imagine if Arsene Wenger had said it. Lost 6-0 at Chelsea and then revealed his disappointment. Arsenal’s performance at Stamford Bridge on Saturday was no worse than Marriner’s, after all. To a referee, issuing a mistaken identity red card is the equivalent of a 6-0 defeat. Many have argued that by the time the ref sent off Kieran Gibbs it really didn’t matter which Arsenal man left the field. Wenger’s team were three down after 17 minutes. The game was lost. Even if he had dismissed Wojciech Szczesny it would not have made any difference. Now contemplate a different scenario. The score is not 2-0, but 0-0, when Marriner errs. The result is not 6-0 to Chelsea but 2-1 to Arsenal: and Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain scores the winner. The title race changes on this misjudgment. Nonetheless, Chelsea manager Jose Mourinho was philosophical and he advocated the introduction of video technology, but in gentle terms. Question Is it not high time for football authorities use video technology to cut out stupid flaws? Read part 2 @ www.dheeliteworld.blogspot
Short story: A Construction Supervisor from the 27th Floor of a Building was calling a worker on the ground floor. Because of the noise the worker did not hear his call. To draw the attention of the worker, the Supervisor threw a 100 dollar note down. The worker picked up the money, put it in his pocket and continued his work. Again to draw the attention of the worker the Supervisor threw 1000 dollar note & the worker again quickly picked it and put in his pocket. Now the Supervisor picked a small stone and threw it at the worker; this time the Worker looked Up and the Supervisor was able to communicate with Him. Now think for a second...God wants to communicate with us, but we are too busy with our daily activities and quest for earthly things to pay attention to what he is saying. Then, he gives us small gifts & big gifts, we just keep them, we keep on enjoying the gifts without Thanking Him, We just say 'we are LUCKY'. And when we are hit with small stones, which we call PROBLEMS, then we remember God. That's when We look up to pray and communicate with Him. God gives and forgives but we get and forget. Let's change our attitude, don't wait for stones to be thrown, say thank you to your God everyday. Say thank you to God in your own special way right now!
Football today: 1. Bayern Munich winger Xherdan Shaqiri has issued a come and get me plea to Manchester United and Liverpool. 2. Southampton outcast Jos Hooiveld has been thrown a lifeline by his former club AIK Stockholm. 3. Damien Duff's Fulham career appears to be over. 4. Arsenal are poised to make a summer swoop for Barcelona goalkeeper Victor Valdes. 5. Tottenham defender Younes Kaboul is wanted by Besiktas after they missed out on Nemanja Vidic. 6. Goalkeeper Michel Vorm has urged Swansea to make Ronald Koeman their manager. 7. Gary Cahill has called on England boss Roy Hodgson to take his fellow Chelsea centre-back John Terry to the World Cup. 8. Chelsea boss Jose Mourinho wants to sell £17million striker Romelu Lukaku, but not to a Premier League club. 9. Manchester United boss David Moyes has stepped up his interest in Porto's France international Eliaquim Mangala. 10. Tottenham are aiming to snap up Loic Remy once his season-long loan spell at Newcastle is up in the summer. 11. Standard Liege claim Tottenham are not interested in signing their top goalscorer Michy Batshuayi. 12. Liverpool will compete against Manchester United and Chelsea in the race to sign Southampton and England left-back Luke Shaw this summer. 13. Everton manager Roberto Martinez will be the surprise name on Barcelona's shortlist should manager Gerardo Martino leave at the end of the season. 14. Tottenham will undergo a wholesale rethink of the club's structure, with the likely appointment of a new manager to replace Tim Sherwood at the end of the season. 15. Tottenham are leading the pursuit of Loic Remy. 16. Real Madrid are prepared to capitalise on Liverpool's delay in offering Glen Johnson a new contract by making a summer bid. 17. Inter Milan and Galatasaray are set to battle it out for Nemanja Vidic's signature 18. Liverpool odds-on to land Yevhen Konoplyanka this summer after missing out in January 19. Chelsea are expected to launch another bid for Wayne Rooney in the next transfer
Joke of the Day A man came home drunk at four in the morning, and his wife was all over him, yelling at him, crying because she thought he was with another woman. "No,honey, I swear, I was at this bar, and it was so fancy that even their toilet was made of GOLD!". She said she didn't believe him, so she called the bar. "Hello," she said, "I just want to ask one question. My husband claims to have spent the night at your bar and I have one question; is your toilet covered in gold?"To which she heard the bartender say,"Hey, Clarence, I think we found the guy who pissed in your saxophone!"
Saturday, 22 March 2014
Joe Gaetjens - the footballer who disappeared:
of the biggest shocks in World Cup history happened in 1950, when the
US beat England, thanks to a goal scored by Haitian Joe Gaetjens. After
Gaetjens returned to Haiti a hero, he later disappeared and was killed,
possibly by the president himself.
Joe Gaetjens made his name on 29 June 1950. "Out of nowhere
apparently, my father came and went head first and hit the ball hard
enough to change its direction - so the goalie from the England team was
going one way and the ball went the other way," says his eldest son
Lesly.The 15,000 football fans in Brazil's Belo Horizonte stadium went wild - moments earlier they thought the US didn't have even the slightest chance of beating England. Even the US coach had described his side as sheep ready to be slaughtered.
While the England players were professionals, the Americans were part-timers - one was a teacher, another drove a hearse for a living and Gaetjens was an accountancy student.
But his parents felt he couldn't rely on a football career to make a living, so in 1947 they sent him to New York's Columbia University.
While he was there, he took a job washing dishes in a restaurant - partly for the money but mostly because the owner also owned the Brookhattan soccer team. Gaetjens was their star striker and he soon came to the attention of the US national coaches.
"During those days, as long as you were willing to sign a paper saying that you will become a citizen of the United States then you will be included on the team," says Lesly.
Find out more
Lesly Gaetjens spoke to Whistledown Productions for the BBC World Service programme Sporting Witness.
Gaetjens was included in the World Cup line-up and was sent to Brazil where the US team faced England.
When one of his team-mates took a shot at the goal, Gaetjens
was ready to finish it off. There's no footage of the winning goal -
most of the cameras were at the other end of the pitch where they
expected the action to take place. Back home, his family didn't even know he was in the team until they heard he had scored on the radio. The glory didn't last though - the US lost their next game and were eliminated.
In the end, Gaetjens decided not to take US citizenship and pursued his football career in France where he spent two relatively unsuccessful seasons. By 1954 he had returned home to Haiti.
Injury soon brought Gaetjens' playing career to an end but he became a successful coach, helped young people get involved in soccer and also ran a chain of dry-cleaners. He married Liliane Defay and the couple had three children.
Continue reading the main story
Haiti: key facts
- Gained independence from France in 1804
- The poorest nation in the Americas
- Voodoo recognised as a religion on a par with other faiths in 2003
- Presidents unseated by coups in 1988 and 1991
- 2010 earthquake was Haiti's worst in 200 years
- An outbreak of cholera later that year killed more than 8,000 people triggering violent protests
"The thing that I really think a
lot about is the fact that he never had money in his pocket because he
gave it all away to people that were in need... he loved his family and
he really wanted to help Haiti," says Lesly.
"I remember seeing him play and I remember kicking a soccer
ball with him before the games... I remember planting trees - he loved
planting all kinds of fruit trees at the house." But these were politically troubled times. In 1957, Francois "Papa Doc" Duvalier was elected president. He set about consolidating power by force, establishing his own personal militia to target rivals - the Tontons Macoutes took their name from the Haitian slang for bogeymen.
It's estimated that around 30,000 people were killed during Duvalier's 14-year rule as he brutally stamped out opposition. In 1964, against a backdrop of fear and paranoia, Duvalier declared himself president for life.
Gaetjens was not politically active but others in his family were agitating for change. Two of his brothers, Jean and Freddie had gone to neighbouring Dominican Republic where they were involved in a scheme to overthrow Duvalier.
Gaetjens didn't realise the danger he was in until it was too late. On 8 July 1964, when Lesly was seven, "they sent two Tontons Macoutes to one of my father's dry cleaning [shops]… when he approached, the Tontons Macoutes got [him] in the back of the car and put a gun to his head. Then he disappeared."
His wife, Liliane did everything she could to find him but people were too scared to help or ask questions. All she managed to find out was that he had been taken to Fort Dimanche, a prison notorious for torture.
Continue reading the main story
The Duvaliers in power
- Francois Duvalier survived at least six assassination attempts in his 14-year rule
- He practised voodoo and in later years only left the presidential palace on 22nd of the month when he believed he was protected by spirits
- His successor and son, Jean-Claude (above), returned to Haiti in 2011 and now faces charges over human rights abuses while in office
She and the children stayed in
Haiti, living in fear, until 1966. In January that year, they boarded a
plane to Puerto Rico pretending they were going on holiday - in fact
they were going into exile to start a new life.
For years they lived in hope that Gaetjens was alive, only
receiving official confirmation of his death in 1972 - the year after
Duvalier died. It's not known exactly how or when he was killed but over time the family managed to piece together fragments of information.
"The version that I hear the most is that Duvalier himself went that night to Fort Dimanche… and he himself killed my dad," says Lesly. He adds that he has a CIA document confirming that both men were at the prison that night.
After Duvalier's death in 1971, his son Jean-Claude, known as Baby Doc, took over the presidency and ruled until 1986 when he fled the country amid popular discontent.
Since then Haiti has faced coups, corruption and natural disasters - the 2010 earthquake killed more than 250,000 people. One hundred and fifty thousand are still living in temporary accommodation.
Lesly lives in the US but has visited Haiti and written a book about his father. "I sometimes think that they could even make a movie," he says.
"Not so much about the goal because that was one moment but a movie about all the things that happened before and after... it's still the poorest country in the western hemisphere and people are still in misery."
Lesly Gaetjens spoke to Whistledown Productions for the BBC World Service programme Sporting Witness. Listen via BBC iPlayer Radio from 16:30 GMT or browse the Sporting Witness podcast archive.
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How maths helped find another lost plane
America's heroin 'epidemic'
Heroin abuse in the US has spread beyond inner cities, resulting in a sharp rise in deadly addiction. The BBC's Ian Pannell reports from Chicago, a hub for cheap, pure and plentiful heroin.
The disappearing tribe of India's letter writers
The BBC's Geeta Pandey in Delhi meets Jagdish Chandra Sharma, perhaps the Indian capital's last surviving professional letter writer.
How we Will Dress in the Future, According to Hollywood
By Calum Marsh
This week sees the release of Divergent,
yet another in an apparently endless line of dystopian science-fiction
stories based on a wildly popular series of Young Adult novels. As you
might expect, Divergent is set in an Orwellian future world
where homogeneity reigns supreme — a point driven home, as usual, by a
costume design scheme that favors the austere and dreary. In the future,
if movies like these are anything to go by, we’ll all be wearing
monochrome onesies. That’s pretty fcking bleak.
Well, fortunately for us, some movies set in the
future (of both the near and distant varieties) have realized a more
adventurous vision of our culture’s sartorial horizon. And so, as an
antidote to Divergent’s omnipresent grays, we’ve put together a list of future fashions we’re eager to see made real.
A Clockwork Orange
DeLarge and his companionable droogs rocked an ensemble of legendary
audacity: jet-black combat boots, crisp white button-down and pants, an
oversized cup worn on the outside (hoisted up by suspenders, naturally),
garish false eyelashes, and, to top it all off, a black felt bowler
hat. Nothing instills menace in the populace quite like this
combination, and we hope to one day have the nerve to stroll down the
streets in kind.
A.I. Artificial Intelligence
Law’s Gigolo Joe maybe laid it on a bit thick (and we could do without
the hair), but the high-gloss leather blazer/trenchcoat hybrid he wears
through the film has a certain charm. Plus, check out that collar: we
knew the oversized collars of the 1970s would make a comeback someday,
even if it took a century.
Last year’s best advance in menswear came courtesy of Spike Jonze, whose future-set romantic drama Her shot high-waisted pants to the top of every guy’s dream wardrobe list. Her’s
vision of Los Angeles in the future, where the skylined looks like
(because, well, it was filmed in) Shanghai and a man can date his phone,
featured no shortage of dreamed-up fantasies to look forward to. But
designers of the future, we implore you: make the high pants happen.
by Nick Paumgarten
In my story about the Berlin techno scene in this week’s issue of the magazine, I didn’t spend much space discussing the music itself, partly out of respect for the adage, often attributed incorrectly to Elvis Costello, that writing about music is like dancing about architecture, and partly out of a sense of my own limitations. At this point, what I know about techno is what people who know about techno tell me.
Will Calcutt is one of those people. He works as a photographer and a videographer for a bunch of electronic music labels, and has done some He’s also from Detroit and is steeped in techno’s roots there. He stopped by The New Yorker’s offices the other day to record a brief conversation with me about the music that is so integral to club life in Berlin. He brought along a few tracks, to give a sense of techno’s origins and underpinnings. I imagine him staying up all night before the visit, sweating over what to include, or, more to the point, over what must be excluded. There’s a lot more breadth and variety to techno than first meets the ear, and it’s hard to dig it until you hear it really loud. Anyway, here are a few minutes from the conversation with Will.
Joke of the night: One day a little girl came running into her house yelling, “Mommy, I got five dollars!” The mother was curious, so she asked her child where she got the five dollars from. The little girl replied, ”Tommy down the street gave me five dollars for doing cartwheel while he sat in the tree." The mother told her daughter,“Don’t you know that Tommy is just trying to see your panties!?” ”OOOOhhhh,” said the little girl. The next day the little girl came running into the house yelling, “Mommy, I got ten dollars. The mother asked, “Where did you get ten dollars from?” The little girl replied, “Tommy down the street gave me ten dollars for doing a cartwheel while he sat up in the tree and laughed.” The mother replied, “Didn’t I tell you that he is…” Before the mother could finish, the little girl said, ”Wait Mommy. I tricked him, I didn’t wear any panties today.” wise or foolish?
Introduction: 'DHEELITE': Dheelite is a name I came up with when I was out of options as to the name I could use as my blog name. The name first came to me when I was designing the logo for my blog. I came up with many names, ideas but none was good enough for me. That fateful day, they was a blackout in my area. I was wishing desperately for the light to come back on. At the last hour of giving up and rounding up for home, here comes the light I've been waiting for, for hours. That was where 'LIGHT' came to be in my blog name. The 'DHEE' is actually from my first name. I.e. The first alphabet of my name 'DAVID'. I always loved been called 'D', so when writing the 'D', I always customize it as 'DHEE'. In order to make the name outstanding, I came up with the idea to join both 'DHEE and LIGHT' together to form 'DHEELIGHT'. You might be wondering why I didn't use LIGHT but LITE. Well, it was hard for me to decide, cos I kinda wanted something Catchy. I gave it a thought for a while and decided to go with LITE. I also knew they'll be questions about the name. So please feel free to ask, am always here to reply. Thanks. Happy blogging with:,
Joke: This guy is nearing the end of his senior year in high school, unfortunately he still has to share a room with his younger brother who is about 5 or 6. One night, he decides to bring his girlfriend home for a little fun. They have bunk beds and the guy notices that his little brother is already asleep on the lower bunk, so he and his gal climb up to the top bunk. As you might expect things start to heat up. The guy remembering that his little brother is sleeping below so he tells his girlfriend to whisper,”lettuce” if she wants it harder and “tomato” if she wants a new position. “Lettuce, tomato, lettuce, tomato, lettuce, lettuce,” it sounds. Then the little brother chimes in, “Hey, would you guys stop making sandwiches up there, you’re getting mayonnaise all over my face.”
Friday, 21 March 2014
Champions League quarter-final draw made in Nyon, Switzerland on Friday. Barcelona v Atletico Madrid Real Madrid v Borussia Dortmund Paris St Germain v Chelsea Manchester United v Bayern Munich. Matches to be played April 1/2 and April 8/9. Have your say on who will go through to the next... Source from supersportfootball
Joke of the Night 2: An old priest got sick of everyone in his parish confess adultery. During the Sunday's sermon he told them, "If one more person confesses to adultery, I'll quit!" Since everyone liked him, they said they would use a secret code word "fallen." From then on, anyone who had commited adultery said they had "fallen" This satisified old priest and the parishioners, and everyone was fine for years,until finally the old priest passed away at the ripe old age of 93. Shortly after the new priest settled in, he paid a call on the mayor. The priest was quite concerned," You have to do something about the sidewalks in this town,mayor. You can't believe how many people come into the confessional talking about having fallen!" The mayor started to laugh, realizing that no one had explained their code word to the priest. But before the mayor could explain, the priest shook his finger at the mayor and said, " I don't know why you're laughing; your wife fell three times last week!"
