Tuesday, 29 April 2014

The U.S Navy wants you to solve this puzzle


Hey all you code-breaking, cryptology-loving millennials out there –- you know who you are -– the U.S. Navy has top-secret puzzle for you to solve. You’ll have 18 days to figure it out from serial clues served up via social media and, if you’re a true super sleuth, you’ll save the world.
Well, not exactly because the digital game is fiction, as is the backstory of a Dr. Evil-style villain who has stolen the plans for a high-grade Navy weapons project. A Navy cryptologist has stowed away on the getaway submarine, headed to “a secret island lair,” and will post encrypted messages each day. Players will have to decipher her increasingly obscure clues, figuring out the location and destination of the sub and ultimately catching the shadowy bad guy

Watermelon Juice Is 'Nature's Viagra,' According to Science

Not only is it delicious and a beautiful color, it improves blood flow, if you catch my drift.

by Liam Mathews
Add another snack to the list of foods to eat before sex: according to two studies from the University of Florida and Italy's University of Foggia, watermelon is so good for blood circulation that it can reduce hypertension and relieve erectile dysfunction. It has only 71 calories per serving, is high in vitamin C, and is packed with potassium. Plus it's delicious!
Side note: I used to work in a restaurant that sold watermelon juice (which is the easiest thing in the world to make: just mash up watermelon with a hand blender), and there was this one guy who would come in every day and order "watermelon water." Like, c'mon guy, it's watermelon juice. Don't drink watermelon water, drink watermelon juice. For your health and for the health of all penises.
what would you do ?

Monday, 28 April 2014


A Brief History of Barack Obama Eating at Trendy Restaurants

  • 4/24/14 at 12:45 PM
Deep in thought about where to eat next.
Deep in thought about where to eat next.Photo: Olivier Douliery-Pool/Getty Images
One of the defining characteristics of the Obama presidency has been the commander in chief's surprisingly excellent taste in restaurants, most recently put on display during this week's visit to Sukiyabashi Jiro, the three-Michelin-star restaurant immortalized in Jiro Dreams of Sushi. Here are 21 times Obama exercised his ability to score seats at some very hot spots.
Where: Dixie Kitchen and Bait Shop, Chicago
When: August 2001
Back when he was a state senator, Obama liked to frequent Dixie Kitchen, a mini-chain of southern restaurants. In a 2001 episode of Check, Please!, he warned, "Those johnnycakes, they'll get you early, and you won't have room for the peach cobbler!"
Where: Sylvia’s, Harlem
When: November 2007
Before delivering a speech at the Apollo, then–presidential candidate Obama got dinner with Al Sharpton, who told the Daily News, "A man who likes fried chicken and cornbread can't be all that bad."
Where: Dooky Chase, New Orleans
When: February 2008
Dr. Norman Francis, the president of Xavier University, took the president to Dooky Chase, where legendary owner Leah Chase served him a bowl of gumbo. Obama then got chastised by Chase for putting hot sauce on the gumbo before trying it. Still, it's become a favorite restaurant of his ever since, and he made sure to get takeout from there in October 2009 during a four-hour stopover.
Where: Ben's Chili Bowl, Washington, D.C.
When: January 2009
Obama made his first visit to the chili institution with then-mayor Adrian Fenty, where they ordered the chili half-smoke with mustard, onions, and chili sauce — and washed it all down with iced tea.
Where: Equinox, Washington, D.C.
When: January 2009
On their first night out in D.C., Obama took Michelle to Equinox — not the gym — for her 45th birthday.

