It's tempting to imagine the progress of the human race as if it were a
regular person going through life: Yeah, at first we might've had no
idea what we were doing and later got into some stupid stuff like
genocide and slavery, but by now we've cast aside the mistakes of our
youth and slowly started to become a mature and enlightened species!
The only problem with that comparison is it makes modern humans look
like a bunch of man-children still having trouble letting go of their
old toys, which unfortunately here is a metaphor for shameful human
rights abuses that we've held on to way longer than anyone is
comfortable admitting, like how ...
#5. The United States Didn't Decriminalize Homosexuality Until 2003
chrisbradshaw/iStock/Getty Images
In the United States, we like to heap criticism on nations like
Russia and
for passing laws that stomp on the rights and dignity of homosexuals.
Hell, here in the U.S., an increasing number of states have even
legalized same-sex marriage, and we've now repealed the U.S. military's
"don't ask, don't tell, don't gay" policy. Why, we can't even
remember the bad old days when homosexual relations were still
acts in the U.S., when consenting adults were being arrested for the
stuff they did to each other's genitals in the privacy of their own
After all, that was
way back in 2003.
Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images News/Getty Images
Ye olde 'Merica.
States have had anti-sodomy laws on the books for centuries, but
around the 1970s, they started getting repealed one by one all across
the country. Not in Texas, though, which together with 13 other states
wanted to keep these antiquated provisions as a secret weapon to harass
homosexuals. In the end, this wholly unnecessary obsession with
double-wiener love came to a head in 2003 during the case of Lawrence v.
In 1998, police officers responding to reports of a discharged weapon
entered the apartment of Houston resident John Geddes Lawrence, only to
discover that the only weapons in sight were two male penises in close
proximity to one another. Caught in the act of loving another man, which
the good lord explicitly forbids, Lawrence and his lover, Tyron Garner,
were arrested and fined for violating Texas'
Homosexual Conduct law. And Texas would have gotten away with it, too, if it weren't for those meddling Supreme Court judges.
After fighting his way to the ultimate judiciary body in the country,
Lawrence finally had his day, when the Supreme Court overwhelmingly
decided that all Homosexual Conduct laws went against the Equal
Protection Clause of the constitution, and struck them down. For the
first time in history, gay people were legally allowed to be gay all
across the United States, allowing thousands to finally come out the
same year as the first
Pirates of the Caribbean film.
Walt Disney
#4. Sexually Harassing Unpaid Interns Is Still Legal in 49 U.S. States
Jupiterimages/ Images
The 1960s were tough for the raging douchebag community. With the
passing of the 1964 Civil Rights Act, all the things that they enjoyed
(mainly institutionalized racism and bigotry) suddenly became illegal.
The worst were probably the
sexual harassment provisions
of the act: Thanks to this new law, an employer could no longer punish
an employee if they weren't willing to treat Hump Day as a job
requirement. The
Mad Men days were over!
Lionsgate Television
"What is the world coming to when you can't get Biblically drunk before lunch?"
But horrible people in the United States rejoiced once more in
October 2013 after Lihuan Wang, an intern for a TV broadcaster, received
some devastating news from a New York district court. Despite having
been denied consideration for a full-time job after rejecting her boss'
disturbing sexual advances (like luring her to a hotel to grope and kiss
her), she found out
she had no legal grounds to sue because, as an unpaid intern, she wasn't actually an employee at the company.
In what sounds like a dark satire about worker exploitation, the
judge ruled that nothing in the law or the Civil Rights Act actually
stops a boss from going all Pepe Le Pew on a subordinate as long as they
aren't "technically" their employee. And, funny thing, since most
interns don't get a paycheck, then they aren't really part of the
company, which basically means that in the corporate world unpaid
interns have fewer rights than the office filing cabinet.
Thinkstock/Stockbyte/Getty Images
At least someone has to prove the cabinet isn't doing its job before they get rid of it.
Sadly, Wang's story wasn't an isolated case. In 1994, a nursing
student named Bridget O'Connor sued after the physicians at the hospital
where she interned kept informing her that they wanted to play doctor
with her. But she, too, was denied on the grounds that she wasn't a
full-time employee with benefits, so the other doctors were well within
their rights to treat her like an employee "with benefits." A 2007 suit
filed by an intern at a chiropractor's office suffered a similar fate in
a Washington, D.C., court.
Currently, Oregon is the only state protecting unpaid interns from
workplace abuses, meaning that 49 other states still allow you to grab a
handful of intern buttock as long as you're also screwing them
financially by not paying them.
Dean Mitchell/iStock/Getty Images
"But if you sexually harass anyone, we'll still shit-can your ass."
#3. Pharmaceutical Companies Still Use Underprivileged Groups as Guinea Pigs
evgenyatamanenko/iStock/Getty Images
Seeing as we're currently not dying of an infected paper cut, we
don't want to come down too hard on medicine. We're just saying that
medicine used to be sort of a dick back in the day. Specifically, the
year 1932, when the U.S. Public Health Service and researchers from the
Tuskegee Institute gathered 399 black men with syphilis, and instead of
curing them or even telling them they were sick, just sort of
observed them to see what would happen ... for 40 years.
"No, guys, it's cool. I totally have black ... maids."
And while we wish we could tell you that the days of exploiting
disadvantaged groups for medical testing are over, the only thing that's
really changed since then is the venue: Modern pharmaceutical companies
have taken the mantle of Tuskegee to test out all sorts of new
medication across the poorest regions of China, Romania, India, and
other areas where the people are unable to read a form or sign it with
anything more than an "X." Those and other incredibly lax regulations
not only allow giants like Pfizer, Bayer, and Merck to
skip informed consent but also conduct tests for potentially fatal side effects of their medication on Alzheimer's patients and little kids.
Think we're exaggerating? Well, in 2008,
up to 14 Argentinean infants
died while taking an experimental vaccine by GlaxoSmithKline after
their parents (some of whom were illiterate) were convinced by doctors
to let their children participate. Many didn't even realize it was an
experiment, and the local doctors who convinced them were paid $350 for
every infant they got into the program. In New Delhi, nearly 50 babies
have died after being pumped full of a Keith Richards Special of various
drugs meant to treat anything from high blood pressure to neurological
Dmitry Naumov/iStock/Getty Images
"And this one was just labeled with a question mark, so it'll be neat to see what it does!"
What's even more horrible, though, is that these shoddy and often
lethal test results are frequently used to get a drug approved in the
Western world, and not the country where the people served as guinea
pigs. And if you're wondering how in the hell are these companies
getting away with killing kids, it's because all official reports
basically state that the deaths were a gigantic coincidence and blame
them on "the kids being, like, really, really poor." And, as long as
pharmaceutical test aren't performed on cute little bunny rabbits,
nobody really cares.
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