Joke of the night: Three men are moving in a forest when they suddenly discover that they are lost. They get captured by cannibals who take them to their king. The king tells them that they'll be killed and cooked unless they do what he asks them to do. He told each of them to go into the forest and come back with 10 fruits of the same kind. The first one goes and comes back with 10 bananas. The king tells him to shove each of them up in his ass without making a sound. In goes the first banana, the second, and upon inserting the third one he cries out. He is instantly killed. The second guy comes with 10 strawberries. He is told the same thing and he shoves 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 and upon shoving the 10th one he bursts out laughing. He is instantly killed. The two men meet each other in heaven and the first one asks the second,"My man why did you laugh when you were almost finished?" The second man replies, "I couldn't help it! I saw the third man coming with 10 pineapples!"
Thursday, 20 March 2014
Twitter wants you to relive the embarrassment of your first tweet>
The more prolific you are
on Twitter, the harder it becomes to look back into your past tweets.
But for its eighth birthday, Twitter has gotten a little nostalgic and
built a tool to let users look up the first tweet of any public account
on the site. The results are appropriately hilarious and embarrassing,
and you shouldn't be surprised if tweets from last decade start getting
retweeted into your feed today. So head back to a time potentially without hashtags or @replies, or even when Twitter was just
called Twttr, and see how your own and some of your favorite accounts
got started
A mother and a baby camel were lazing around, and suddenly the baby camel asked,"Mother, mother, may I ask you some questions?"
Mother,"Sure! Why son, is there something bothering you?"
Baby,"Why do camels have those great big humps on their backs?"
Mother,"Well son, we are desert animals, we need the humps to store water and we are known to survive without water.... We can go on walking across the deserts without drinking for extended periods"
Baby,"Okay, then why are our legs long and our feet rounded, with those huge three toed feet?"
Mother,"Son,obviously they are meant for walking in the desert. They help you stay on top of the soft sand... You know with these legs I can move around the desert better than anyone can!"
Baby,"Okay, then why are our eyelashes long? Sometimes it bothers my sight"
Mother,"My son, those long thick eyelashes are your protective cover.They help to protect your eyes from the desert sand and wind"
Baby,"I see. So the hump is to store water when we are in the desert, the legs are for walking through the desert sand and these eye lashes protects my eyes from the desert winds...But Mom..."
Mother(getting a little impatient),"Tell me boy, something is still bothering you?"
Baby,"Then Mom... what the hell are we doing here in this goddamn Zzzoooooo!!??"
A mother and a baby camel were lazing around, and suddenly the baby camel asked,"Mother, mother, may I ask you some questions?"
Mother,"Sure! Why son, is there something bothering you?"
Baby,"Why do camels have those great big humps on their backs?"
Mother,"Well son, we are desert animals, we need the humps to store water and we are known to survive without water.... We can go on walking across the deserts without drinking for extended periods"
Baby,"Okay, then why are our legs long and our feet rounded, with those huge three toed feet?"
Mother,"Son,obviously they are meant for walking in the desert. They help you stay on top of the soft sand... You know with these legs I can move around the desert better than anyone can!"
Baby,"Okay, then why are our eyelashes long? Sometimes it bothers my sight"
Mother,"My son, those long thick eyelashes are your protective cover.They help to protect your eyes from the desert sand and wind"
Baby,"I see. So the hump is to store water when we are in the desert, the legs are for walking through the desert sand and these eye lashes protects my eyes from the desert winds...But Mom..."
Mother(getting a little impatient),"Tell me boy, something is still bothering you?"
Baby,"Then Mom... what the hell are we doing here in this goddamn Zzzoooooo!!??"
MORAL OF THE STORY.Skills, knowledges, abilities and experience are all valuable only if you are in the right place
Amazing places to visit in Nigeria
Lake Chad occupies a strategic location serving not only Borno State of Nigeria where it is located but serving also the three neighboring countries of Niger, Cameroon, and Chad. The lake, apart from serving the agricultural and economic needs of the people, attracts a great number of tourists. Of paramount interest to tourists is the boating opportunity and visits to the numerous fishing villages in the area
Lake Chad occupies a strategic location serving not only Borno State of Nigeria where it is located but serving also the three neighboring countries of Niger, Cameroon, and Chad. The lake, apart from serving the agricultural and economic needs of the people, attracts a great number of tourists. Of paramount interest to tourists is the boating opportunity and visits to the numerous fishing villages in the area
Joke of the Night:
-A little girl was sitting and watching her mother do the dishes at the kitchen sink. She suddenly noticed that her mother has several strands of white hair sticking out in contrast on her brunette head. She looked at her mother and inquisitively asked, "Why are some of your hairs white, Mom?" Her mother replied, "Well, every time that you do something wrong and make me cry or unhappy, one of my hairs turns white." The little girl thought about this revelation for a while and then said, "Momma, how come ALL of grandma's hairs are white?"
-A teacher was giving a lesson on the circulation of the blood. Trying to make the matter clearer, she said, "Now, class, if I stood on my head, the blood, as you know, would run into it, and I would turn red in the face.." "Yes," the class said. "Then why is it that while I am standing upright in the ordinary position the blood doesn't run into my feet?" A little fellow shouted, " ‘Cos your feet ain't empty"
-A little girl was sitting and watching her mother do the dishes at the kitchen sink. She suddenly noticed that her mother has several strands of white hair sticking out in contrast on her brunette head. She looked at her mother and inquisitively asked, "Why are some of your hairs white, Mom?" Her mother replied, "Well, every time that you do something wrong and make me cry or unhappy, one of my hairs turns white." The little girl thought about this revelation for a while and then said, "Momma, how come ALL of grandma's hairs are white?"
-A teacher was giving a lesson on the circulation of the blood. Trying to make the matter clearer, she said, "Now, class, if I stood on my head, the blood, as you know, would run into it, and I would turn red in the face.." "Yes," the class said. "Then why is it that while I am standing upright in the ordinary position the blood doesn't run into my feet?" A little fellow shouted, " ‘Cos your feet ain't empty"
The Panamanian-flagged Beagle III, a 12 630-ton vessel carrying steel coil, sank early on Tuesday after colliding with the South Korean-registered Pegasus Prime in the mouth of Tokyo Bay.
Twelve of the 20 Chinese crew aboard Beagle III were rescued but one of them later died.
"We are continuing our search but the fate of the eight missing Chinese crew members remains unknown," a Japanese coastguard official said.
Oil seeping from the ships had spread across large areas of the Uraga waterway and to the shore, raising concerns over the impact on the environment and local sea life, the official said.
Television footage showed officials and dozens of fishermen cleaning up the mess in Chiba, south of Tokyo, in rainy conditions.
The sunken Beagle was believed to be carrying some 400 tons of fuel when the accident happened.
A survey ship has detected an object that could be the sunken vessel about 100m down on the sea floor.
The crew of the 7 406-ton Pegasus Prime - six South Koreans and eight people from Myanmar - were mostly unhurt.
The sea was not believed to be rough at the time of the collision, according to the coastguard.
Tokyo Bay is Japan's busiest waterway with some 500 ships passing through daily.
Hunt on for China crew missing off Japan
Tokyo - Japanese fishermen took part in efforts to clean up an oil spill in a major Tokyo waterway on Thursday as the search continued for eight Chinese missing after two cargo ships collided.The Panamanian-flagged Beagle III, a 12 630-ton vessel carrying steel coil, sank early on Tuesday after colliding with the South Korean-registered Pegasus Prime in the mouth of Tokyo Bay.
Twelve of the 20 Chinese crew aboard Beagle III were rescued but one of them later died.
"We are continuing our search but the fate of the eight missing Chinese crew members remains unknown," a Japanese coastguard official said.
Oil seeping from the ships had spread across large areas of the Uraga waterway and to the shore, raising concerns over the impact on the environment and local sea life, the official said.
Television footage showed officials and dozens of fishermen cleaning up the mess in Chiba, south of Tokyo, in rainy conditions.
The sunken Beagle was believed to be carrying some 400 tons of fuel when the accident happened.
A survey ship has detected an object that could be the sunken vessel about 100m down on the sea floor.
The crew of the 7 406-ton Pegasus Prime - six South Koreans and eight people from Myanmar - were mostly unhurt.
The sea was not believed to be rough at the time of the collision, according to the coastguard.
Tokyo Bay is Japan's busiest waterway with some 500 ships passing through daily.
Strange Facts:
A quarter has 119 grooves on its edge, a dime has one less groove.
A quarter of Russia is covered by forest.
A raisin dropped in a glass of fresh champange will bounce up and down continually from the bottom of the glass to the top.
A rat can last longer with out water than a camel.
A rhinoceros' horn is made of compacted hair.
A rodents teeth never stop growing. They are worn down by the animal's constant gnawing on bark, leaves, and other vegetables.
A Saudi Arabian woman can get a divorce if her husband doesn't give her coffee
A shark can detect one part of blood in 100 million parts of water.
A group of ravens is called a murder.
A shark can grow a new set of teeth in a week
A silicon chip a quarter inch square has the capacity of the orignal 1949 ENIAC computer, which occupied a city block.
A sizable oak tree, during the typical growing season, gives off 28,000 gallons of moisture.
A snail can have about 25,000 teeth
A group of toads is called a knot.
About 3,500 gallons if water is needed to produce one pound of beef.
About 300 million cells die in your body every minute.
About 3000 years ago, most Egyptians died by the time they were thirty.
About 70% of all living organisms in the world are bacteria.
About 85% of the plant life on the Earth is in the ocean.
About a third of all Americans flush the toilet while they're still sitting on it.
A group of rhinos is called a crash.
A species of earthworm in Australia grows up to 10 feet in length.
A starfish can turn its self inside out.
A ten gallon hat holds three quarters of a gallon.
A toothpick is the object most often chocked on by Americans.
A Walla Walla scene is one where extras pretend to be talking in the background when they say walla walla it looks like they are actually talking.
A whales heart beats only nine times a minute.
A woodchuck breathers only ten times during hibernation.
A zebra is white with black stripes.
Anteaters prefers termites to ants.
Ants stretch before they wake up. They also appear to yawn in a very human manner before taking up the tasks of the day.
Astronauts are not allowed to eat beans because passing wind in a spacesuit damages them.
Albert Brooks's real name is Albert Einstein.
Albert Einstein was offered the presidency of Israel in 1952.
Alexander the Great was an epileptic.
Alfred Hitchcock didn't have a belly button. It was eliminated when he was sewn up after surgery.
All 17 children of Queen Anne dies before she did.
All totalled, the sunlight that strikes Earth at any given moment weighs as much as a large ocean liner.
A group of Unicorns is called a blessing.
According to Genesis 7:2, God told Noah to take 14 of each kind of 'clean' animal in to the ark.
Actor Tommy Lee Jones and vice president Al Gore were freshman roommates at Harvard.
After eating, a housefly regurgitates is food and then eats it again.
Al Capone's business card said he was a used furniture dealer.
Babe Ruth wore a cabbage leaf under his cap to keep him cool. He changed it every 2 innings.
Baby robins eat 14 feet of earthworms every day.
Canada has more lakes that the rest of the world combined.
Canada is an Indian word meaning Big Village.
Catgut comes from sheep not cats.
Cats have over one hundred vocal sounds, while dogs only have about 10.
A group of whales is called a pod.
Abraham Lincoln was the only US president ever granted a patent.
According to Genesis 1:2022 the chicken came before the egg.
Children grow more in the springtime.
Chopsuey is not a native Chinese dish, it was crafted in California by Chinese immigrants.
Chrysler built B29's that bombed Japan. Mitsubishi built the Zeros that tried to shoot them down. Both companies now build cars in a joint plant called Diamond Star.
Due to gravitational effects, you weigh slightly less when the moon is directly over head.
Duelling is legal in Paraguay as long as both parties are registered blood donors.
During a life time, one person generates more than 1000 pounds of red blood cells.
At age 16 Confucius was a corn inspector.
Armored knights raised their visors to themselves when they rode past their king. This custom has become the modern military salute.
A quarter has 119 grooves on its edge, a dime has one less groove.
A quarter of Russia is covered by forest.
A raisin dropped in a glass of fresh champange will bounce up and down continually from the bottom of the glass to the top.
A rat can last longer with out water than a camel.
A rhinoceros' horn is made of compacted hair.
A rodents teeth never stop growing. They are worn down by the animal's constant gnawing on bark, leaves, and other vegetables.
A Saudi Arabian woman can get a divorce if her husband doesn't give her coffee
A shark can detect one part of blood in 100 million parts of water.
A group of ravens is called a murder.
A shark can grow a new set of teeth in a week
A silicon chip a quarter inch square has the capacity of the orignal 1949 ENIAC computer, which occupied a city block.
A sizable oak tree, during the typical growing season, gives off 28,000 gallons of moisture.
A snail can have about 25,000 teeth
A group of toads is called a knot.
About 3,500 gallons if water is needed to produce one pound of beef.
About 300 million cells die in your body every minute.
About 3000 years ago, most Egyptians died by the time they were thirty.
About 70% of all living organisms in the world are bacteria.
About 85% of the plant life on the Earth is in the ocean.
About a third of all Americans flush the toilet while they're still sitting on it.
A group of rhinos is called a crash.
A species of earthworm in Australia grows up to 10 feet in length.
A starfish can turn its self inside out.
A ten gallon hat holds three quarters of a gallon.
A toothpick is the object most often chocked on by Americans.
A Walla Walla scene is one where extras pretend to be talking in the background when they say walla walla it looks like they are actually talking.
A whales heart beats only nine times a minute.
A woodchuck breathers only ten times during hibernation.
A zebra is white with black stripes.
Anteaters prefers termites to ants.
Ants stretch before they wake up. They also appear to yawn in a very human manner before taking up the tasks of the day.
Astronauts are not allowed to eat beans because passing wind in a spacesuit damages them.
Albert Brooks's real name is Albert Einstein.
Albert Einstein was offered the presidency of Israel in 1952.
Alexander the Great was an epileptic.
Alfred Hitchcock didn't have a belly button. It was eliminated when he was sewn up after surgery.
All 17 children of Queen Anne dies before she did.
All totalled, the sunlight that strikes Earth at any given moment weighs as much as a large ocean liner.
A group of Unicorns is called a blessing.
According to Genesis 7:2, God told Noah to take 14 of each kind of 'clean' animal in to the ark.
Actor Tommy Lee Jones and vice president Al Gore were freshman roommates at Harvard.
After eating, a housefly regurgitates is food and then eats it again.
Al Capone's business card said he was a used furniture dealer.
Babe Ruth wore a cabbage leaf under his cap to keep him cool. He changed it every 2 innings.
Baby robins eat 14 feet of earthworms every day.
Canada has more lakes that the rest of the world combined.
Canada is an Indian word meaning Big Village.
Catgut comes from sheep not cats.
Cats have over one hundred vocal sounds, while dogs only have about 10.
A group of whales is called a pod.
Abraham Lincoln was the only US president ever granted a patent.
According to Genesis 1:2022 the chicken came before the egg.
Children grow more in the springtime.
Chopsuey is not a native Chinese dish, it was crafted in California by Chinese immigrants.
Chrysler built B29's that bombed Japan. Mitsubishi built the Zeros that tried to shoot them down. Both companies now build cars in a joint plant called Diamond Star.
Due to gravitational effects, you weigh slightly less when the moon is directly over head.
Duelling is legal in Paraguay as long as both parties are registered blood donors.
During a life time, one person generates more than 1000 pounds of red blood cells.
At age 16 Confucius was a corn inspector.
Armored knights raised their visors to themselves when they rode past their king. This custom has become the modern military salute.
Joke: Once upon a time, a married couple celebrated their 25th marriage anniversary. They had become famous in the city for not having a single conflict in the 25 years they had spent together. Local newspaper editors had gathered at the occasion to find out the secret of their well-known "Happy Going Marriage". Editor: "Sir. It is amazingly unbelievable. How did you make this possible?" Husband recalling his old honeymoon days said: "We went to Kano State for our honeymoon. Having selected horse riding as the first activity, we both started the ride on different horses. My horse was okay but the horse on which my wife was riding seemed to be a crazy one. On the way ahead, that horse jumped suddenly, making my wife topple over. Getting up from the ground, she patted the horse's back and said, "This is your first time". She climbed the horse and continued with the ride. After a while, it happened again. She again kept calm and said, "This is your second time" and continued. When the horse dropped her third time, she silently took out a revolver from her purse and shot the horse dead! I shouted at my wife: 'What did you do, you psycho. You killed the poor animal. Are you crazy?' She gave me a silent look, smiled and said: "This is your first time!". ...AND WE LIVED HAPPILY EVER AFTER!!