Where: Spiaggia, Chicago
When: March 2009
After watching the Bulls tank a game against the Wizards, Obama went to dinner at one of his mainstays. Chef Tony Mantuano flew in for the occasion to present the president with his favorite dish of wood-roasted scallops. Obama took a photo with Mantuano and called him his “favorite chef.” The Obamas have spent many special occasions there, including their anniversary in 2008.
Where: Blue Hill, New York
When: May 2009
Obama had a date night with Michelle at Dan Barber’s New York restaurant. After trying not to stare, the patrons reportedly erupted into applause when the first couple exited the restaurant.
Where: Il Mulino, New York
When: September 2009
Obama and Bill Clinton caused a huge scene when they sat down for lunch at this pricey Greenwich Village spot.
Where: Restaurant Nora, Washington, D.C.
When: January 2010, November 2013
For Michelle’s 46th birthday, the Obamas had dinner at Restaurant Nora, known for its locally sourced and organic produce. He ordered pan-seared Maine lobster and saffron risotto, like a boss.
Where: Topolobampo, Chicago
When: October 2010
According to Rick Bayless, the Obamas have been regular customers for years. "They just like to explore the whole menu. They’re our favorite kind of customer because they say, 'What’s new on the menu?'”
Where: Red Rooster, New York
When: March 2011
Marcus Samuelsson's Harlem restaurant hosted Obama and a group of 50 guests. Cornbread for all!
Where: Daniel, New York
When: June 2011
Obama took in a whopping $2.5 million from donors at the Upper East Side restaurant, which served a menu of lobster salad, kobe beef, and rock-shrimp spring rolls.
Where: Good Stuff Eatery, Washington, D.C.
When: August 2011
After concluding the debt deal, the Obama motorcade made a pit stop at Top Chef alum Spike Mendelsohn’s burger joint. He told Politico, "Michelle eats here all the time, but I don't get out."
Where: Gotham Bar & Grill, New York
When: November 2011
Caroline Kennedy, Jerry Seinfeld, and Susan Sarandon all paid $35,800 per head to eat a menu of dry-aged steak and apple strudel — and schmooze with Obama.
Where: BLT Steak, Washington, D.C.
When: January 2012
The Obamas celebrated Michelle’s 48th with an intimate dinner with friends, including Valerie Jarrett and Eric Holder.
Where: ABC Kitchen, New York
When: February 2012
It makes perfect sense that the Obamas would love the greenmarket-driven food here and host a fund-raising gala.
Where: The NoMad, New York
When: July 2012
Hopefully Obama's $40,000-a-head fundraiser at least included Daniel Humm's roast chicken.
Where: Ray’s Hell Burgers, Arlington, Virginia
When: June 2013
Where do you take then-Russian president Dmitry Medvedev before the G20 meetings? To this famed burger joint, of course.
Where: Sweet Life Café, Martha’s Vineyard
When: August 2013
The first family had dinner at the Sweet Life Café while vacationing in Martha’s Vineyard.
Where: Morimoto Waikiki, Honolulu
When: December 2013
After attending a basketball game, Obama took the family out to Morimoto Waikiki, Iron Chef Masaharu Morimoto’s eponymous Hawaiian branch.
Where: Sukiyabashi Jiro, Tokyo
When: April 2014
Obama kicked off his Asia swing with Prime Minister Shinzo Abe at the famed Sukiyabashi Jiro, the ten-seat, three-Michelin-star restaurant immortalized in Jiro Dreams of Sushi. According to the AP, the dinner was “unusually casual by Japanese standards.” And word on the street is that the president may not have actually finished his meal. Maybe he was just full.

Everything You Need to Know About Terrifying, Wonderful Robotic Snakes

Last month, Medrobotics, a corporation associated with Carnegie Mellon University, announced that it will start marketing robotic snakes to surgeons in Europe. These "snakes," when fed down a patient's throat, can help doctors access hard-to-reach locations within the human body during head and neck surgery, leading to faster recovery times.
But this is hardly the only use for robotic snakes, which swim, slither, crawl, and climb much like the real thing. For the past few years, researchers at labs around the world have been coming up with innovative new ways to put these cool (and terrifying!) robots to use. Here's what you need to know:
Who made the first robotic snakes?
Howie Choset, a robotics professor at Carnegie Mellon, is widely credited with fathering the robotic snake. He cofounded the company that's making the surgical robot snake, and he told the Huffington Post last year that, in fact, he's "afraid of snakes," but he notes that his snake robots are "nice and friendly."
How do robotic snakes move?
According to the Biorobotics Lab at Carnegie Mellon, there are at least 10 main "gaits" robotic snakes perform, including sidewinding, corkscrewing, rolling, swimming, pole climbing, and cornering. The researchers say that they have been able to mimic all "biological gaits" found in snakes, and in some cases, develop those that "go beyond biological capability." Researchers also develop gaits for specific tasks, such as "stairclimbing, gap crossing, reaching into a hole in a wall [and] railroad track crossing." Here is a video of a robotic snake moving up a pole:
Wait, robotic snakes swim?! How?
Robotic snakes are buoyant, so as long as they're covered in waterproof skin, they can skim the top of the water, utilizing wireless control. Other designs can swim entirely underwater—up to 200 feet deep—which is cool if you care about things like getting rid of water pollution, and totally terrifying if you like to go swimming. Here's an example of an underwater robot snake, designed by the Tokyo-based HiBot.
Do any of the snakes have names?
Some of the snakes do have names: Uncle Sam, Frostbite, Molly, Pepperoni, and Spooky Snake.
What can robotic snakes be used for?
Robotic snakes have lots of cool uses. For example:
1. Search and rescue
Search and rescue dogs are vital to sniffing out survivors after an urban disaster, like a building collapse or earthquake. But there are places rescue dogs can't reach. That's where the search-and-rescue snake robot—developed by Carnegie Mellon's Biorobotics Lab and Ryerson University's Network-Centric Applied Research Team—comes in. The researchers came up with a method called "Canine Assisted Robot Deployment," whereby once a dog nears a victim, its bark triggers the snake robot to leap from its pack and start wiggling around, providing live video feed for rescuers.
2. Removing pollution from oceans and lakes
Designers at the Fortune Institute of Technology in Taiwan have proposed a way to use robotic snakes to rid bodies of water of harmful metals. The snakes are packed with bacteria that makes these toxins disintegrate. As the snakes "swallow" water, the bacteria break down the pollutants, ultimately draining out clean water. The bacteria also generate electricity that keep the snakes swimming. The idea is still in the early stages of development, but researchers say these robotic snakes could be used to clean up lakes, rivers, and oceans as early as 2020. Whether they will be still sadly swimming the oceans, long after humanity's demise, remains to be seen.
3. Warfare
The Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) first developed a robotic snake back in 2009. The robot could be used to survey buildings, sewage systems, and other structures during urban and subterranean warfare, Defense Update reported. According to the news outlet, IDF aimed to use robot snakes to to deposit sensors in buildings to monitor activity and deploy explosives. The US Army has also worked on developing robotic snakes to investigate improvised explosive devices.
4. Inspecting nuclear power plants
Last year, Carnegie Mellon tested one of its robotic snakes at Austria's Zwentendorf nuclear power plant, which is inactive. Researchers hope that robots will be able to investigate the radioactive parts of nuclear plants and storage areas that might be unsafe for humans. According to the lab, their robotic snakes will be able to inspect and capture high-quality footage of "dry storage casks, waste storage tanks [and] piping within nuclear power plants." Hitachi Ltd. and Hitachi-GE Nuclear Energy Ltd. also developed snake robots this year to probe one of the Fukushima nuclear plants.
5. Heart surgery
6. Exploring Mars
Researchers in Norway are developing a robotic snake to slither around the surface of Mars and work with a rover to collect samples. Researchers Pål Liljebäck and Aksel Transeth told Discovery News last year that while "the Spirit rover was lost after it became stuck in the sand on Mars," robotic snakes would be able to avoid these kinds of pitfalls. Carnegie Mellon's Choset told ABC News, "The snake robot could travel to cliffs and look underneath overhangs…It could find a crevasse, crawl down it, and extract a sample, which itself could tell us how Mars evolved as a planet."
James Steidl/Shutterstock.com
6. Scaring your friends

The Hunt for El Chapo

How the world’s most notorious drug lord was captured.

El Chapo escaped from a maximum-security prison and evaded many attempts at capture, often hiding out in the Sierra Madre.
El Chapo escaped from a maximum-security prison and evaded many attempts at capture, often hiding out in the Sierra Madre

One afternoon last December, an assassin on board a K.L.M. flight from Mexico City arrived at Amsterdam’s Schiphol Airport. This was not a business trip: the killer, who was thirty-three, liked to travel, and often documented his journeys around Europe on Instagram. He wore designer clothes and a heavy silver ring in the shape of a grimacing skull. His passport was an expensive fake, and he had used it successfully many times. But, moments after he presented his documents to Dutch customs, he was arrested. The U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration had filed a Red Notice with Interpol—an international arrest warrant—and knew that he was coming. Only after the Dutch authorities had the man in custody did they learn his real identity: José Rodrigo Arechiga, the chief enforcer for the biggest drug-trafficking organization in history, Mexico’s Sinaloa cartel.
To work in the Mexican drug trade is to have a nickname, and Arechiga went by the whimsically malevolent handle El Chino Ántrax. He supervised the armed wing of the Sinaloa—a cadre of executioners known as Los Ántrax—and coördinated drug shipments for the cartel’s leader, Joaquín Guzmán Loera, who was known as El Chapo, or Shorty. Arechiga was a narcotraficante of the digital age, bantering with other criminals on Twitter and posting snapshots of himself guzzling Cristal, posing with exotic pets, and fondling a gold-plated AK-47. Guzmán, who is fifty-seven, typified an older generation. Obsessively secretive, he ran his multibillion-dollar drug enterprise from hiding in Sinaloa, the remote western state where he was born, and from which the cartel takes its name. The Sinaloa cartel exports industrial volumes of cocaine, marijuana, heroin, and methamphetamine to America; it is thought to be responsible for as much as half the illegal narcotics that cross the border every year. Guzmán has been characterized by the U.S. Treasury Department as “the world’s most powerful drug trafficker,” and after the killing of Osama bin Laden, three years ago, he became perhaps the most wanted fugitive on the planet. Mexican politicians promised to bring him to justice, and the U.S. offered a five-million-dollar reward for information leading to his capture. But part of Guzmán’s fame stemmed from the perception that he was uncatchable, and he continued to thrive, consolidating control of key smuggling routes and extending his operation into new markets in Europe, Asia, and Australia. According to one study, the Sinaloa cartel is now active in more than fifty countries.
On several occasions, authorities had come close to catching Guzmán. In 2004, the Mexican Army descended on a dusty ranch in Sinaloa where he was holed up, but he had advance warning and fled along a rutted mountain track in an all-terrain vehicle. Three years later, Guzmán married a teen-age beauty queen named Emma Coronel and invited half the criminal underworld of Mexico to attend the ceremony. The Army mobilized several Bell helicopters to crash the party; the troops arrived, guns drawn, to discover that Guzmán had just departed. American authorities have no jurisdiction to make arrests in Mexico, so whenever D.E.A. agents developed fresh intelligence about Guzmán’s whereabouts all they could do was feed the leads to their Mexican counterparts and hope for the best. In Washington, concerns about the competence of Mexican forces mingled with deeper fears about corruption. A former senior Mexican intelligence official told me that the cartel has “penetrated most Mexican agencies.” Was Guzmán being tipped off by an insider? After a series of near-misses in which Chapo foiled his pursuers by sneaking out of buildings through back doors, officials at the U.S. Embassy in Mexico City took to joking, bitterly, that there is no word in Spanish for “surround.”
Guzmán developed “a Zorro-like reputation,” Gil Gonzalez, who pursued him in Mexico for the D.E.A., told me. In dozens of narcocorridos, the heraldic Mexican ballads that glorify traffickers, singers portrayed Guzmán as a country boy turned cunning bandit who had grown rich but not soft, his cuerno de chivo, or “goat horn”—Mexican slang for an assault rifle with a curved magazine—never far from his side.
Yet Guzmán himself remained maddeningly obscure. Only a few photographs of him circulated publicly. A famous series taken after an arrest in 1993 shows a stocky, dark-eyed, square-jawed young man standing awkwardly in a prison yard; he gazes at the camera with a shyness that seems at odds with his fearsome reputation. Chapo escaped eight years later, and had been on the run ever since. Because he might have had plastic surgery to alter his appearance, the authorities could no longer be sure what he looked like. One narcocorrido captured the predicament: “Only he knows who he is / So go looking for someone / Who looks just like him / Because the real Chapo / You’ll never see again.”
The authorities tried to track Guzmán by monitoring telephone lines. Narcotics smuggling necessitates regular phone communication between farmers and packers, truckers and pilots, accountants and enforcers, street dealers and suppliers. But traffickers at the top of the hierarchy maintain operational security by rarely making calls or sending e-mails. Guzmán was known to use sophisticated encryption and to limit the number of people he communicated with, keeping his organization compartmentalized and allowing subordinates a degree of autonomy, as long as the shipments kept running on time. “I never spoke to him directly,” one former Sinaloa lieutenant told me. “But I knew what he wanted us to do.”