Joke of the hour: A lady had not been home for three years. Upon her return, the father shouted at her, "Where have you been all these years? Why didn’t you call? Do you know what your mum and me went through?" The girl crying replied,"Dad I became a prostitute" Dad,"What? You shameless sinner!You are a disgrace to this family!" The girl replied,"Okay dad!As you wish.I just came to give mum this luxurious fur coat, keys to a ten... bedroom mansion and a $500,000 savings certificate.Formy little bro this gold Rolex.For you dad, the sparkling new Mercedes limited edition convertible that is parked outside.I also have an invitation for you to spend New year on board of my new yacht in the Riviera Now! Dad,"What is it you said you had become?" The girl started crying again,"Prostitute,dad!" Dad,"Oh God! You scared me! I thought you said you had become a PROTESTANT!!!Come here and give your old man a big hug.
Advice: Life is too short. Life is too short to hold grudges; life is too short to keep malice; life is too short to be unforgiving; life is too short to hate; life is too short to be green with envy; life is too short to backbite and gossip; life is too short to feel so proud as to treat others with contempt. Life is too short to be who you're not; life is too short to live up to the expectations of others and not fulfil your own dreams. life is too short too fake life itself. Love unconditionally; treat everyone fairly; embrace humility; God has blessed you to bless others, so help those in need; most importantly, let your ways be pleasing to God. Don't wait till someone dies before you realise this, and most importantly don't let death snatch you away before you realise this.
I was reading a post on Nigeria information when i came across this 'The Miracle of Onions': 1.) Onions are known to absorb toxins. In fact, during the days of the Plague in England, folks would keep chopped onions around to absorb toxins and clean the air. This helped protect them, against getting the plague. NEVER SAVE AN ONION. It will absorb all the toxins in the air of your refrigerator. Eat that and you eat the toxins. Instead: Chop your left over onion, put it on a plate and keep it in your kitchen as a natural air purifier. I do this all the time! If someone is ill, place a chopped onion on the night stand, next to the bed. They'll be better in the morning. I placed the remaining onion, next to Evan last night. Onions are toxin absorbers. Thus why they are great internal mops for the body. Eat plenty of onions! 2.) The onion and garlic families are anti-microbial and anti-bacterial.Placing them on the bottom of the foot gives them access to your internal organs through meridians in your body. The onion can be directly delivered. Transdermal delivery (on the skin) is one of the best delivery mechanisms, as it will bypass the stomach acids and go directly into the blood. The bottom of the feet and the forearm are great places to put high powered foods and essential oils into the body. Sliced garlic on the bottom of the feet will work nicely too.''
Fact: In 1993, Tupac received a letter from the parents of a dying boy named Joshua. They said it was the last wish of the boy to see Tupac. Tupac flew to Maryland to meet Joshua and took him to a basketball game. Soon after Joshu's death, Tupac renamed his publishing company from Ghetto Gospel Music to Joshua's Dreams. R.I.P Tupac. Please Show some love.
Facts of the day: Do You Know That: 1. Staying quiet doesn’t mean you've got nothing to say. It means you don’t think they're ready to hear your thoughts. 2. Some old myths claim that when you're born, you're actually crying from your death in your past life. 3. Camel bites can cause your bones to dissolve. 4. Hong Kong is the only city you can pronouce without moving your Tougue. 5. 90% of people will fake laugh when they don't understand what someone said to them. 6. 456Thousand people have 'unliked' Manchester United's official Facebook page since their loss to Liverpool. 7. There are 210 more billionaires than there was three years ago. 8. Bob marley was the father of 3 children born to 3 different women in one month. 9. It's physically impossible for pigs to look up to the sky. 10. At the age of 15, only 13% of teens have had sex -- By the age of 19, 70% of teens have engaged in sexual intercourse.
Cont: 22. Benfica boss Jorge Jesus has insisted he has 'no quarrel' with Tim Sherwood after the Tottenham manager accused him of 'lacking class'. 23. Chelsea are ready to hand Eden Hazard a bumper new £200,000-a-weekdeal this summer to ward off interest from Europe's big spenders. 24. Manchester United boss David Moyes has downplayed talk of a rift with Ryan Giggs and instead labelled the 40-year-old a 'freak' for his performance against Olympiakos on Wednesday. 25. QPR chairman Tony Fernandes has given his backing to under-fire manager Harry Redknapp - and told the club's fans to do the same. 26. Having already secured the signing of Nemanja Vidic, Inter Milan are also targeting his Manchester United team-mate Javier Hernandez. 27. Former Arsenal midfielder Ray Parlour has backed Aaron Ramsey to develop into the next Steven Gerrard. 28. The Qatar World Cup organising committee denied being aware of any alleged payments to a Fifa official and his family. 29. Adam Johnson has spoken out about his two-year hiatus from the England team and claimed that Roy Hodgson's selection criteria is based less on form than on "who you play for". 30. Jose Mourinho is facing a £10,000 fine after being charged with improper conduct by the FA for going on to the pitch during the Barclays Premier League defeat away to Aston Villa on Saturday. 31. Spurs boss Tim Sherwood says he must be given full control of the club's transfer policy if he remains in charge next season. 32. The FA will not appeal to extend Alan Pardew's stadium and touchline ban for head-butting. 33. David Moyes said Man Utd are dark horses for the Champions League after their 3-0 victory over Olympiakos. 34. The World Anti-Doping Agency has called on football to harmonise its approach to tackling doping.
TODAYS PAPER TALK IN NIGERIA: 1. Manchester City ace Sergio Aguero is the prime summer transfer target for Barcelona. 2. Manchester United manager David Moyes said his side thoroughly deserved their 3-0 comeback victory against Olympiacos. 3. Benfica boss Jorge Jesus says rows between coaches are normal in England as the benches are too close. 4. Adam Johnson blasted England manager Roy Hodgson for picking players based on the club they play for - not on form. 5. Manchester United have been rocked by the news that Edinson Cavani has snubbed a move to Old Trafford. 6. But United moved a step closer to signing William Carvalho last night after bidding £25m for the Sporting Lisbon midfielder. 7. Hat-trick hero Robin van Persie will have scans on his knee injury this morning to reveal the full extent of the damage. 8. Spurs boss Tim Sherwood is refusing to take a step backwards in his row with BenIfca boss Jorge Jesus ahead of tonight's clash. 9. Manchester United are pushing ahead with a £15million summer swoop for Everton full-back Seamus Coleman, and the move is already at an advanced stage. 10. United and Liverpool are both in the hunt for Bayern Munich's Xherdan Shaqiri, according to the midfielder's brother. 11. The agent of Liverpool target Keita Balde Diao claims they will have to fork out £12.5million to land the Lazio forward. 12. Arsenal are lining up young Toulouse defender Serge Aurier as a possible replacement for soon to be out-of-contractfull-back Bacary Sagna. 13. Tottenham approach Porto about signing teenage midfielder Moreto Cassama, who has previously interested Manchester City. 14. Everton midfielder Ross Barkley has said current boss Roberto Martinez is a better tactician than predecessor David Moyes. 15. Tottenham will try to beat Benfica and qualify for the Europa League's quarter-finals using a squad containing not a single recognised centre-back because of injuries and suspensions. 16. Robin van Persie was carried off on a stretcher against Olympiacos but manager David Moyes insists the injury is not as serious as first feared. 17. Stoke boss Mark Hughes is eyeing a move for QPR's 18-year-old Canadian winger Michael Petrasso. 18. FIFA's chief investigator Michael Garcia is to interview all the remaining members of the executive committee who took part in the controversial vote for the 2018 and 2022 World Cups. 19. Jose Mourinho has been charged with improper conduct by the Football Association after going on to the pitch during the defeat at Aston Villa on Saturday. 20. David Moyes's tactical nous has come in for serious scrutiny this season - and now one of his former players Ross Barkley has claimed his successor at Everton, Roberto Martinez, is better. 21. Hull winger George Boyd will appeal against an FA misconduct charge arising from his clash with Manchester City goalkeeper Joe Hart on Saturday.
Source from Sports Radio Brila FM David Moyes insisted he had not felt pressure in the build-up to Manchester United's UEFA Champions League rescue act against Olympiacos. Reports had suggested that the Old Trafford hierarchy were beginning to lose faith in the United boss after a difficult season, with the 3-0 Premier League humbling against Liverpool at the weekend only increasing the speculation surrounding the Scot. Where do you see Man Utd finishing in this season's UEFA Champions League?
Football at the hour: Jordi Alba says Barcelona's meeting with rivals Real Madrid in El Clasico is a must-win clash if they are to keep their title hopes alive. With Barca four points behind Madrid going into Sunday's meeting, full-back Alba knows that defeat could all but end their hopes of retaining their Liga crown. Who will win the El Classico? Source from Nigeria's Brilla FM
What you need the most in life: 1. Once, all villagers decided to pray for rain, on the day of prayer all Villagers gathered but only one boy came with an umbrella...THAT'S FAITH. 2. When you throw a baby in the air playing, he laughs because she knows you will catch him....THAT'S TRUST. 3. Every night we go to bed, without any assurance of being alive the next morning, still we set the alarm to wake us up....THAT'S HOPE. 4. We plan big for tomorrow with zero knowledge of the future....THAT'S CONFIDENCE. 5. We see the world suffering, yet we get married....THAT'S BRAVERY.
Joke of the day: A photographer for a national magazine was assigned to take pictures of a great forest fire. He was advised that a small plane would be waiting to fly him over the fire. The photographer arrived at the airport just an hour before sundown. Sure enough, a small Cessna air plane was waiting. He jumped in with his equipment and shouted, "Let's go!" The tense man sitting in the pilot's seat swung the plane into the wind and soon they were in the air, though flying erratically. "Fly over the north side of the fire," said the photographer, "and make several low-level passes." "Why?" asked the nervous pilot. "Because I'm going to take pictures!" yelled the photographer. "I'm a photographer, and photographers take pictures." After a long pause, the "pilot" replied: "You mean you're not my instructor?" If you were one of them, what would u do?
Wednesday, 19 March 2014
I came across a fact from ''. Its kinda true to me, dunno bout what you're gonna say bout it: God created the donkey and said to him, "You will be a donkey. You will work untiringly from sunrise to sunset carrying burdens on your back. You will eat grass, you will have no intelligence and you will live 50 years." The donkey answered, "I will be a donkey, but to live 50 years is much. Give me only 20." God granted his wish. God created the dog and said to him, "You will guard the house of Man. You will be his best friend. You will eat the scraps that he gives you and you will live 30 years. You will be a dog." The dog answered, "Sir, to live 30 years is too much. Give me only 15." God granted his wish. God created the monkey and said to him, "You will swing from branch to branch doing tricks. You will be amusing and you will live 20 years. You will be a monkey." The monkey answered, "To live 20 years is too much. Give me only 10." God granted his wish. Finally god created man, and said to him, "You will be man, the only rational creature on the face of earth. You will use your intelligence to become master over all the animals. You will dominate the world and you will live 20 years." Man responded, "Sir, I will be a man but to live only 20 years is very little, give me the 30 years that the donkey refused, the 15 years that the dog did not want and the 10 years the monkey refused. God granted man's wish.... And since then... Man lives 20 years as a man, marries and spends 30 years like a donkey, working and carrying all the burdens on his back. Then when his children are grown... he lives 15 years like a dog, taking care of the house and eating whatever is given to him, so that when he is old, he can retire and live 10 years like a monkey, going from house to house and from one son or daughter to another, doing tricks to amuse his grandchildren. That's LIFE.. Fact from
HEALTH TIPS 2: Improving your immune system isn't always about taking prescription medications or waiting for a disease to strike. Nature is filled with foods that can help you fight off infections and live a healthier life. Incorporating these foods into a healthy diet will help you stay healthier for a longer period of time and ward off conditions that may otherwise rear their ugly heads. Walnuts:Omega-3 fatty acids are necessary in your everyday diet for various reasons; they help to maintain your ability to think and remember, they improve your cholesterol levels and they even help to regulate your blood sugar. A quarter-cup of walnuts will provide you with 90% of your daily recommended intake of these fatty acids and help you fight off heart disease, diabetes and perhaps even dementia. Yogurt:Yogurt contains one very useful ingredient that can improve immune system function-probiotics. These little bacteria live in the intestines to work as an immune booster, banish bad breath and help you live longer. One cup of standard, all-natural organic yogurt will also give you a healthy dose of calcium and appetite-suppressing protein. Low-fat or non-fat versions are advised, and you can find soy or rice milk yogurt if you are lactose intolerant. Pawpaw:Pawpaw is a delicious tropical fruit that can improve immune system function thanks to the ample amounts of Vitamin C, potassium and folate it contains. This wonder fruit also contains Vitamin A and Vitamin E which are antioxidants that may help fight cancer and other chronic illnesses-including heart disease and colon cancer-when consumed on a regular basis. Alfalfa Sprout:There are many of us who have never even seen alfalfa sprouts outside of the salad bars in our favorite restaurants, but it is worth your time to invest in this wonder food. An entire cup contains less than 10 calories, and chemicals called saponins are thought to help fight cancer and lower cholesterol. So, although they may look strange, these little gems can improve immune system function and keep you happy and healthy. Apples:There really is some truth in that old adage; an apple a day really can keep the doctor away, or so it seems. Apples contain the highest source of pectin out of any fruit in the world, and while you may be familiar with this ingredient in your favorite shampoo, it's even better for your body. Pectin is a soluble fiber that can improve immune system function, lower cholesterol, decrease the risk of certain cancers and even help patients who suffer from diabetes. Raspberries:Raspberries are by far one of the most delicious fruits on the planet, and just a half-cup of these juicy little berries will give you four grams of fiber and 25% of your recommended daily amount of manganese and Vitamin C. They also act as an immune booster thanks to their massive amounts of an antioxidant known as anthocyanin; this is what makes the berries antimicrobial and causes them to be their luscious red color.
Breaking News 2: 11 days of Malaysian plane missing: the search seems to be at a deadlock.As of Wednesday, 26 nations are struggling to find a missing Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 over the area that is 2/3rds the size of the continental United States. Australian team searching for thesigns of the missing plane. According to the Malaysian and the US officials, the aircraft was deliberately diverted, however the non stop search of 239 passengers and the crew found no possible motive. Top officials of Malaysia, in charge of the search operation urged its neighbours to reveal the sensitive military daya to reduce the search scale. They believe it will shed the light on where the aircraft flew and where it might be. "All the efforts must be used to actually narrow the corridors that we have announced - I think that is the best approach to do it. Otherwise we are in the realm of speculation again," according to the Acting Transport Minister of Malaysia, Hishammuddin Hussein. The search area right now covers 7.68 m sq km, from the central Asia to the Southern part of the Indian Ocean. The scale of human loss and the lack of information makes this case "one of the most baffling air transport incidents of all time," according to Aljazeera. As for the data from the radars and satellites, it is believed that the vital datalinks of the plane were turned off and the plane was redirected to the west, crossed the Malay Peninsula and followed a commercial route to India. One commercial sattelite also suggests that the plane was in the air for 6 hours, however it is not clear whether it went North or South. The latest data was collected by the police in the Maldives islands, where it was reported by some people that they saw a low flying plane on March 8th. No further details were learned. According to the Chief Executive of Malaysia Airlines, Ahmad Jauhari Yahya, the aircraft sent electronic "handshakes" with satellite and this denies all theories of pilots battling with some technical problem. As the experts claim, there is still a place for a breakthrough in search process. Twitter is very hot on the subject, revealing shocking details.
Breaking News: Young British mother has been imprisoned for having more than 50 sexual intercourses with an 8-year-old boy. It has been gathered that Loren Morris, aged 21, slept with the victim for about two years. Although it happened some 6 years ago, the woman was arrested when the already 14-year-old boy was heard boating to his classmates that he had sex with Loren. The defender insisted that Morris had ended the affair when she realised it was "wrong". Interestingly, the accused was seen smiling and smoking at Worcester crown court yesterday despite the fact that she was found guilty and obliged to serve 2 years in jail.
Joke of the Day: A man walks into a drugstore and asks the pharmacist for a pack of condoms. Paying for them, he bursts into laughter and walks out of the store. The next day he comes again, again buys condoms and again walks out laughing. Thinking this is somewhat strange, the pharmacist asks his assistant to follow the man if he comes back. Sure enough, the man comes in the next day and walks out laughing. This time the assistant goes after him, returning 20 minutes later. "So did you follow him?", asks the pharmacist. "Yup" "Where did he go?" "Your house"
Sport News Alert: Manchester United will rise again! Effectively, embattled coach of the side, David Moyes has vowed to end dark days starting with a Euro comeback mission against Olympiacos at Old Trafford tonight. United must overturn a 2-0 1st leg deficit against the Greek champions and Moyes remains upbeat. Meanwhile, Chelsea boss Jose Mourinho says he is very happy his side have reached the quarter-finals of the UEFA Champions League and hopes Manchester United join them. Question: Do you see Man United knocking out Olympiacos tonight?
Sport News Alert: Looking ahead to the UCL last 8 and beyond...which team is likely to win the Uefa Champions League 2014? Chelsea? Manchester United? Real Madrid? PSG? Bayern Munich? Olympiakos? Atletico Madrid?.... what will you go with? Your heart or your head when choosing? Comment from supersport football
Tuesday, 18 March 2014
34.James Fixx, the man who popularized jogging in America died of a heart attack while running. 35.The average American spends about a year and a half of his or her life watching commercials on television. What are you doing?! Get out and spend that year and a half doing something productive! 36.Ancient Greeks practiced a form (ineffective) of birth control that consisted of having a woman hold her breath, making her squat, and sneezing. 37.The FDA permits up to 5 whole insects per 100 grams of apple butter. 38.There are no naturally occurring blue foods, even blueberries are purple! 39.The skeleton of Jeremy Bentham is present in all the important meetings of the University of London. 40.The elephant is the only mammal that can't jump! 41.Just like fingerprints, everyone's tongue is different. 42.The longest recorded flight of a chicken is 13 seconds. 43.400 Quarter Pounders can be made from a single cow. 44.Only 38% of Americans eat breakfast every day. 45.111,111,111 x 111,111,111 = 12,345,678,987,654,321 46.11% of the World is left handed. 47.A "Jiffy" is the scientific name for 1/100th of a second. 48.A Boeing 747's wingspan is longer than the Wright brothers' first flight. 49.A broken clock is right two times a day. 50.A duck's quack doesn't echo anywhere, no one knows why.
24.Earth is the only planet not named after a god. 25.The world's oldest piece of chewing gum is over 9,000 years old! 26.Scientists have tracked butterflies travelling over 3,000 miles. 27.The silkworm consumes 86,000 times its own weight in 56 days. 28.If removed from the stress of the modern world, the average human would sleep about 10 hours a day. 29.To produce a single pound of honey, a single bee would have to visit 2 million flowers. 30.A colony of 500 bats can eat approximately 250,000 insects in an hour. 31.One in Five adults believe that aliens are hiding in our planet disguised as humans. 32.Travelling masseuses in ancient Japan were required by law to be blind. 33.The bloodhound is the only animal whose evidence is admissible in court.
12.The Matami Tribe of West Africa play their own version of football, instead of a normal football they use a human skull. 13.Coca-Cola would be green if the food colorant wasn't added. 14.During the 17th Century, the Sultan of Turkey ordered his hole harem of women to be drowned and replaced with a new one. 15.Coffins used for cremation are usually made with plastic handles. 16."Almost" is the longest word in the English language with all the letters in alphabetical order. 17.Human thigh bones are stronger than concrete. 18.Cockroaches can live several weeks with their heads cut off. 19.It is impossible to sneeze with your eyes open. We dare you, give it a try! 20.A Ten Gallon Hat will only hold 3/4 of a Gallon. 21.Of all the words in the English language, the word "SET" has the most definitions. 22.It is against the law to burp, or sneeze inside a church in Nebraska. 23.In 1386 a pig in France was executed by public hanging for the murder of a child.
50 World's weird facts: 1. You breathe on average about 5 million times a year. 2.Months that begin on a Sunday always have a Friday the 13th in them. 3.You are born with 300 bones, by the time you are an adult you will have 206. 4.The average lead pencil will write a line about 35 miles long or write approximately 50,000 English words. 5.One fourth of the bones in your body are in your feet. 6.The average person spends 2 weeks of their lifetime waiting for the light to change from red to green. 7.It takes more calories to eat a piece of celery than the celery has in it. 8.The present population is expected to rise to 15 Billion by the year 2080. 9.The largest recorded snowflake was 15 inches wide and 8 inches thick. 10.The tip of a bullwhip moves so fast that the sound it makes is actually a tiny sonic boom. 11.Native Americans used to name their children after the first thing they saw as they left their tepees after their children were born, hence the names Sitting Bull and Running Water.
OH WHAT A GREAT STORY | Read it or Miss it| A boy and a girl live together as boyfriend & girlfriend. After a couple of years, the guy finally graduated & decided to further his studies overseas. Before leaving, he proposed to the gal: “I’m not very good with words. But, all I know is that, I love you. If you allow me, I will take care of you for the rest of my life. The girl agreed, & with the guy’s determination, the girl's family gave in & agreed to let them get married.. Before he left, they got engaged. The gal went out working, whereas the guy was overseas, continuing his studies. They sent their love through emails & phone calls.. Though it was hard, but both never thought of giving up. One day, while the gal was on her way to work, she was knocked down by a car that lost control. when she woke up, she saw her parents beside her bed. She realized that she was badly injured. Seeing her mum cry, she wanted to comfort her. But, she realized that all that could come out of her mouth was just a sigh. she had lost her voice…. The doctor says that the impact on her brain has caused her to lose her voice. Upon reaching home, everything seems to be the same. Except for the ringing tone of the phone which pierced into her heart everytime it rang. She does not wish to let the guy know & not wanting to be a burden to him, she wrote a letter to him saying that she does not wish to wait any longer. With that, she sent the ring back to him. In return, the guy sent millions & millions of reply and countless phonecalls.. all the gal could do is still crying. Her parents decided to move away, hoping that she could eventually forget everything & be happy. With a new environment, the gal learnt sign language & started a new life. Telling herself everyday that she must forget the guy. One day, her friend came & told her that he’s back. She asked her friend not to let him know what happened to her. Since then, there wasn’t anymore news of him. A year has passed & one day her friend came with an envelope, containing an invitation card for the guy’s wedding. The gal was shattered and heart-broken. When she opened the letter, she saw her name on it instead.. When she was about to ask her friend what was going on, she saw the guy standing in front of her. He used sign language to tell her, ”I’ve spent a year to learn sign language to be able to communicate with you. and just to let you know that I’ve not forgotten our promise. Let me have the chance to be your voice. I Love You…” __________ we prophesy that when u think all hope is lost that's when your luck will shine.
Conclusion: 21. Ambition is the path to success. Persistence is the vehicle you arrive in. 22. Wake up, dream, have the ambition to do the things you have always dreamed of, go farther than any man has ever been before, go as far as it is possible for any man to go, what have you got to lose? 23. Nothing can stop the man with the right mental attitude from achieving his goal; nothing on earth can help the man with the wrong mental attitude. - Thomas Jefferson 24. A Man's worth is not more than the worth of his ambitions 25. He only earns his freedom and his life Who takes them every day by storm. - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe.
Continued from yesterday, the 25 ambition and success quotes: 14. Goals give you more than a reason to get up in the morning; they are an incentive to keep you going all day. Goals tend to tap the deeper resources and draw the best out of life. - Harvey Mackay. 15. Live with intention. Walk to the edge. Listen hard. Practice wellness. Play with abandon. Laugh. Choose with no regret. Appreciate your friends. Continue to learn. Do what you love. Live as if this is all there is. - Mary Anner Radmacher. 16. Far away there in the sunshine are my highest aspirations. I may not reach them, but I can look up and see their beauty, believe in them, and try to follow where they lead. - Louisa Marie Alcott. 17. Aim for the moon, even if you miss you will land among the stars. 18. Intelligence without ambition is like a bird without wings - Salvador Dali. 19. I've got a great ambition to die of exhaustion rather than boredom. - Thomas Carlyle. 20. Moderation is the feebleness and sloth of the soul, whereas ambition is the warmth and activity of it. - Francois de la Rochefoucauld.
Question of Thoughts: When you wake up in the morning, do you ask yourself questions about your night first before going out? Or do people you meet, happens to be the ones asking: * How was your night? * Hope you slept well? * etc You should ask yourself this questions when ever you wake up, it helps a lot. It'll make you feel as if you're one of a kind. You might not get the chance to be asked 'how was your night, did you sleep well?' etc by anybody, but asking yourself first makes you stand out amongst others that people will wonder 'what is going on with him/her today?' Have a blessed, blissful, and cheerful day ahead. Good morning WORLD
Monday, 17 March 2014
25 quotes about success and ambition: 1. You have to leave the city of your comfort and go into the wilderness of your intuition. What you'll discover will be wonderful. What you'll discover will be yourself. - Alan Alda 2. Watch the sunrise at least once a year, put a lot of marshmallows in your hot chocolate, lie on your back and look at the stars, never buy a coffee table you can't put your feet on, never pass up a chance to jump on a trampoline, don't overlook life's small joys while searching for the big ones. - Jackson Brown 3.Great minds have purposes, others have wishes - Washington Irving 4.Keep away from people who try to belittle your ambitions. Small people always do that, but the really great make you feel that you, too, can become great. - Mark Twain 5.Never look down to test the ground before taking your next step; only he who keeps his eye fixed on the far horizon will find the right road. Dag Hammarskjold 6.In any situation, the best thing you can do is the right thing; the next best thing you can do is the wrong thing; the worst thing you can do is nothing. - Theodore Roosevelt 7.Faith is daring to put your dream to the test. It is better to try to do something and fail than to try to do nothing and succeed. - Robert Schuller 8.Take a method and try it. If it fails, admit it frankly, and try another. But by all means, try something. - Franklin Roosevelt 9.Those who do most, dream most 10. Don't just think about the things you have done, think about the things you haven't done but you want to do! 11.Ambition beats genius 99% of the time - Jay Leno. 12. It is a grand thing to rise in the world. The ambition to do so is the very salt of the earth. It is the parent of all enterprise, and the cause of all improvement. - Anthony Trollope.
Joke: A man is stumbling through the woods totally drunk when he comes upon a preacher baptizing people in the river. He proceeds to walk into the water and subsequently bumps into the preacher. The preacher turns around and is almost overcome by the smell of alcohol, where upon he asks the drunk, "Are you ready to find Jesus?" The drunk answers, "Yes, I am." So the preacher grabs him and dunks him in the water. He pulls him up and asks the drunk, "Brother, have you found Jesus?" The drunk replies, "No, I haven't found Jesus." The preacher shocked at the answer; dunks him into the water again for a little longer this time. He again pulls him out of the water and asks again, "Have you found Jesus, my brother?" The drunk again answers, "No, I haven't found Jesus." By this time the preacher is at his wits end and dunks the drunk in the water again...but this time holds him down for about 30 seconds and when he begins kicking his arms and legs he pulls him up. The preacher again asks the drunk, "For the love of God, have you found Jesus?" The drunk wipes his eyes and catches his breath and says to the preacher, "Are you sure this is where he fell in?"
HEALTH TIPS: The 7 Dangerous Acts After Meals. DON'T ACT THE 7 ACTIONS BELOW AFTER YOU HAVE A MEAL . * Don't smoke- Experiment from experts proves that smoking a cigarette after meal is comparable to smoking 10 cigarettes (chances of cancer is higher). * Don't eat fruits immediately - Immediately eating fruits after meals will cause stomach to be bloated with air. Therefore take fruit 1-2 hr after meal or 1hr before meal. * Don't drink tea - Because tea leaves contain a high content of acid. This substance will cause the Protein content in the food we consume to be hardened thus difficult to digest. * Don't loosen your belt - Loosening the belt after a meal will easily cause the intestine to be twisted & blocked. * Don't bathe - Bathing after meal will cause the increase of blood flow to the hands, legs & body thus the amount of blood around the stomach will therefore decrease. This will weaken the digestive system in our stomach. * Don't walk about - People always say that after a meal walk a hundred steps and you will live till 99. In actual fact this is not true. Walking will cause the digestive system to be unable to absorb the nutrition from the food we intake. * Don't sleep immediately - The food we intake will not be able to digest properly. Thus will lead to gastric & infection in our intestine
Story for thought A mouse looked through the crack in the wall to see the farmer and his wife open a package. "What food might this contain?" the mouse wondered. He was devastated to discover it was a mousetrap. Retreating to the farmyard, the mouse proclaimed the warning: "There is a mousetrap in the house! There is a mousetrap in the house!" The chicken clucked and scratched, raised her head and said "Mr.Mouse, I can tell this is a grave concern to you, but it is of no consequence to me. I cannot be bothered by it." The mouse turned to the pig and told him "There is a mousetrap in the house! There is a mousetrap in the house!" The pig sympathized, but said "I am so very sorry, Mr.Mouse, but there is nothing I can do about it but pray. Be assured you are in my prayers." The mouse turned to the cow and said "There is a mousetrap in the house! There is a mousetrap in the house!" The cow said "Wow, Mr. Mouse. I'm sorry for you, but it's no skin off my nose." So, the mouse returned to the house, head down and dejected, to face the farmer's mousetrap alone. That very night a sound was heard throughout the house - like the sound of a mousetrap catching its prey. The farmer's wife rushed to see what was caught. In the darkness, she did not see it was a venomous snake whose tail the trap had caught. The snake bit the farmer's wife. The farmer rushed her to the hospital and she returned home with a fever. Everyone knows you treat a fever with fresh chicken soup, so the farmer took his hatchet to the farmyard for the soup's main ingredient. But his wife's sickness continued, so friends and neighbors came to sit with her around the clock. To feed them, the farmer butchered the pig. The farmer's wife did not get well; she died. So many! people came for her funeral, the farmer had the cow slaughtered to provide enough meat for all of them. The mouse looked upon it all from his crack in the wall with great sadness. So, the next time you hear someone is facing a problem and think it doesn't concern you, remember: when one of us is threatened, we are all at risk. We are all involved in this journey called life. We must keep an eye out for one another and make an extra effort to encourage one another. Each of us is a vital thread in another person's tapestry.
Joke of the Day: A lost dog strays into a jungle. A lion sees this from a distance and says with caution "this guy looks edible, never seen his kind before". So the lion starts rushing towards the dog with menace. The dog noticed and starts to panic but as he's about to run he sees some bones next to him and gets an idea and says loudly "mmm...that was some good lion meat!". The lion abruptly stops And says "woah! This guy seems tougher than he looks, I better leave while I can". Over by the tree top, a monkey witnessed everything. Evidently, the monkey realizes that he can benefit from this situation by telling the lion and getting something in return. So the monkey proceeds to tell the lion what really happened and the lion says angrily "get on my back, we'll get him together". So they start rushing back to the dog. The dog sees them and realized what happened and starts to panic even more. He then gets another idea and shouts "where the hell is that monkey!? I told him to bring me another lion an hour ago." The lion stopped and ate the monkey for dinner. One word for this dog
Saturday, 15 March 2014
Please read this: When I was a kid, my Mom liked to cook food and every now & then I remember she used to cook for us. One night in particular when she had made dinner after a long hard day at work, Mom placed a plate of bread jam and extremely burned toast in front of my dad. I was waiting to see if anyone noticed the burnt toast. But Dad just ate his toast and asked me how was my day at school. I don't remember what I told him that night, but I do remember I heard Mom apologizing to dad for burning the toast. And I'll never forget what he said: "Honey, I love burned toast." Later that night, I went to kiss Daddy good night and I asked him if he really liked his toast burned. He wrapped me in his arms and said, "Your momma put in a long hard day at work today and she was really tired. And besides, A burnt toast never hurts anyone but harsh words do!" You know, life is full of imperfect things and imperfect people I'm not the best at hardly anything, and I forget birthdays and anniversaries just like everyone else. What I've learned over the years, is that learning to accept each others faults and choosing to celebrate each other’s differences, is one of the most important keys to creating a healthy, growing, and lasting relationship. Life is too short to wake up with regrets. Love the people who treat you right and have compassion for the ones who don't. ENJOY LIFE NOW. Have a dheeliteful weekend ahead.
Joke of the day: A nice, calm and respectable lady went into the pharmacy, walked up to the pharmacist, looked straight into his eyes, and said, "I would like to buy some cyanide." The pharmacist asked, "Why in the world do you need cyanide?" The lady replied, "I need it to poison my husband." The pharmacist's eye got big and he exclaimed, "Lord have mercy! I can't give you cyanide to kill your husband. That's against the law! I'll lose my license! They'll throw both of us in jail! All kinds of bad things will happen. Absolutely not! You CANNOT have any cyanide!" The lady reached into her purse and pulled out a picture of her husband in bed with the pharmacist's wife. The pharmacist looked at the picture and replied, "Well now, that's different. You didn't tell me you had a prescription."