9 Steps You Need To Follow To Achieve Your Most Important Goal

Do you have an important goal in your life that you’re burning for? Back in my days as a banker, I was obsessed with the idea of quitting 9-5 and founding my own business.

With a good portion of desperation, I incorporated a business within a healthcare niche. I had no idea what I was doing. I messed up the process and was soon overwhelmed by bootstrapping a business.

It was a painful and expensive experience. But it was worth every penny. I learnt an invaluable lesson about the importance of following a bulletproof process.

What Are You Burning For?

Take a moment and think about your life. What is the one thing you’re burning for?

- Do you want to quit 9-5?
- Do you want to publish a book?
- Do you want to master a new skill?
- Do you want to get fit?
- Do you want to start your own business?

At the end of the day the specifics of your goal don’t really matter. If you follow the right process, you’ll sooner or later accomplish your mission! Here’s how:
9 Steps To Achieve Your Most Important Goal

1. Have A Strong ‘Why’

Working towards your goal will kick you in the face at least once in a while. You will experience setback after setback. You will want to give up from time to time.

You need something that is stronger than your daily struggle. You need something that gets you out of bed early and pushes you through the day.

You need a strong “why”.

Be honest with yourself about your “why”. Don’t bother with any half-baked attempts. Want something 100%, or don’t want it at all.

2. Become Obsessed With Your Goal

There is lots of smart advice out there about multitasking and living a balanced lifestyle. The advice has in common that it won’t help you to accomplish your mission.

Your time and energy is limited. Achieving a remarkable goal will demand all of your attention.

You need to become obsessed with your goal to the point of madness. Put as much time and energy into it as possible.

Once you’ve achieved your goal, you can think about balancing your life.

3. Have The Right People In Your Corner

Your team either makes or breaks you. If everybody around you is killing it, you’ll be far more likely to do the same.

Surround yourself with people who have already walked the walk, people who live the life of your dreams.

Remove all negative people out of your life. Be hard with yourself and everybody else. Whoever provides negativity cannot any longer be part of your team.

4. Forget About Events, Think In Processes

Achieving your goals is never a magical event in someday land. It is everyday minor work. It is a process of doing what it takes as long as it takes.

It will take you months or even years to achieve your goal. If you hope for a quick event, you won’t make it.

Learn to focus solely on the process. Forget about the payoff and focus on doing what it takes. Sooner or later you will have what you want.

5. Build Momentum

I can’t put it better than Newton: an object at rest stays at rest and an object in motion stays in motion.

It will take you a large amount of energy to start moving in the right direction. Once you’re rolling, it’s almost an easy walk. You just have to keep doing what you’re already doing.

Start building a positive momentum today. Do whatever it takes to break through your inertia. From there on: protect your momentum as if your life would depend on it.

6. The Present Moment Is All There Is

Do you still regret the opportunity you missed last year? Do you still beat yourself up for failing your important goal two years ago?

Let me tell you this: this nonsense comes without any value and has to stop right here and now. Beating yourself up won’t get you anywhere. It does not do anything good for you.

Focus your energy on doing the right thing in this particular moment. Repeat tomorrow. Repeat the day after tomorrow. Repeat until you’ve achieved your goal and never look back.

7. Act Like The Perfect You

You don’t feel good today and you’re too busy anyway? Ask yourself what the “perfect you” would do.

Would the “perfect you” let a shitty day distract you from doing what it takes? Or would the “perfect you” break through all the boundaries?

Would the “perfect you” jeopardize the hard-earned momentum due to laziness? Or would the “perfect you” protect the momentum?

I think we both know the answer. Whenever you’re close to quitting, do what the “perfect you” would do.

8. Control Your Daily Actions

A good old-fashioned daily checklist will do magic for you. It will help you to detach your actions from your emotions.

No task is too small for your checklist. Analyze what it takes to achieve your goal and break it down into daily manageable tasks.

From there on: work towards your list no matter how you feel. Only go to bed once your work is done.

9. Use Leverage

Get yourself an accountability buddy. Put a painful amount of money on the line.

The pain of losing the money must outweigh the pain of doing what it takes. Boy, you’ll hustle like crazy if there is $10,000 on the line.

Read more at http://motivationgrid.com/9-steps-to-achieve-your-goal/#uVPtY0CALsCcmxPY.99

Why Wait For The Opportunity? Create Opportunities By Yourself!

People often wait for opportunities, but is it worth waiting for opportunities? My answer – No, it isn’t. First of all you can’t depend on pure luck, you never know if  you will be granted with a great opportunity or not. So why do you want to be dependent on luck? Instead you could be and should be dependent on yourself. This is the only sure way you know you will be granted with an opportunity.

    If opportunity doesn’t knock, build a door. ~Milton Berle

Opportunities are missed by most people because they don’t realise they’ve encountered such.  Here is one of those basic laws in life: There will always be opportunities for those who recognise and pursue them. The lucky people are simply those who have taken more chances than average.
Why Wait For The Opportunity? Create Opportunities By Yourself!

Know your limits. – You can’t be perfect. You can’t do everything yourself. You can’t create a business or live the life of your dreams or make a lot of money if you don’t know your weaknesses, strengths and passions. If you know your limits and what you are capable of, you will know exactly what you need. Once you begin to know yourself, you will realise your weakness and you can fill these weaknesses with others people strength.

Open your eyes. – There is a lot more happening in the world than you see. Stop listening to music all the time you are riding the bus or the train. Maybe there is someone who can change your life in that bus/train. Maybe the person sitting next to you is your next business partner or your husband/wife or your new best friend. You just never know, life is unpredictable, and that’s why you should always keep your eyes wide open.  You might miss an opportunity simply because you were too busy listening to your iPod. Always be on the lookout even when doing simple activities as drinking coffee, riding the bus or walking back home.

Meet new people. – If you want to be presented with more opportunities, simply meet new people. The more people you know, the higher chances you will be presented with new experiences. Go to meetings with people having similar interests as you. Visit conferences. You can even meet people online these days; join different Facebook groups, follow people on twitter; join LinkedIn. People are not so mean as you think. Also if you are one of those people who meet a lot of people on a daily basis and have a problem remembering their names this app will help you a lot – Anki(This app will make you never forget a name, job position or age again. It does miracles.) Most people are open minded and are always looking for new friendships and connections. One of the reasons Motivationgrid had such a big growth in such a short time is because I meet new people everyday.

Don’t be afraid to ask. – Just DON’T! There is no shame in not knowing something, and there is no shame in questioning things. Do you know how I got my first job? I simply asked the manager could I work here and after he interrogated me a bit he said; Yes. So I found a job by simply asking a question in a company that wasn’t looking for employees. Most people would gladly help you if you asked them nicely for some help. People are not monsters, most of us are good and kind. You just have to ask the right way.

Don’t be afraid to try a different approach. – In Bulgaria(the country I am from) blogging is not something people make money out of. Here most people don’t even know what blogging is and when I decided I wanted to blog, people laughed at me and told me to find myself a serious job. But I didn’t think so; I knew I could create a successful blog myself and that all happened thanks to the steps I mentioned above. And in the end I did. Now I am earning x5 more than what my friends are earning. I am working from home, I work when I want to and  I haven’t even mentioned the best thing yet – I am doing something meaningful; I am helping people and I love that. I simply love what I do. Why? Because I wasn’t afraid to go out of the box. Just because the masses of people think something is wrong, doesn’t mean they are right.

Travel. – You should visit different places at least one time a year. This way you will surely as well meet new people and also might be presented with an opportunity that simply doesn’t exist at your hometown. A friend of mine went for a vacation at Rome, but he never came back. He found a job there and he liked it so much that he decided to stay in Rome.

Build self confidence. – You can’t make people follow you if you don’t look confident. That’s why you need confidence, you need to be sure 120% the things will workout right in the end if you want other people to believe you as well. It might be fake confidence, but you need to have it. Most people follow the leaders even when they make bad decisions simply because of their leadership status. And if you could make people follow you, you will surely be able to create a lot of opportunities for yourself/ your company/ your work place.

Keep learning. – Learning is a process that never ends. You can always learn something new. Always maintain the attitude of student. If you think you are done learning, bitterness set in, but if you have more to achieve every day, in any arena, that makes each morning’s awakening full of potential and cheery portent.

In the end it all comes to doing. You will never get presented with opportunities by sitting and watching TV all day. Go out, feel, see, be and take part of live. If you are active and always on the lookout you will always end up on the right place in the right moment.