Friday, 14 March 2014
JOKE: Jack paid his friend, Jill, a visit one day. As they were discussing, Jill's wife, who was present, sat opposite Jack with her legs seductively open. Jack was visibly aroused. When Jill briefly entered the room, she whispered to Jack, "do you like what you see"? Jack nodded. "You can have it, but it will only cost you S500." So they fixed a time, 12pm the next day when her husband will be at work. The next day, Jack came over at the exact time, had sex with his friend's wife and paid her the agreed price. When her husband came back, this was what transpired between them: Jill: Honey, was Jack here today? Wife: (Worried) Yes. Jill: At 12pm right? Wife: (Totally nervous now) Yes, why do you ask? Jill: Ohh, Jack, my good friend, always keeping to time. He came over to my office this morning and borrowed S500 from me promising to bring it back to you at the house by 12pm, so did he bring it? The wife fainted! A word for Jack
English Premier League 'EPL': Its a Super Sunday filled with EPL action, as Manchester United entertain Liverpool at Old Trafford while Arsenal travel to White Hart Lane to take on Tottenham. Both Arsenal and Tottenham are coming to Sunday's match on the back of winless matches in Europe, with Arsenal being knocked out by Bayern Munich in the UCL after their 1-1 while Tottenham were beaten 3-1 at home by Benfica in the UEL. Meanwhile Manchester United have won eight of the last nine Premier League home games against Liverpool while Daniel Sturridge has scored in his last two league games for Liverpool against Man Utd. And Robin van Persie has scored six goals in his last seven Premier League starts against Liverpool. Tottenham vs Arsenal; Man Utd vs Liverpool, which would you say is a bigger encounter?
Football news of the Hour: AC Milan striker Mario Balotelli has come in for heavy criticism from some sections of the Italian media following his performances in the two legs against Atletico Madrid in the Champions League. The seven-times European champions crashed out of the competition after a 5-1 aggregate loss to Atletico Madrid, who humbled the Italian giants 4-1 in the last-16 second-leg tie on Tuesday night. The Gazzetta dello Sport was critical of Balotelli after the Italy international failed to make any impact over both legs. "Balotelli remains switched off," read one Gazzetta headline. The Corriere dello Sport said: "Terrible performance by the Rossoneri. "Kaka goal, Balotelli disaster." Tuesday's result was the latest setback for a Milan side that have endured a dismal campaign and are 38 points behind Serie A leaders Juventus. Clarence Seedorf, who took the Milan reins in January following the sacking of coach Massimiliano Allegri, has also come under fire. Gazzetta's editorial questioned Seedorf's tactics and Balotelli's attitude. It said: "Balotelli and Seedorf are also under scrutiny." The Rossoneri are 10th in the standings and in danger of missing out on European football next season. The Gazzetta's top headline read: "Zero Milan, beaten and out of everything." Turin-based sport newspaper Tuttosport highlighted that Milan's current troubles stem from their failure to sufficiently strengthen their team. Their headline read: "Atletico too much for this Milan. "Goodbye Champions League." All three of Italy's major sports papers question the future of the club. "What now?" asked Gazzetta.
BEAUTIFUL STORY WITH MORAL: A very poor man lived with his wife. One day, his wife, who had very long hair asked him to buy her a comb for her hair to grow well and to be well-groomed. The man felt very sorry and said no. He explained that he did not even have enough money to fix the strap of his watch he had just broken. She did not insist on her request. The man went to work and passed by a watch shop, sold his damaged watch at a low price and went to buy a comb for his wife. He came home in the evening with the comb in his hand ready to give to his wife. He was surprised when he saw his wife with a very short hair cut. She had sold her hair and was holding a new watch band. Tears flowed simultaneously from their eyes, not for the futility of their actions, but for the reciprocity of their love. MORAL: To love is nothing, to be loved is something but to love and to be loved by the one you love, that is EVERYTHING. Never take LOVE for granted.
Thursday, 13 March 2014
Conclusion: 32 - Jose met his wife Tami when he was a teenager, before they married in 1989 when he was 26. They have two children, a daughter called Matilde and a son called Jose Mario Jr. 33 - After being banned by Uefa for Chelsea's two-legged Champions League quarter-final against Bayern Munich in the 2004-05 season, it was claimed that Mourinho arrived at Stamford Bridge early and hid in the dressing room in order to give the pre-match and half-time team-talk, before then being wheeled out of the ground in a laundry basket in order to avoid being seen. 34 - Upon winning his second Premier League title with Chelsea in 2006, Mourinho threw his winners medal into the crowd at Stamford Bridge. He was given a replacement medal minutes later, but it too suffered a similar fate. One of the lucky fans to catch a medal later sold it at auction for €19,720. 35 - In 2009-10 during his second season at Inter, Mourinho let the San Siro side to the first Italian treble of Serie A, the Coppa Italia and the Champions League. It was also the first time Inter had won the European Cup since 1965. 36 - By winning that Champions League with Inter he also became only the third coach in history to win the tournament with two different teams, with Ernst Happel and Ottmar Hitzfield the two others to achieve that feat. 37 - Jose was born in 1963. Notable other moments associated with football that occurred in that year include the formation of the Bundesliga in West Germany, and Santos' 5-3 aggregate Copa Libertadores win over Boca Juniors. The Brazilian club were inspired by a certain 23-year-old forward going by the name of Pele. 38 - His father, Jose Manuel Mourinho Felix, was a professional footballer and was capped once by Portugal in 1972. 39 - Mourinho speaks Portuguese, Spanish, Italian, French, English and Catalan. 40 - In recent years many figures in world football have labelled Mourinho as the best coach in the world, including Wesley Sneijder, Karim Benzema, Deco, Iker Casillas and Cristiano Ronaldo. Legendary AC Milan boss Arrigo Sacchi also described him as "a phenomenon." 41 - "I could write a book of 200 pages of my two years at Inter with Mario Balotelli," said Mourinho in 2012. Player and coach enjoyed a turbulent relationship at San Siro, with the Italian striker once being warned at half-time of a game against Rubin Kazan not to pick up a second yellow card by his coach, only to then be sent off in the 46th minute. 42 - In 2010 Mourinho was fined €40,000 by Uefa after appearing to issue instructions via Jerzy Dudek and Iker Casillas to Sergio Ramos and Xabi Alonso that resulted in the latter two players being sent off in Real Madrid's 4-0 Champions League win over Ajax. Having been sent off the two were then suspended for the last Champions League group match against Auxerre with qualification to the knockout stages already secured, and then had a clean slate for the last-16. 43 - The 50-year-old tasted defeat outside football in 2004, when an unofficial biography about him called O Vencedor - De Setubal a Stamford Bridge became a bestseller in Portugal despite his attempts to stop it being published. 44 - At the end of 2011 Mourinho was named Rockstar of the Year by the Spanish edition of Rolling Stone magazine and featured on the front cover of their December edition. 45 - In August 2011 Mourinho managed to escape punishment following an ugly melee at the end of the Supercopa second leg against Barcelona, despite being seen poking the eye of the then Barca assistant coach Tito Vilanova. In the aftermath of the incident he went on to call Tito "Pito", a Spanish slang term for penis. 46 - Controversial Paris Saint-Germain striker Zlatan Ibrahimovic, who played under Mourinho at Inter, described the Portuguese coach positively in his autobiography I Am Zlatan. “Jose Mourinho is a big star…He’s cool. The first time he met [my wife] he whispered to her: ‘Helena, you have only one mission. Feed Zlatan, let him sleep, keep him happy!’ The guy says what he wants. I like him.” 47 - When Jose departed Inter to join Real Madrid he was caught on camera wishing one of his most loyal players, Marco Materazzi, a tearful farewell before jumping in the back of a car and leaving Milan. 48 - In 2004, Mourinho revealed that four years earlier he had turned down an offer from Sir Bobby to be his assistant at Newcastle, even though the Englishman also suggested he would step down after two years to allow his friend to take over at St James' Park. "Since Bobby suspected I wouldn't accept it, he told me it would only be for a year, two tops, and that at the end of that time I would be head coach and he club manager. I didn't take him up on his offer, knowing sooner or later, my time would come." 49 - Mourinho's Spanish Supercopa victory in 2012 made him the first man to win the national Super Cup in four different countries. 50 - The number of years that had passed since Chelsea had won their last league title when Mourinho
Continued from last edition: 18 - According to Rui Faria, Mourinho's fitness coach at Porto, Chelsea, Inter and now Real Madrid, the 50-year-old learned a valuable coaching tip when attending a course led by Andy Roxburgh at the Scottish Football Association while he was still coach of the youth team at Vitoria Setubal. Roxburgh emphasised to Mourinho the importance of having your players face away from the sun when talking to them so they would not be blinded by the light. 19 - In 2005 he was selected as the New Statesman's Man of the Year. 20 - Mourinho was fined and given a three-match ban by the Italian Football Association in February 2010 after making a handcuffs gesture towards a camera following the dismissals of two of his Inter players in the first half of a Serie A match against Sampdoria. 21 - The day after winning the Champions League with Inter, Mourinho said he was "sad, as almost for sure it's my last game with Inter." He went on to add: "If you don't coach Real Madrid then you will always have a gap in your career." A week later Real Madrid announced Mourinho as their new coach. 22 - In 2005 he donated a jacket to be auctioned to help raise money for Tsunami Relief and other charities. Organiser Marc Thompson revealed that one bidder paid €25,800 for Mourinho's coat at the fundraiser, which was held at Stamford Bridge. 23 - His favourite actor is Anthony Hopkins, the star of the Hannibal Lecter trilogy. 24 - The age Mourinho ended his playing career, after making 94 appearances during spells at Rio Ave, Belenenses, Sesimbra and Comercio e Industria. 25 - Upon being unveiled at Real Madrid, Mourinho addressed his on-going feud with the club's Liga rivals Barcelona. "If I am hated at Barcelona, it is their problem but not mine. Fear is not a word in my football dictionary," he said. In 24 matches against Barcelona for Chelsea, Inter and Madrid the Portuguese trainer does not have a brilliant record, having won six, drawn eight and lost 10. 26 - Despite his current distaste for the Catalan side, it was not always that way. Mourinho acted as assistant to Bobby Robson and then Louis van Gaal during a three-year spell at the club between 1996-99, and also applied to be coach in 2008 after leaving Chelsea. 27 - The length in pages of the PowerPoint document that Mourinho presented during his unsuccessful interview for the Barcelona job in Lisbon in 2008. 28 - After taking the Porto job in January 2002, Mourinho steered the club to a third place finish in the Primeira Liga, then promised the club's hierarchy that he would "make Porto champions next year." Sure enough, they won the 2002-03 league with a record points tally of 86. 29 - The age he became Sir Bobby Robson's translator at Benfica in 1992. He would go on to work with the former England manager at Porto and then Barcelona. 30 - Mourinho does not have a good relationship with the current Sporting Lisbon coach Jesualdo Ferreira, after the two clashed a number of times during his time in Portugal. One of the birthday boy's most memorable early quotes likened Ferreira to a donkey. "One is a coach with a 30-year career, the other with a three-year one. The one with 30 years has never won anything; the one with three years has won a lot. The one with a 30-year career will be forgotten when he ends it; the one with three could end it right now and he could never be erased from history. This could be the story of a donkey who worked for 30 years but never became a horse." 31 - When asked about how he would work alongside the Chelsea chairman Roman Abramovich when he joined the London-based club in 2004, he famously replied: "I don't have to control Mr Abramovich. He has to control me."
Football facts of the Hour: 50 FACTS ABOUT JOSE MOURINHO.... have your say 1 - Where better place to start when discussing Mourinho's life than at the No.1. Upon arriving at Chelsea in 2004 from Porto the talented coach gave a press conference in which he said, "Please don't call me arrogant, but I'm European champion and I think I'm a special one,” much to the joy of the waiting reporters. The self-proclaimedmoniker has accompanied him ever since. 2 - Mourinho led Real Madrid to the Liga title for the first time in four seasons in 2011-12, and during the campaign they broke a number of domestic records. Their 100 points was the highest ever tally, as was the 121 goals they scored. Their positive goal difference of 89 was also a new high, along with their 16 away wins and 32 overall wins. 3 - The number of weeks Jose told the Italian press it took him to learn Italian after agreeing to take the Inter job in 2008. 4 - The 2011-12 Liga title represented a significant milestone for Mourinho, as it meant he had won the league title in Portugal, England, Italy and Spain, each of the four countries in which he had coached. 5 - In a letter he sent to each of the Chelsea squad soon after arriving at the club, he wrote an equation at the bottom with five words in it: "Motivation + Ambition + Team + Spirit = SUCCESS" 6 - In 2009, Mourinho received a doctorate from Lisbon's Technical University for his accomplishmentsin professional football. He had graduated from the university more than 20 years beforehand with a degree in physical education and sport. 7 - The number of players Mourinho thought his Inter side needed to beat Milan in January 2010. Wesley Sneijder was sent off for Inter during the game, although they still went on to win the derby 2-0. Afterwards their coach said: "We were perfect. We would have won this game even with seven men. Maybe with six we would have struggled, but we would have won with seven." 8 - When told by a Spanish journalist that he has been named the ninth most influential person in world by AskMen, Mourinho replied: "What position is my wife in? Eighth, at least. That is crazy. I’m not even in charge of my own home …" 9 - The number of years he went unbeaten at home in league matches. Between losing 3-2 to Beira-Mar as Porto coach in February 2002 and Real Madrid's 1-0 loss to Sporting Gijon in April 2011, Mourinho had won 125 matches and drawn 25 in an unbelievable run of games that lasted nine years and one month. 10 - In the build-up to Real Madrid's Champions League semi-final clash against Barcelona he stoked the flames between the two sides by claiming his team would practice playing with 10 men as referees always sent his players off when he faced Barcelona. "I have to train with 10 men [to prepare for the Barcelona semi-final], how to play with 10 men, because I go there with Chelsea, I finish with 10, I go there with Inter, I finish with 10 and I have to train to play with 10 men because it can happen again." In the 2-0 first-leg loss at the Santiago Bernabeu, Madrid had Pepe sent off. The Bright Side of Life | Mourinho is welcomed to Madrid by Florentino Perez 11 - Mourinho won the inaugural Ballon d'Or Best Coach award in 2010. 12 - He is reportedly paid €12.3m annually by current club Real Madrid. His contract is set to expire in 2016, despite rumours linking him with a move back to England. 13 - According to his mother, Maria Julia, Jose did not suddenly become a perfectionist when he started coaching, having shown signs when he was very young of his desire for things to be neat and organised. "He was a perfectionist from his early days," she says. "At the age of five he would go to school with all his pens, crayons and ruler perfectly ordered and cased in his satchel." 14 - The percentage of possession that Mourinho's Inter side had in the second leg of their Champions League semi-final against Barcelona at Camp Nou in 2010. Inter lost that match 1-0, but progressed to the final 3-2 winners on aggregate. 15 - Jose's mother, Maria Julia, wanted him to become a businessman when it became clear he wasn't going to succeed as a professional footballer, and when he was 23 she signed him up for a business school. He quit after a day. 16 - In 2007, Mourinho was issued a police caution after allegedly refusing to allow police to quarantine his pet dog, Leya. Having rushed home from an awards ceremony following a tip-off from his wife, according to eyewitnesses the then-Chelsea coach freed the animal from the hands of the health officials and encouraged it to run off down the street. 17 - Before he became a coach, Mourinho was a PE teacher in Portugal. According to one of his former pupils he was an immediate hit with female students. "Until he arrived no girls ever wanted to do PE, but suddenly nobody was asking for a doctor's sick note," she recalled.
Did You Know?
Remove a Stripped Screw with a Rubber Band
The head of the screw you stripped while you were hanging that shelf may not have seemed like a big deal at the time—until you needed to unscrew it, that is. Next time you're having trouble, try a rubber band.P
Home hacks and design blog Apartment Therapy offers a a few simple, smart tips for removing a stripped screw without any special equipment like an extractor—like using a rubber band:P
A rubber band may aid in providing enough grip to remove, or at least loosen, the screw. Place a wide band rubber band [in between] the screw driver (we recommend bumping one size up from the screw head which caused the strip) and the screw, then apply hard, but slow force as you turn. If you're fortunate, the rubber band will fill in the gaps caused by the strip and allow extraction.P
They also suggest more obvious solutions like changing the size of your screwdriver, using pliers when possible, or just pounding the screwdriver into the screw head with a hammer, hoping you can create your own traction. If you've ever tried the rubber band trick—or have your own favorite method—let's hear how it worked in the comments. If your screw's just fine but your screw hole is stripped, a golf tee may be all you need.