10 Sentences That Can Change Your Life

The power of a single sentence is tremendous.A single sentence can either make your day or in the same time ruin somebody’s day. It can change your mood. Just a few words put together, yet they make such big impact. But there are few sentences that can inspire us  to change our life for the better.
10 Sentences That Can Change Your Life

#1 “People aren’t against you; they are for themselves.”

change your life sentences, people aren't against you, they are for themselves, quote, powerful quote

#2 “Climb mountains not so the world can see you, but so you can see the world.”

Climb mountains not so the world can see you, but so you can see the world, change your life quotes, quotes to change your life, sentence
#3 “You learn more from failure than from success; don’t let it stop you. Failure builds character.”

Quotes about failure, quotes to change your life

#4 “The most dangerous risk of all – The risk of spending your life not doing what you want on the bet you can buy yourself the freedom to do it later.”

risk quotes, quotes about changing your life

#5 “Go where you’re celebrated, not where you’re tolerated.”

celebrate quotes, quotes that can change your life

#6 “The person that you will spend the most time with in your life is yourself, so you better try to make yourself as interesting as possible.”

quotes that can change your life, self quotes, the person, you spend most time with, quote

#7 “If you accept your limitations you go beyond them.”

limits quotes, quotes about your limits, quotes that can change your life, no limits quote

#8 “People often say that motivation doesn’t last. Well, neither does bathing.. that’s why we recommend it daily.”

motivation quotes, quotes to change your

#9 “Everyone you meet is afraid of something, loves something, and has lost something.”

meet quotes, love quote

#10 “Comfort is the enemy of achievement.”

Comfort quotes, quote that can change your life

Read more at http://motivationgrid.com/10-sentences-that-can-change-your-life/#tHcsXpUhzVfq4wcf.99

15 Life Lessons You Can Learn From Einstein.

Albert Einstein was a theoretical physicist, author, philosopher and is perhaps the most influential scientist to ever live. Einstein has made great contributions to the scientific world. He received the 1921 Noble Prize in Physics for his services to Theoretical Physics. Einstein is considered the father of modern physics and is probably the most successful and famous scientist there ever was.

15 Life Lessons You Can Learn From Einstein

1. Devote Your Life to a Cause - “Only one who devotes himself to a cause with his whole strength and soul can be a true master. For this reason mastery demands all of a person.”

Success requires all that you are, or as Walter Cronkite so eloquently put it, “I can’t imagine a person becoming a success who doesn’t give this game of life everything he’s got.”  To succeed, to become a master, will require all that you are. Are you giving your all

2.Make mistakes - “A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new.

Don’t be afraid of making mistakes. Mistakes are not failure. If you learn from your mistakes, they will make you faster, smarter and better at what you do. As it has been said many times – if you want to succeed, triple the amount of mistakes that you make.

3. Perseverance is priceless - “It’s not that I’m so smart; it’s just that I stay with problems longer.

Perseverance is the hard work you do after you get tired of doing the hard work you already did. This is where most people give up. Perserverance is the secret of all triumphs. Perseverance is failing 19 times and succeeding the 20th.

4. Great people will always encounter great opposition - “Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds.”

Don’t listen to the doutbers. People will always try to talk you out of your dreams, goals and ambitions if they scare them. With success comes opposition, there will always be resistance to greatness. Don’t let the “little men” stop you. Just because they can’t do it, doesn’t mean you can’t!

5. Never ever stop learning  - “Intellectual growth should commence at birth and cease only at death.

Learning is essential to your growth. You can’t grow as a person if you are not learning new things. The moment you stop learning, is the moment you stop improving. Always ask questions. Always look for shortcuts. And always look for ways do to things better.

Einstein thinking

6. Change the way you think  - “No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it.”

Your mindset is the key. You can’t solve problems with the mindset that you created them. The best way to overcome a problem is to grow bigger than the problem. That’s why constant learning is so important.  When you learn – you grow, when you grow you find solutions to your problems.

7. Serve the World  - “The high destiny of the individual is to serve rather than to rule. The value of a man should be seen in what he gives and not in what he is able to receive.”

Einstein said, “Only a life lived for others is a life worthwhile.” Let me encourage you to live your life in service to others, in service to your spouse, your children, your community, and your world. Your greatest success will come from your service to others.

8. Follow your  curiosity – “I have no special talent. I am only passionately curious.”

Read more at http://motivationgrid.com/15-amazing-life-lessons-can-learn-albert-einstein/#i6pb4KkyAfuCU6vP.99
What are you curios about? I am curious as to what causes one person to succeed while another person fails; this is why I’ve spent years studying success. What are you most curious about? The pursuit of your curiosity is the secret to your success.

9. Character Trumps Intellect - “Most people say that is it is the intellect which makes a great scientist. They are wrong: it is character.”

Our true character is the person we become when no one else is watching. Your character determines how far you go in this lifetime, so work on your character; work on being the person you want people to perceive you to be. Work on your attitude, Einstein said, “Weakness of attitude becomes weakness of character,” and without character, success has no value.

10. Focus on the present -“I never think of the future – it comes soon enough.”

Tommorow is shaped by what you do today. It’s of supreme importance that you dedicate all of your efforts to “right now.” The present is the only thing we can change.  It’s the only time that matters, it’s the only time there is.

Albert Einstein thinking

11. Imagination is more important than knowledge - “Imagination is everything. It is the preview of life’s coming attractions. Imagination is more important than knowledge.”

Are you using your imagination? Imagination is the key to progress. Imagination is what makes the impossible – possible. You shouldn’t let something so important lie dormant. Use your imagination daily. Read the book don’t watch the movie. Use your imagination and you will discover a new world.

12. Create value - “Strive not to be a success, but rather to be of value.”

If you focus on creating value, success will follow on it’s own. Don’t spend your time trying to be successful, spend your time creating value. Try to put in use your talents and gifts in a such way that it will benefit others. If you are valuable, success will come after you.

13. Don’t be repetitive - “Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.”

You can’t keep doing the same thing everyday and expect different results. In other words, you can’t keep doing the same daily routine and expect to look differently. In order for your life to change, you must change, to the degree that you change your actions and your thinking is to the degree that your life will change.

14. Knowledge comes from experience - “Information is not knowledge. The only source of knowledge is experience.”

Knowledge comes from experience. You can discuss a task, but discussion will only give you a philosophical understanding of it; you must experience the task first hand to “know it.” What’s the lesson? Get experience! Don’t spend your time hiding behind speculative information, go out there and do it, and you will have gained priceless knowledge. An investment in knowledge always pays the best interest!

15. Learn the rules and play them better - “You have to learn the rules of the game. And then you have to play better than anyone else.”

To put it all in simple terms, there are two things that you must do. The first thing you must do is to learn the rules of the game that you’re playing. It doesn’t sound exciting, but it’s vital. Secondly, you must commit to play the game better than anyone else. If you can do these two things, success will be yours!

Thank you for reading and be sure to pass this article along!

Read more at http://motivationgrid.com/15-amazing-life-lessons-can-learn-albert-einstein/#i6pb4KkyAfuCU6vP.99

Sunday, 27 April 2014

5 Shocking Human Rights Abuses You Don't Expect to See Today

It's tempting to imagine the progress of the human race as if it were a regular person going through life: Yeah, at first we might've had no idea what we were doing and later got into some stupid stuff like genocide and slavery, but by now we've cast aside the mistakes of our youth and slowly started to become a mature and enlightened species! Right?
The only problem with that comparison is it makes modern humans look like a bunch of man-children still having trouble letting go of their old toys, which unfortunately here is a metaphor for shameful human rights abuses that we've held on to way longer than anyone is comfortable admitting, like how ...

#5. The United States Didn't Decriminalize Homosexuality Until 2003

chrisbradshaw/iStock/Getty Images
In the United States, we like to heap criticism on nations like Russia and Uganda for passing laws that stomp on the rights and dignity of homosexuals. Hell, here in the U.S., an increasing number of states have even legalized same-sex marriage, and we've now repealed the U.S. military's "don't ask, don't tell, don't gay" policy. Why, we can't even remember the bad old days when homosexual relations were still criminal acts in the U.S., when consenting adults were being arrested for the stuff they did to each other's genitals in the privacy of their own homes.
After all, that was way back in 2003.
Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images News/Getty Images
Ye olde 'Merica.
States have had anti-sodomy laws on the books for centuries, but around the 1970s, they started getting repealed one by one all across the country. Not in Texas, though, which together with 13 other states wanted to keep these antiquated provisions as a secret weapon to harass homosexuals. In the end, this wholly unnecessary obsession with double-wiener love came to a head in 2003 during the case of Lawrence v. Texas.
In 1998, police officers responding to reports of a discharged weapon entered the apartment of Houston resident John Geddes Lawrence, only to discover that the only weapons in sight were two male penises in close proximity to one another. Caught in the act of loving another man, which the good lord explicitly forbids, Lawrence and his lover, Tyron Garner, were arrested and fined for violating Texas' Homosexual Conduct law. And Texas would have gotten away with it, too, if it weren't for those meddling Supreme Court judges.
US Supreme Court via University of Michigan
"Let's split up, gang!"
After fighting his way to the ultimate judiciary body in the country, Lawrence finally had his day, when the Supreme Court overwhelmingly decided that all Homosexual Conduct laws went against the Equal Protection Clause of the constitution, and struck them down. For the first time in history, gay people were legally allowed to be gay all across the United States, allowing thousands to finally come out the same year as the first Pirates of the Caribbean film.
Walt Disney