Did You Know?
Seal Plastic Bags with Old Bottle Caps
Zip-top bags are great, but sometimes you buy something in bulk and you're stuck with an unsealable bag. Home-centric blog Re-Nest shows us an easy way to give these bags an airtight seal with an old water bottle.P
All you need to do is cut off the top of the bottle and take off the cap. Push the bag through the bottle neck, fold it over the edges, and twist the cap back on. Now, your bag has an air and water tight seal, and you didn't have to waste the bag.
People are treated after being struck by a vehicle on Red River Street in downtown Austin, Texas, during SXSW on Wednesday March 12, 2014. Police say two people were confirmed dead at the scene after a car drove through temporary barricades set up for the South By Southwest festival and struck a crowd of pedestrians. (AP Photo/Austin American-Statesman, Jay Janner)
A patient is carried away after being struck by a vehicle on Red River Street in downtown Austin, Texas, during SXSW on Wednesday March 12, 2014. Police say two people were confirmed dead at the scene after a car drove through temporary barricades set up for the South By Southwest festival and struck a crowd of pedestrians. (AP Photo/Austin American-Statesman, Jay Janner)
Unidentified people are comforted after being struck by a vehicle on Red River Street in downtown Austin, Texas, during SXSW on Wednesday March 12, 2014. Police say two people were confirmed dead at the scene after a car drove through temporary barricades set up for the South By Southwest festival and struck a crowd of pedestrians. (AP Photo/Austin American-Statesman, Jay Janner)
A man is transported to an ambulance after being struck by a vehicle on Red River Street in downtown Austin, Texas, during SXSW on Wednesday March 12, 2014. Police say two people were confirmed dead at the scene after a car drove through temporary barricades set up for the South By Southwest festival and struck a crowd of pedestrians. (AP Photo/Austin American-Statesman, Jay Janner)
Texas (AP) — Police say a man and woman have been killed after a
drunken driver fleeing from arrest crashed through barricades set up for
the South By Southwest festival and struck the pair and others on a
crowded street.
Austin Police Chief Art Acevedo says 23 others were injured, five of them critically, in the incident around 12:30 a.m. Thursday. He says the two people who died were on a mo-ped that the motorist hit along with pedestrians who were leaving a club where a concert had been held.
The chief says the man also struck a cab before jumping out of his car and trying to run. Officers shocked him with a stun gun and took him into custody.
Acevedo says the man faces two counts of capital murder.
Austin Police Chief Art Acevedo says 23 others were injured, five of them critically, in the incident around 12:30 a.m. Thursday. He says the two people who died were on a mo-ped that the motorist hit along with pedestrians who were leaving a club where a concert had been held.
The chief says the man also struck a cab before jumping out of his car and trying to run. Officers shocked him with a stun gun and took him into custody.
Acevedo says the man faces two counts of capital murder.
Use a Post-It Note for Easy Post-Drilling Cleanup
When drilling in drywall, stick a post-it underneath the drill, folded to catch all the dust. Then just throw away. P
Doesn't get much more simple than that. For another clever way to contain the mess of drilling, check out how to use an old DVD spindle to control the spray of shavings from a paddle bit. Have your own tip for easy post-DIY cleanup? Let's hear about it in the comments.
Repurpose a Squeeze Bottle for Perfect Pancakes
If your quest for the perfectly-shaped, drip-free pancake has lead you down the dark halls of infomercial madness, take note: all it takes is the re-purposing of a condiment squeeze bottle.P
This trick would have never worked with the ketchup bottles of yesteryear, no sir. Thankfully, the arms race in the condiments industry to bring you bigger, easier-to-use bottles has crafted the perfect pancake portion tool. Wash out one of those sizable condiment bottles, then refill it with freshly-mixed pancake batter. The huge bottle, coupled with the easy-squeezing goodness, is a great way to deliver pancake batter to a hot griddle with consistent sizing, pour rate, and no drips across the stove top and counters. If you have a similarly crafty culinary trick or two of your own, for breakfast or other meals, sound off in the comments below
Those who made it through hard times: - Oprah Winfrey- "I was raped at the age of 9. I didn't even complete my university education" - Bill Gates -"I was sexually, mentally, emotionally and verbally abused by my father as far back as I can remember until I left home at the age of eighteen" - Joyce Meyer -"I struggled academically throughout elementary school" - Dr Ben Carson -"I used to serve tea at a shop to support my football training" - Lionel Messi -"I used to sleep on the floor in friends' rooms,returning Coke bottles for food, money, and getting weekly free meals at a local temple" - Steve Jobs -"My teachers used to call me a failure" - PM Tony Blair - "I was in prison for 27 years" - Retired President Nelson Mandela Though we pass through many difficulties in life, we should not give up because Life is not about what you couldn't do so far, it's about what you can still do... I'll surely share my sad times with you when the time comes. SO EVEN WHEN THINGS ARE TOUGH NEVER GIVE UP. Just focus, set a goal, and pursue your dreams. Let the vision take the lead as you go..sori
SHORT STORY WITH A MORAL Once upon a time a daughter complained to her father that her life was miserable and that she didn’t know how she was going to make it. She was tired of fighting and struggling all the time. It seemed just as one problem was solved, another one soon followed. Her father, a chef, took her to the kitchen. He filled three pots with water and placed each on a high fire. Once the three pots began to boil, he placed potatoes in one pot, eggs in the second pot and ground coffee beans in the third pot. He then let them sit and boil, without saying a word to his daughter. The daughter, moaned and impatiently waited, wondering what he was doing. After twenty minutes he turned off the burners. He took the potatoes out of the pot and placed them in a bowl. He pulled the eggs out and placed them in a bowl. He then ladled the coffee out and placed it in a cup. Turning to her, he asked. “Daughter, what do you see?” “Potatoes, eggs and coffee,” she hastily replied. “Look closer”, he said, “and touch the potatoes.” She did and noted that they were soft. He then asked her to take an egg and break it. After pulling off the shell, she observed the hard-boiled egg. Finally, he asked her to sip the coffee. Its rich aroma brought a smile to her face. “Father, what does this mean?” she asked. He then explained that the potatoes, the eggs and coffee beans had each faced the same adversity-the boiling water. However, each one reacted differently. The potato went in strong, hard and unrelenting, but in boiling water, it became soft and weak. The egg was fragile, with the thin outer shell protecting its liquid interior until it was put in the boiling water. Then the inside of the egg became hard. However, the ground coffee beans were unique. After they were exposed to the boiling water, they changed the water and created something new. “Which one are you?” he asked his daughter. “When adversity knocks on your door, how do you respond? Are you a potato, an egg, or a coffee bean?” In life, things happen around us, things happen to us, but the only thing that truly matters is how you choose to react to it and what you make out of it. Life is all about learning, adopting and converting all the struggles that we experience into something positive. Never give up on the things you want. Have you learned something from this? Drop a comment and share.
Football news from supersport. Just in case you couldn't watch yesterday's champions league, here is what you need to know: Barcelona vs Manchester City: Second-half goals from Lionel Messi and Dani Alves booked Barcelona's place in the Champions League quarterfinals for a seventh consecutive year as they beat Manchester City 2-1 at the Camp Nou on Wednesday to progress 4-1 on aggregate. City were looking to become the first side to come back from losing the first leg 2-0 at home in the Champions League era and they had chances to reduce the deficit as Victor Valdes denied Samir Nasri and Edin Dzeko either side of halftime. However, Messi killed the tie as a contest with 23 minutes remaining as he pounced on a loose ball inside the area to flick home his eighth Champions League goal of the season. The visitors were then reduced to 10 men as Pablo Zabaleta was shown a second yellow card for dissent after Dzeko looked to have a legitimate penalty claim waved away by French referee Stephane Lannoy. Vincent Kompany looked to have salvaged at least a draw for City on the night when he tapped home a minute from time, but Alves restored Barca's lead from Andres Iniesta's cut-back in stoppage time. This video is not available. Barca had come into the game under huge pressure having lost twice in their last three La Liga games, but Messi insisted they will return to their former glory in the coming weeks. "We knew that we had to score to kill the tie off and once we did in the second-half there was no more danger in the tie," he told Spanish TV station Canal Plus. "We had chances and we have gone through which is what we needed. "We have had two huge slip ups in the league, above all for the way we played in those games. Soon we will return to being the Barca that we want to be and people are waiting to see." It was a different feeling for City captain Kompany, who felt key decisions had gone against his side. "We've got nothing left in the tank, we gave everything. A few times we could've scored and obviously that would've changed the game," he told Sky Sports. "Going for the second time down to 10 men when it was a clear penalty, it's not easy conditions to come and play against such a good team. "Over the course of the two games, whenever we were with 11 players there wasn't much between the two teams. "Obviously Messi is an incredible player, whenever he has the ball danger can happen, but we had a few chances too." City started on the front foot but they were lucky not to concede a penalty on eight minutes when Messi went down under a challenge from Joleon Lescott. City were handed another break by the officials as Neymar had a goal controversially ruled out as Jordi Alba was deemed to have been offside when he crossed for the Brazilian to finish. With City still needing two goals to even force extra time, they were dealt a blow as the injured Sergio Aguero had to be replaced by Dzeko at the break. Messi came within inches of sealing the tie with another wonderful solo run on 50 minutes as he teased Lescott before passing the ball off the inside of the post. City then had a couple of great chances to get back into the tie as Valdes produced a magnificent save to turn Dzeko's towering header over the bar before Zabaleta skewed wildly wide when presented with a clear sight of goal at the back post. The opener finally arrived when Fabregas's intended through ball bounced off Lescott into the path of Messi and he gave Joe Hart no chance with a nonchalant finish off the outside of his left foot. There was still more controversy to come, though, as Dzeko appeared to have been felled by Gerard Pique inside the area. Lannoy was again unmoved and Zabaleta was dismissed for taking his protests too far as a host of City players surrounded the referee. The English side did manage a consolation a minute from time when Kompany tapped home Dzeko's knockdown from a corner. However, Barca weren't to be denied victory on the night as with their next attack Iniesta rounded Hart and kept his head to set up Alves to hammer home from close range.
The value of a woman: A lot of men think they are doing women a favor by asking for her hand in marriage, but lets think about this:- she changes her name, changes her home, leaves her family, moves in with you, builds a home with you, gets pregnant for you, pregnancy changes her body, she gets fat, almost gives up in the labor room due to the unbearable pains of child birth, even the kids she delivers bear your name. Till the day she dies... Everything she does, (cooking, cleaning your house, taking care of your parents, bringing up your children, earning, advising you, ensuring you can be relaxed, maintaining all family relations, everything that benefit you..... Sometimes at the cost of her own health, hobbies and beauty. So who is really doing whom a favor? Dear men appreciate the women in your lives always, bcoz it is not easy to be a woman. *Being a woman is priceless *
Imagine this happened to you: You were newly appointed the Managing Director of a Company, and on your first day of resumption, they introduced you to your secretary… The question is: WHAT WOULD YOU DO IF your secretary turned out to be the WICKED ‘SENIOR’ who once maltreated you in Secondary School… I’m waiting to read exciting reactions from you.
Joke: A mom visits her son for dinner who lives with a girl as a roommate. During his meal, his mother couldn't help but notice how pretty his roommate was. She had long been suspicious of a relationship between the two and this had only made her more curious. Over the course of the evening while watching the two interact, she started to wonder if there's more between him and his roommate. Reading his mom's thought, his son volunteered, "I know what you must be thinking, but I assure you, we are just roommates." About a week later, his roommate came to him saying, "Ever since your mother came to dinner, I've been unable to find the silver plate. You don't suppose your mother took it,do you? He said, "Well I doubt it, but I'll email her just to be sure!" He sat down and wrote, Dear mom, After you visit me, the silver plate has been missing. I'm not saying that you did take the silver plate from my house, and I'm not saying that you didn't take it, but the fact remains that it has been missing ever since you were here for dinner. Love, Your son. Several days later, he received an email from his mother which read: Dear Son, I'm not saying that you do sleep with your roommate, and I'm not saying that you don't sleep with her: but the fact remains that if she was sleeping in her OWN bed, she would have found the silver plate by now, under her pillow. Love, Mom
Wednesday, 12 March 2014
Joke: The government announced that if you have 5 children your salary will be increased by 50 percent. A man heard the news and said to his wife, "Darling, I have a kid with my girlfriend. I'm going to bring him so we can add him to our 4 kids." When he came back, he saw only one of his children remaining. He asked, "where are the others?" His wife replied, you are not the only one who heard the news, "THEIR FATHERS HAVE COME FOR THEM!" please feel free to share and drop your comments cos they mean a lot to me......
Tuesday, 11 March 2014
SHORT STORY WITH A MORAL: A lady was waiting for her flight at the airport. Since she would need to wait many hours, she decided to buy a book and a packet of cookies to spend her time. She sat down in an armchair, in the VIP room of the airport, to rest and read in peace. Beside the armchair where the packet of cookies lay, a man was seated in the next seat, he opened his magazine and started reading. When she took out the first cookie, the man took one also. She felt irritated but said nothing. She just thought: “What a nerve! If I was in the mood I would punch him for daring!” For each cookie she took, the man took one too. This was infuriating her but she didn’t want to cause a scene. When only one cookie remained, she thought: “ah… What would this abusive man do now?” Then, the man, taking the last cookie, divided it into half, giving her one half. Ah! That was too much! She was much too angry now! Angrily she took her things and stormed out of there. When she sat down in her seat, inside the plane, she looked into her purse to take her eyeglasses, and to her surprise, her packet of cookies was there, untouched, unopened! She felt so ashamed! She realized that she was wrong. She had forgotten that her cookies were kept in her purse. The man had divided his cookies with her, without feeling angered or bitter. “While she had been very angry, thinking that she was dividing her cookies with him. And now there was no chance to explain herself, nor to apologize.” There are 4 things that you cannot recover: The stone after the throw! The word after it’s said! The occasion after the loss! The time after it’s gone. Cherish Every Moment and Fill It With Love and Care For Everyone. Have you learned something from this? Do you like the moral? Then share the post to your friends and loved ones.
Just wanna use this special moment and opportunity to thank all my loyal viewers, i won't have gone this far if you guys were not there with and for me. Thank you so much God bless you all. I'll also like to ask for a favor from you. 'please, I'll be so happy if you talk bout my blog with your friends, I'll be more than grateful if done'. Thanks again, remain blessed.
Concluding part: But her much lighter weight made me sad. On the last day, when I held her in my arms I could hardly move a step. Our son had gone to school. I held her tightly and said, I hadn’t noticed that our life lacked intimacy. I drove to office…. jumped out of the car swiftly without locking the door. I was afraid any delay would make me change my mind…I walked upstairs. Jane opened the door and I said to her, Sorry, Jane, I do not want the divotrce anymore. She looked at me, astonished, and then touched my forehead. Do you have a fever? She said. I moved her hand off my head. Sorry, Jane, I said, I won’t divorce. My marriage life was boring probably because she and I didn’t value the details of our lives, not because we didn’t love each other anymore. Now I realize that since I carried her into my home on our wedding day I am supposed to hold her until death do us apart. Jane seemed to suddenly wake up. She gave me a loud slap and then slammed the door and burst into tears. I walked downstairs and drove away. At the floral shop on the way, I ordered a bouquet of flowers for my wife. The salesgirl asked me what to write on the card. I smiled and wrote, I’ll carry you out every morning until death do us apart. That evening I arrived home, flowers in my hands, a smile on my face, I ran up stairs, only to find my wife in the bed -dead. My wife had been fighting CANCER for months and I was too busy with Jane to even notice. She knew that she would die soon and she wanted to save me from whatever negative reaction it would have on our son, in case we pushed through with the divorce. —At least, in the eyes of our son—-I’m a loving husband…. THE SMALL DETAILS OF YOUR LIVES ARE WHAT REALLY MATTER IN A RELATIONSHIP. "IT'S NOT" the Mansion or House, the Car, Property, the Money in the bank. These create an environment conducive for happiness but cannot give happiness in themselves. So find time to be your spouse’s friend and do those little things for each other that build intimacy. Do have a real happy marriage! If you don’t share this, nothing will happen to you. If you do, you just might save a marriage. Most of life’s failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up... YOU DONT REALIZE WHAT YOU HAVE UNTIL ITS GONE!! Please share this message and save a marriage.
HEART AND SOUL MARRIED OR NOT YOU SHOULD READ THIS: (MARRIED GUY SPEAKING) When I got home that night... my wife was serving dinner, I held her hand and said, I’ ve got something to tell you. She sat down and ate quietly. Again I observed the hurt in her eyes. Suddenly I didn’t know how to open my mouth. But I had to let her know what I was thinking. I want a divorce. I raised the topic calmly. She didn’t seem to be annoyed by my words, instead she asked me softly, why? I avoided her question. This made her angry. She threw away the chopsticks and shouted at me, you are not a man! That night, we didn’t talk to each other. She was weeping. I knew she wanted to find out what had happened to our marriage. But I could hardly give her a satisfactory answer; she had lost my heart to Jane. I didn’t love her anymore. I just pitied her! With a deep sense of guilt, I drafted a divorce agreement which stated that she could own our house, our car, and 30% stake of my company. She glanced at it and then tore it into pieces. The woman who had spent ten years of her life with me had become a stranger. I felt sorry for her wasted time, resources and energy but I could not take back what I had said for I loved Jane so dearly. Finally she cried loudly in front of me, which was what I had expected to see. To me her cry was actually a kind of release. The idea of divorce which had obsessed me for several weeks seemed to be firmer and clearer now. The next day, I came back home very late and found her writing something at the table. I didn’t have supper but went straight to sleep and fell asleep very fast because I was tired after an eventful day with Jane. When I woke up, she was still there at the table writing. I just did not care so I turned over and was asleep again. In the morning she presented her divorce conditions: she didn’t want anything from me, but needed a month’s notice before the divorce. She requested that in that one month we both struggle to live as normal a life as possible. Her reasons were simple: our son had his exams in a month’s time and she didn’t want to disrupt him with our broken marriage.This was agreeable to me. But she had something more, she asked me to recall how I had carried her into out bridal room on our wedding day. She requested that every day for the month’s duration I carry her out of our bedroom to the front door every morning. I thought she was going crazy. Just to make our last days together bearable I accepted her odd request. I told Jane about my wife’s divorce conditions. . She laughed loudly and thought it was absurd. No matter what tricks she applies, she has to face the divorce, she said scornfully. My wife and I hadn’t had any body contact since my divorce intention was explicitly expressed. So when I carried her out on the first day, we both appeared clumsy. Our son clapped behind us, daddy is holding mommy in his arms. His words brought me a sense of pain. From the bedroom to the sitting room, then to the door, I walked over ten meters with her in my arms. She closed her eyes and said softly; don’t tell our son about the divorce. I nodded, feeling somewhat upset. I put her down outside the door. She went to wait for the bus to work. I drove alone to the office. On the second day, both of us acted much more easily. She leaned on my chest. I could smell the fragrance of her blouse. I realized that I hadn’t looked at this woman carefully for a long time. I realized she was not young any more. There were fine wrinkles on her face, her hair was graying! Our marriage had taken its toll on her. For a minute I wondered what I had done to her. On the fourth day, when I lifted her up, I felt a sense of intimacy returning. This was the woman who had given ten years of her life to me. On the fifth and sixth day, I realized that our sense of intimacy was growing again. I didn’t tell Jane about this. It became easier to carry her as the month slipped by. Perhaps the everyday workout made me stronger. She was choosing what to wear one morning. She tried on quite a few dresses but could not find a suitable one. Then she sighed, all my dresses have grown bigger. i suddenly realized that she had grown so thin, that was the reason why I could carry her more easily. Suddenly it hit me… she had buried so much pain and bitterness in her heart. Subconsciously I reached out and touched her head. Our son came in at the moment and said, Dad, it’ s time to carry mom out. To him, seeing his father carrying his mother out had become an essential part of his life. My wife gestured to our son to come closer and hugged him tightly. I turned my face away because I was afraid I might change my mind at this last minute. I then held her in my arms, walking from the bedroom, through the sitting room, to the hallway. Her hand surrounded my neck softly and naturally. I held her body tightly; it was just like our wedding day. Stay connected for the Concluding part. Thanks.
Monday, 10 March 2014
JOKE OF THE NIGHT: Hope you like it. I was in the public toilets and had just sat down, a voice from the next cubicle said: VOICE: Hi, how are you? ME: Embarrassed I'm doing fine? VOICE: So what are you up to? ME: Just doing the same as you , sitting here! VOICE: Can I come over? ME: [Annoyed] Rather busy right now! The voice then said "Listen , I will have to call you back, there's an idiot next door answering all my questions." ME: Oops!
The Ugly Truth About Your Toothbrush Your toothbrush may be nastier than you think... As you reach for your toothbrush each morning, you may not realize what’s hanging out on its bristles. “Toothbrushes can become contaminated with oral microbial organisms whenever they are placed in the mouth,” says Sharon L. Cooper, PhD. Viruses and bacteria from an infected person’s mouth can live for weeks on a toothbrush surface, and continue to cause illness, says Cooper, clinical associate professor of periodontology at the University of Florida College of Dentistry. Even normal, healthy microorganisms can cause infections, especially if they enter your gum tissue due to an injury, a break, or an oral ulcer, she adds. Toothbrushes don’t have to be sold in sterile packaging, so they may have bacteria right out of the box says the American Dental Association’s official statement on toothbrush care. Keep It Clean You may not give much thought to cleaning your toothbrush, since you’re wetting it every day to scrub your teeth. However, it’s important -- and easy -- to do. Wash it. Give your toothbrush a thorough rinse with tap water to remove debris. If you have a systemic illness or immune disorder, you may want to soak it in antibacterial mouthwash or run it through the dishwasher, Cooper notes. Try deep cleaning. There are many types of toothbrush sanitizers on the market, says Cooper. Some even use ultraviolet light to kill microorganisms. Store it properly. After use, don’t pop that wet toothbrush back into your medicine cabinet, drawer, or bathroom cup and forget about it. Store it upright, in a rack or cup, but not somewhere it can’t dry out. Look for a cover that lets air and prevents mold, but isn’t completely sealed. The lack of air can foster bacteria. When to Call It Quits How long should you keep a toothbrush to prevent the ick from building up? Here are a few useful tips: Know when to let go. Replace your toothbrush about every three to four months, or when it shows signs of wear. “Frayed bristles will not clean the teeth and gums adequately,” says Cooper. Toss toothbrushes after illness. Throw away a brush you or anyone in your home used while they were sick. Yes, that means all toothbrushes. Treat electric or power models the same way you handle an old-fashioned one. Chuck the brush attachment after an illness or when the bristles begin to show signs of wear, Cooper says. No Sharing Tempted to lend a toothbrush to a family member? Don’t. Toothbrush sharing can transfer saliva and bacteria – even the kind that causes tooth decay. “Tooth decay is considered an infectious disease … one more reason not to share or borrow a toothbrush," Cooper says. By Susan Bernstein SHARE THIS INFO.....and save a life today..thanks
3 things in life that never come back when gone: -Time -Words -Opportunity 3 things in life that should never be lost: -Peace -Hope -Honesty 3 things in life that are most valuable: -faith -love -Prayer 3 things that makes a person: -Hard work -Sincerity -Commitment 3 things that can destroy a person: -Lust -Pride -Anger 3 things in life that are constant: -Change -Death -God
My deep, dark and sad love secret. LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT: 'My first love' I never knew first love could hurt this bad if it didn't go as you planned. I met this pretty, good looking lady in church, she happened to have the same feeling of that special moment as do I. We exchanged pleasantries and phone numbers, became friends on that day. I wished i could see her all day, I was going too far with her believing she was single according to her. Our friendship became so genuine that people started second-guessing what is going on with us. The distance between us was never a barrier for me especially if I wanted to see her. Until the day she left for school, everything changed. Years later, she changed the more, two years past and i still feel like its yesterday, I kept her memory in my mind, and her love in my heart that no other girl was able to break the wall of love i built for her. 3yrs is gone and am still having feelings for her. She came to my State where i live without informing me of her presence. Until she left, she didn't say a word about it. MY SURPRISE: After valentine's day, i called her to ask her how she celebrated hers. Was so surprised when she told me she had a lot of fun. 'What?' i asked myself. Wondering what went wrong, if she was lying etc. I asked her more bout it, and she was like 'I' went out with my boyfriend and we had lots of fun'. Right now am like........'if am not her boyfriend, then what am i to her? She really did a good job stealing my heart away. But now I live in regret. Still hoping she'll come back to me. So i asked myself? 'what if she comes back, will i still feel the same way i felt when then?' Confused and don't know what to do.
A young man came into a bar and ordered a drink, after ordering it he didn't drink it immediately. Then a fat, thirsty trouble-making truck driver came and drank it. MAN: Why did you do that? You've just helped in ruining d rest of my day! TRUCK DRIVER: Don't worry man but I couldn't just stand there and watch you stare at your drink like that while I was thirsty...but if you want I can buy you 2 bottles. MAN: That's not it, today is the worst day of my life first I woke up late for work then I didn't take my bath took my car which eventually broke down on the road and by the time I got to my office my secretary told me my boss wanted to see me and as I entered his office he gave me a letter and told me to get the hell out his office. Took a cab back home and saw my wife in bed with another man, I tried to confront the man but got beat up and then I taught of the easiest way of ending my life so I poisoned my drink and you spoilt it by gulping it. TRUCK DRIVER: ??????
Friday, 7 March 2014
Joke: A couple received a letter from their daughter who went to study modern physics overseas, the letter read: "My beloved Parents, I miss you so much and it breaks my heart to think that by the time I get back you'll be too old. So enclosed you'll find a bottle of potion I have invented. It will make you young, so when I return you'll be the same age as I left you. NOTE: Please take only a drop" So they opened the envelope and in it there is a bottle with a red potion. the man looked at the wife and says: "You go first." (typical of men!) So the wife takes a drop thereafter, the husband follows. Indeed the wife turn five years younger. Years later the daughter returns home to find her mother young and pretty, carrying a baby on her back. The mother proceeds to tell her daughter how the potion worked and made her look young. The daughter was delighted and asks after her dad. MOTHER: Your father? Hmm, my child, your father was so jealous that I was so young and beautiful so he drank the whole bottle. DAUGHTER: What? So where is he? MOTHER: Hahaha, who do you think is the baby on my back?
100 Possessions: How Giving Up Everything Can Make Your Life More Full
was seven years ago and I was tired when it happened. I don’t remember
what put me on tilt. I had spent too much time in one place. All the
stuff I had collected was holding me down. No person needs three George
Foreman Grills. Eight pairs of snowboard boots. Four old computers. That
one’s got a floppy drive. Good grief. Too many old phones, burners and
Ipods to count. Then a box of cassette Walkmans. An entire box. It was a
junk show.
I deleted it all. Everything gone. Good bye bullshit. Have a box and get the hell out.
I sold some. I burned some. I gave some away. The rest I dumped in the
landfill. Finally I took a few heirlooms and buried them inside a metal
box in Reno. I left myself with a toothbrush, a lighter and a passport.
Everything was simple again.
That night, using my shoes
as a pillow, I slept on the floor in my empty master bedroom. The steam
cleaned carpet was soft and my jacket was a good blanket. The central
heating rumbled and the fireplace was stoked with hardwood. I was
comfortable. I had forgotten to check and see if my phone was plugged in
and charging. It didn’t matter. Then I closed my eyes and sailed away
into my first flying dream since being a kid. It was good and I slept
The next day I went to the department store
because I needed a fresh pair of socks. I remember discovering a
brilliant sale on shirts but I’m not sure what happened after that. I
must have blacked out. When I finally made it back to the house it took
me three trips to unload all the stuff. Shit. I was doing it again. I
went out for one thing and came back with a flood.
needed a dam. The number 100 sounded good. There was no meaning to the
number itself; it just seemed nice and round like traveling to 50 states
or eating 4 hard-boiled eggs. I was inspired and determined again. I
was moving forward.
The problems started with my stupid
toothbrush. I couldn’t decide whether it was a possession or a
disposable thing. It felt more important than a paper cup from a coffee
shop but it was designed for limited use and I was supposed to throw it
away. I couldn’t decide so I told my brain to shut up. Then my gut knew a
toothbrush is one possession. I wrote this down and put a checkmark
next to it. My passport was the second item. Also easy. My pants were
confusing. Pants is plural and sounds like two things but it’s actually
just one. Same situation for socks. One sock is trash. But a pair of
socks is a possession. Okay. So counting is the hardest part. But I
suffered through it and began discovering that while studying my things
and managing my new checklist there was a logic beginning to emerge.
The logic I decided upon is not important. But rather, it is the simple act of counting that has value. My
life changed when I stepped off the merry-go-round and took an
inventory. It changed when I stepped back and thought about——not only
what I owned——but what it meant to hold onto something.
The Cost of Carry
the cost of purchase there is the burden of ownership. Ounces make
pounds. The less I wanted, the less I needed. I also discovered that I
could afford better things. And as I bought better things they began
lasting longer. I stopped suffering from the constant cost of replacing
goods. Addicted to getting lighter I decided that a loan could be
considered a possession and focused my resources on dumping debt. Less
than a year later I was debt free. Then I got mad at the bank for making
interest on me so I sold my truck. I closed alternate bank accounts and
cut up credit cards because I could only afford one debit card on my
list of 100 possessions. I sublet my house in Lake Tahoe and lived on
the road touring.
Everything I owned could now fit into one bug-out-bag. I never had to check luggage. Without distractions burning up my bandwidth, it became easier to make decisions and form new memories. I no longer felt exhausted before noon everyday. My choices were high quality, focused on meaningful tasks. I no longer blacked-out in department stores and woke up with piles of new stuff. I was living on the road collecting experience and knowledge instead. My head was up. I could see my surroundings. As I became lighter my gaze became sharper. Things moved slower. I was annoyed less and started smiling more. At night, I started falling asleep with ease. My dreams became more honest and provoking. I started making things.Limits Inspire Creativity
exploded in my life. I no longer worried about whether my work would
survive the next four hundred years. I didn’t care about how it would
sell. Instead I made works for friends and gave pieces to interesting
strangers. As demand increased it was easy to sell my work. I no longer
suffered over holding onto a piece. The work was never mine to keep. It
was mine to share.
Six years have passed since I deleted
all my stuff. Since that time I’ve been all over the Americas not
living in one place for more than six months. It’s been 12 countries and
48 states so far. But the numbers don’t matter. All that counts is the distinction between what you will own and what you will experience. It’s the stories that count.
travel light and become humble strong. Take the headphones off. Lift
your head. Know what you want. Memories will etch. Experience will
anchor. Opportunity will present. You will be free to dream, explore and
don’t need it, but you have a dozen or more of it. For me it was too
many snowboard boots and a library of dvd’s. How about you? Don’t start
with 100. I was twenty-eight and single when I did. Perhaps your
situation is different. Maybe 1,000 sounds impossible. What’s your
number?source from
Can’t Stand Meditation? This Technique is For You.
Can’t Stand Meditation? This Technique is For You.
A consistent meditation practice is a struggle for even the most experienced of meditators.
some reason it’s difficult to bring yourself to sit down and quiet the
mind despite knowing that it’s the best thing for you.I was talking about this phenomenon with my good friend Phil Drolet of The Feel Good Lifestyle and he replied with a novel solution.
“When you go to the gym, do you just do bench press the entire time?”I said “No, I do 5-7 different exercises depending on what muscles I’m working on.”
“Exactly! So why spend your entire meditation session doing just one type of practice?”
The Method
Instead of doing 20 solid minutes of meditation, Phil breaks it down into 5 4-minute intervals of different practices. For example:1-4 min — Breathing Focus
5-8 min — Your Favorite Mantra
9-12 min — Loving/Kindness
13-16 min — Gratitude
17-20 min — Intention Visualization
This not only makes your session go by quickly, but also allows you to energize many different parts of your psyche and energy body.
Is this a cop out?
Yes and no.If you’re a beginner, or just not feeling the extended meditation today, this technique is perfect.
However the same gym metaphor can be applied to practicing only this type of meditation: would you always do the same exercise at the gym? Nope.
Longer periods of a single-focus meditation are still important for building up your ability to concentrate a.k.a. stay present. Balance is key.
The Takeaway
Do what you need to do to make meditation enjoyable. Make it short, varied, active, music-oriented…whatever—
What other types of meditation would you include in your ‘gym’ rotation?
One Simple Idea: How Positive Thinking Reshaped Modern Life
Since the 1990s, an intriguing courtship has emerged between certain branches of quantum theorizing and psychology. Neuroscientists and research psychiatrists, notably Jeffrey M. Schwartz, M.D., of UCLA, have been studying what has been termed neuroplasticity. Brain scans show that patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) who repeatedly and effectively redirect their thoughts from intrusive or ritualistic impulses not only alleviate symptoms, but over time can actually change their brain biology by “rewiring” neural pathways.
The necessary formula is this: When an obsessive thought or ritual begins to take hold, the individual immediately redirects his thinking to something else that is pleasurable and diverting, such as listening to music, watching a favorite TV show, or performing a desirable physical activity. After a time, researchers find, the repeated diversions actually create new nerve-cell structures in the brain, which replace the electro-neural pathways associated with OCD.
“I propose,” Schwartz writes, “that the time has come for science to confront serious implications of the fact that directed, willed mental activity can clearly and systematically alter brain function; that the exertion of willful effort generates a physical force that has the power to change how the brain works and even its physical structure.”
Schwartz linked his UCLA findings to developments in quantum physics. “The implications of direct neuroplasticity combined with quantum physics,” he wrote in his 2002 book The Mind and the Brain, “cast new light on the question of humanity’s place, and role, in nature.” The co-emergence of the two fields, he argued, “suggests that the natural world evolves through an interplay between two causal processes.”
Hence, if our thought process can alter the pathways through which electrical impulses travel in the brain, and permanently change behaviors that are produced, then brain biology can be understood as the product of thought, as much as the other way around. This process, Schwartz claims, “allows human thoughts to make a difference in the evolution of physical events.” And the method at the back of it, he writes, “is what I call directed mental force.”
Brain imaging and several years of clinical study support the findings of neuroplasticity. Yet the same insight existed instinctively—and with virtually the same methods and exercises—in early New Thought. Between 1909 and 1911, minister and philosopher John Herman Randall issued a series of pamphlets that explored the ideas of positive thinking and the new mental therapeutics. He collected them in his 1911 book, A New Philosophy of Life, in which he described an intriguing method to escape nagging thoughts. Randall called it substitution. He wrote:
Divert your mind from the discordant thought by thinking in other channels. Do not wait a moment, when the wrong thought gets into your mind, but turn to the magazine or the book, and read until your mind is filled with other thoughts. Or, take up some task that calls for all your energy, and forces you to concentrate your mental activities along other lines. It may be a little difficult at first, but I want to tell you, on the experience of multitudes of men and women [that this approach] if persevered in, will succeed in every life.
Randall’s technique and terminology foreshadowed the precise method of neuroplasticity as it relates to OCD.* People fail to devise constructive new habits, Randall wrote, “because they are not persistent and patient enough in forming the new brain centres from whence must be permanently expressed the new life, that may in very truth be born in them . . .” And elsewhere: “Our thinking must be turned into other channels than those which we know will lead to the worrisome thoughts”—the remedy being to “substitute some new line of thought,” anything that gets us out of “narrow restricted grooves.” Randall’s in sights anticipated the language and findings of twenty-first-century neuroplasticity.
**This is an excerpt from “One Simple Idea: How Positive Thinking Reshaped Modern Life” by Mitch Horowitz.**
A thin blue line shoots across the horizon and that is the mark. You know the sun will eventually set underneath that line, but until then, the moment where it crosses that line, you are witness to one of the most beautiful sights in the Universe.
Here are a few things these earthly wonders called sunsets have taught me over the years:
A sunset is not a single color, and every new color adds beauty. Why would this world be any different? You matter. Your unique story, your unique gifts will add to this Universe – it is your choice if you want it to be the bright yellow or the soft turquoise.
Change is neither good or bad – change is. It will happen, and continue to happen, and therein lies the beauty. Because routine bores us and just when the novelty in our life seems to be wearing off, the Universe will change it. Not for better or worst, just different.
Every second you are adding to your own unique universe – make the next second matter.
There are usually more questions than answers, live for the questions. As answers, well, they change… read above.
This existence is an infinite theme park of which we are only riding one ride. So don’t worry, hold on, and enjoy it because as you watch that sun cross that line, know that when your time comes to cross your own life, you will be greeted by the next big adventure on the other side.
It might be a parallel universe where Star Wars AT Walkers (Big Trojan Horse Robot thing) + Mushrooms + Morgan Freedman’s voice = your pet. Cross your fingers.
The way the yellows clash with the blues, the way the clouds cover the best parts, the way something blinding can be seen, the way it cannot be copied, described or understood – rarely found – just lived, just felt.
Find your beauty, try to capture it in your own “crazy in the head but maybe genius way,” and then share it with the world.
And that, is beautiful.
Drop your opinions
A thin blue line shoots across the horizon and that is the mark. You know the sun will eventually set underneath that line, but until then, the moment where it crosses that line, you are witness to one of the most beautiful sights in the Universe.
Here are a few things these earthly wonders called sunsets have taught me over the years:
1) Everything Adds
Beautiful pastel hues of orange and yellow shine bright around the sun, but as you expand your perspective the entire rainbow of colors is there. Soft baby blue and turquoise clouds float calmly through the open sky. Streaks of dark purple and red dash like the strokes of a mad painter.A sunset is not a single color, and every new color adds beauty. Why would this world be any different? You matter. Your unique story, your unique gifts will add to this Universe – it is your choice if you want it to be the bright yellow or the soft turquoise.
2) Change just is
A sunset is when change is most evident. Where the sun that has been moving all day, now, finally seems to move in a way that matters. The scene transforms and every moment brings a different sunset. Every second something changes and makes the scenery just a little bit different, just a little more unique.Change is neither good or bad – change is. It will happen, and continue to happen, and therein lies the beauty. Because routine bores us and just when the novelty in our life seems to be wearing off, the Universe will change it. Not for better or worst, just different.
3) Your Experience is Unique
Even if we are identical twins standing next to each other, we will not be looking at the same sunset. Your entire life, even the way the breeze shakes your shirt and not your twin’s, every single experience you have ever had, adds towards an increasingly complex experience that cannot be the same as anyone else’s. Your sunset is your sunset – your life is your life.Every second you are adding to your own unique universe – make the next second matter.
4) There is Only Now
Just like every existence is unique, so is every moment. The sunset you are seeing now, you will never see again. “You have never been older, and you will never be this young again.” Enjoy the now; enjoy this sunset.5) It Doesn’t Always Make Sense
How can a ball of fire that is millions of miles away— something that sucks in life and spits out fire—create something as beautiful as a sunset, as beautiful as life? How can such beauty hold such destruction? How can light that blinds only be seen during certain moments? Why must darkness always follow?There are usually more questions than answers, live for the questions. As answers, well, they change… read above.
6) There is Always Tomorrow
Just as we feel a touch of sadness when the sun makes its final journey across the thin blue line, we too feel a hint of sadness when death appears in our life. But death is not the final journey just as today is not the final sunset.This existence is an infinite theme park of which we are only riding one ride. So don’t worry, hold on, and enjoy it because as you watch that sun cross that line, know that when your time comes to cross your own life, you will be greeted by the next big adventure on the other side.
It might be a parallel universe where Star Wars AT Walkers (Big Trojan Horse Robot thing) + Mushrooms + Morgan Freedman’s voice = your pet. Cross your fingers.
7) Light and Dark
Realize that there is a certain duality to life. A sun that must always make way for the night. The lows make way for the highs. That plants feed on the light, but grow in the dark. That music needs the silence.8) Beauty
Oh the painters that have tried to capture a sunset, the poets that have tried to describe it, the scientists that have tried to measure it. They all are trying to grasp that beauty, that truth, which is held within a sunset.The way the yellows clash with the blues, the way the clouds cover the best parts, the way something blinding can be seen, the way it cannot be copied, described or understood – rarely found – just lived, just felt.
Find your beauty, try to capture it in your own “crazy in the head but maybe genius way,” and then share it with the world.
9) There is Always More
Always deeper levels. Hidden plans. Higher dimensions. This fractal reality we live in is but one level on a Mobius strip fractal ladder. It is but one setting on the universal TV. It is but one sun, one star out of billions.10) There is a Purpose
I have to believe that the same particle that left the sun on a million mile journey, the one that avoided everything in its path, hit my face out of a billion on a rotating planet. Everything happened because I had to feel that warmth. On that day, in that moment, I needed that warmth in my life.And that, is beautiful.
Drop your opinions
Thursday, 6 March 2014
A leader: According to Longman Dictionary, a leader is said to be a person who is in charge of a group, organization, country etc.nid the main point here is that a leader is always in charge. Before i proceed, I'll like to ask some questions which I want you to keep at the back of your mind as you read on. There are: * When we say the word 'leader', what is the first thought that crosses your mind? * Are you wondering what it takes to be a quality leader? * Are you lacking on indispensable quality of a leader? * Are you a leader who doesn't know how to lead his team or organization? * Do you really want to be a leader? * Is it because your friend is a leader, you want to be one too? * What kind of leader do you want to be? Please feel free to drop your comments, opinions and also share to your friends as they may need it....thank. I'll not only talk about how to be a good leader or what to do to be a good leader but also the indispensable qualities of a leader. Did you know that there are types of leaders? Some leaders were born a leader while some were born to be a leader. BORN A LEADER: To be born a leader means someone who naturally has the quality needed to be a leader. Someone who does not need training but encouragement and enlightenment because he already has the qualities and potentials. As a born leader, the potentials are already within him, as he grows, the qualities grows with him. BORN TO BE A LEADER: Unlike born a leader, they also have the ability and quality to lead but their ability to lead is not natural. It comes with a price i.e. He has to be trained to be a good leader. Without proper training, it won't be easy for him to execute his ordinary potentials and qualities as a leader.
Joke: A man who just got married, fell in love with a lady next door. He wanted to have time with his lover. So he told his wife he was going for a seminar in a city nearby and will back in a week. So he quickly packed his belongings, said goodbye to his wife and left. When he saw that his wife had entered the house, he sneaked into the lady's house next door where he had fun and spent the whole night with her. Early next morning, he peeped through the window and was shocked by what he saw. He saw a man moving around his yard, wearing his pyjamas. Angry, he went out and said to the man; "hey! You! What are you doing there?" The man answered; "I am the lady's lover. I will be here for a week. Her husband is out in another town for a seminar. So I will be with her till he comes.'' Getting angrier, the husband said, "You are an idiot! l will deal with you as soon as I return from the seminar!
Monday, 3 March 2014
Joke of the night: A pilot was transporting a bunch of madmen from Lagos to a psychiatric facility in Johannesburg, South Africa. The madmen were making noise and suddenly, one of them entered the Pilot’s Cabin;following conversation took place. MADMAN: Teach me how to fly a plane! PILOT: I would, but under one condition. MADMAN: What? PILOT: If you can get your colleagues to keep quiet. (5 minutes later, the plane was eerily quiet!) PILOT:Wow!! How did you get them to keep quiet? MADMAN: I opened the door and asked them to go and play outside!
Joke of the night: A pilot was transporting a bunch of madmen from Lagos to a psychiatric facility in Johannesburg, South Africa. The madmen were making noise and suddenly, one of them entered the Pilot’s Cabin;following conversation took place. MADMAN: Teach me how to fly a plane! PILOT: I would, but under one condition. MADMAN: What? PILOT: If you can get your colleagues to keep quiet. (5 minutes later, the plane was eerily quiet!) PILOT:Wow!! How did you get them to keep quiet? MADMAN: I opened the door and asked them to go and play outside!
Sunday, 2 March 2014
Joke: Jack is the Boss in Office. Lets see how he interviews people. Jack: There are 500 bricks on a plane. You drop one outside. How many are left? Applicant: That's easy, 499 Jack: What are the three steps to put an elephant into a fridge? Applicant: Open the fridge. Put the elephant in. Close the fridge. Jack: What are the four steps to put a deer into the fridge? Applicant: Open the fridge. Take the elephant out. Put the deer in. Close the fridge. Jack: It's lion's birthday, all the animals are there except one, why? Applicant: Because the deer is in the fridge. Jack: How does an old woman cross a swamp filled with crocodiles? Applicant: She just crosses it because the crocodiles are at the lion's birthday. Jack: Last question. In the end the old lady still died. Why? Applicant: Er....I guess she drowned? Jack: No! She was hit by the brick. You may leave now. IS HE A GOOD BOSS? Yes or No?
Joke: A girl went to introduce Jack, the man she wanted to get married to her father. The following conversation took place with the guy and the girl's father. Father:"so you want to marry my daughter,what do you do for a living?" Jack:"I just got out of prison,I will search for a job soon" Father:"whaaaat,you were in prison and you want to marry my daughter with that bad record, what did you do?" Jack:"I killed a person" Father:"what did the person do?" Jack:"he denied me to marry his daughter" Father:"welcome to the family son
Joke: on a very cool evening, Mr. Jack was with his family, all watching TV when his youngest son, 'Joshua' interrupts with a question. Joshua: Dad(Jack), whats the difference between 'potential' and ' reality'? Jack (turns to wife): would u sleep with George.W. Bush for $1 million? Wife: Of course, I will never waste that opportunity. Jack (turns to daughter): Would u sleep with Brad Pitt for $1 million? Daughter: Yes! He is my fantasy. Jack (turns to eldest son): Would u sleep with Tom Cruise for $1 million? Eldest son: Why not? Imagine what I would do with that money. Jack turns to his youngest son Joshua: U see son, 'potentially' we are sitting with multimillionaires BUT in 'reality' we are sitting with two prostitutes and one Gay, idiot!! Comment if you understand
joke: Akpos went to school one morning with an empty stomach and it was an English class. Mr. Awara entered the class with his face looking tough. After greeting him, he asked us to have our seat. He wrote on the board "what is a verb" and called out at me to answer the question. Mr. Awara: What is a Verb? Akpos: A Verb is a valve found in bicycle tyre. Mr. Awara: What are you saying? Akpos: It is a complete sentence sir. Mr. Awara: Are you mad? Akpos: It is a question sir. Mr. Awara: Don't be stupid. Akpos: It is an advice sir. Mr. Awara: Stop that nonsense. Akpos: It is a command sir. Mr. Awara: You're an idiot. Akpos: It is an insult sir. Mr. Awara: Get out of my class. Akpos: It is an order sir. Mr. Awara: Oh! Goodness, What a boy! Akpos: It is an exclamation sir. Mr. Awara: May God have mercy on you. Akpos: It is a prayer sir. Mr. Awara: You need to see a doctor. Akpos: It is a suggestion sir. Mr. Awara: I rest my case. Akpos: It is your choice sir
A doctor wanted to get off work and go hunting, so he approached his assistant. “Jack, I am going hunting tomorrow. I don’t want to close the clinic. I want you to take care of the clinic and take care of my patients.” “Yes, sir!” answers Jack. The doctor goes hunting and returns the following day and asks: ”So, Jack, how was your day?” Jack told him that he took care of three patients. “The first one had a headache so I gave him Panadol.” “Bravo, and the second one?” asks the doctor. “The second one had stomach burning and I gave him Flagyl, sir.” says Jack. “Bravo, bravo! You’re good at this and what about the third one?” asks the doctor. “Sir, I was sitting here and suddenly the door opened and a woman entered. Like a flame, she undressed herself, taking off everything including her bra, her panties and lied down on the table. She spread her legs and shouted: “HELP ME! For five years I have not seen any man!” “Lord Jesus! Jack, what did you do?” asks the doctor. “I put eye-drops in her eyes. Feel free to drop your comments cos it means alot to me.
A LEADER: Have you ever wondered how some leaders become so successful that you conclude at 'they're into drugs, laundering' etc? What if I prove you wrong on that? I will be sharing with you some points that makes a good and successful leader. But before that, i will like you to drop your questions if you have any. Always remember 'it's never too late to become a leader'.
Saturday, 1 March 2014
Jokes: Who is the best thief between Jack and James? James : Jack did u know that am more perfect than u in stealing Jack: stop sayin that am your God father in stealing, i have the certificate of armed robber James: lets wait and see. One day James and Jack went to d supermarket to buy some food, Jack have forgotten that he and James made a promise of the best thief. James stole two chocolate nobody noticed him...on their way home : James: Jack, didnt i tell u that am the best thief? u won't believe that i stole two chocolate without anybody notice.. Jack:{very angry and jealous} really? James: (with happiness ) yes Jack: ok no problem lets go back to the supermarket i will show u that am the best thief in the world... They enter d supermarket Jack called the man in charge and said i want to perform a magic for u..he ordered the man to bring two chocolate out the man did so.. Jack ate the two chocolate and laughed, he said check my friends pocket u will find the chocolate that i ate there.
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