#4. Sexually Harassing Unpaid Interns Is Still Legal in 49 U.S. States

Jupiterimages/Photos.com/Getty Images
The 1960s were tough for the raging douchebag community. With the passing of the 1964 Civil Rights Act, all the things that they enjoyed (mainly institutionalized racism and bigotry) suddenly became illegal. The worst were probably the sexual harassment provisions of the act: Thanks to this new law, an employer could no longer punish an employee if they weren't willing to treat Hump Day as a job requirement. The Mad Men days were over!
Lionsgate Television
"What is the world coming to when you can't get Biblically drunk before lunch?"
But horrible people in the United States rejoiced once more in October 2013 after Lihuan Wang, an intern for a TV broadcaster, received some devastating news from a New York district court. Despite having been denied consideration for a full-time job after rejecting her boss' disturbing sexual advances (like luring her to a hotel to grope and kiss her), she found out she had no legal grounds to sue because, as an unpaid intern, she wasn't actually an employee at the company.
In what sounds like a dark satire about worker exploitation, the judge ruled that nothing in the law or the Civil Rights Act actually stops a boss from going all Pepe Le Pew on a subordinate as long as they aren't "technically" their employee. And, funny thing, since most interns don't get a paycheck, then they aren't really part of the company, which basically means that in the corporate world unpaid interns have fewer rights than the office filing cabinet.
Thinkstock/Stockbyte/Getty Images
At least someone has to prove the cabinet isn't doing its job before they get rid of it.
Sadly, Wang's story wasn't an isolated case. In 1994, a nursing student named Bridget O'Connor sued after the physicians at the hospital where she interned kept informing her that they wanted to play doctor with her. But she, too, was denied on the grounds that she wasn't a full-time employee with benefits, so the other doctors were well within their rights to treat her like an employee "with benefits." A 2007 suit filed by an intern at a chiropractor's office suffered a similar fate in a Washington, D.C., court.
Currently, Oregon is the only state protecting unpaid interns from workplace abuses, meaning that 49 other states still allow you to grab a handful of intern buttock as long as you're also screwing them financially by not paying them.
Dean Mitchell/iStock/Getty Images
"But if you sexually harass anyone, we'll still shit-can your ass."

#3. Pharmaceutical Companies Still Use Underprivileged Groups as Guinea Pigs

evgenyatamanenko/iStock/Getty Images
Seeing as we're currently not dying of an infected paper cut, we don't want to come down too hard on medicine. We're just saying that medicine used to be sort of a dick back in the day. Specifically, the year 1932, when the U.S. Public Health Service and researchers from the Tuskegee Institute gathered 399 black men with syphilis, and instead of curing them or even telling them they were sick, just sort of observed them to see what would happen ... for 40 years.
"No, guys, it's cool. I totally have black ... maids."
And while we wish we could tell you that the days of exploiting disadvantaged groups for medical testing are over, the only thing that's really changed since then is the venue: Modern pharmaceutical companies have taken the mantle of Tuskegee to test out all sorts of new medication across the poorest regions of China, Romania, India, and other areas where the people are unable to read a form or sign it with anything more than an "X." Those and other incredibly lax regulations not only allow giants like Pfizer, Bayer, and Merck to skip informed consent but also conduct tests for potentially fatal side effects of their medication on Alzheimer's patients and little kids.
Think we're exaggerating? Well, in 2008, up to 14 Argentinean infants died while taking an experimental vaccine by GlaxoSmithKline after their parents (some of whom were illiterate) were convinced by doctors to let their children participate. Many didn't even realize it was an experiment, and the local doctors who convinced them were paid $350 for every infant they got into the program. In New Delhi, nearly 50 babies have died after being pumped full of a Keith Richards Special of various drugs meant to treat anything from high blood pressure to neurological disorders.
Dmitry Naumov/iStock/Getty Images
"And this one was just labeled with a question mark, so it'll be neat to see what it does!"
What's even more horrible, though, is that these shoddy and often lethal test results are frequently used to get a drug approved in the Western world, and not the country where the people served as guinea pigs. And if you're wondering how in the hell are these companies getting away with killing kids, it's because all official reports basically state that the deaths were a gigantic coincidence and blame them on "the kids being, like, really, really poor." And, as long as pharmaceutical test aren't performed on cute little bunny rabbits, nobody really cares.

Read more: http://www.cracked.com/article_21101_5-shocking-human-rights-abuses-you-dont-expect-to-see-today.html#ixzz306I3DKCZ


4. NASA Finds the World's Longest Canyon Beneath Greenland

Even if you didn't sleep through your elementary school geography lessons, you probably have an inkling that Greenland is 75 percent covered in ice. But what you didn't know was that tucked underneath all that ice sits the longest canyon in the world.
J. Bamber, University Bristol
"Oh honey, size isn't everything. You're still 'grand' to me." -Grand Canyon's wife
NASA discovered the 460-mile-long canyon while sending special radar signals through Greenland's ice, probably in hopes of finding something green so we could justify that stupid name. The longer it took the signals to bounce back, the deeper the canyon -- and scientists aren't even done measuring it yet.
The best part of the whole story is that the longest canyon in the world has been playing hide-and-seek with us since before humanity existed. You win this round, awe-inspiring geological formation, but you'll get yours when we finally go extinct.

#3. Archaeologists Discover Priceless Secret Tomb, Excavate It in Secret

Among the many details The Goonies got right was the notion that once a secret treasure is found, everyone will want to get their grubby hands all over it. So archaeologists from the University of Warsaw probably had visions of Mama Fratelli pinballing through their skulls when they discovered an untouched Peruvian tomb full of gold, badass artifacts, and sultry lady mummies.
The tomb belonged to the predecessors of the Incas, the Wari, and -- evidence of human sacrifices notwithstanding -- these guys seemed hilarious.
Daniel Giannoni
We're assuming this is a whoopee cushion.
Furthermore, the researchers who found this 1,300-year-old tomb managed to keep the whole dig a secret for months. Why didn't they make a huge announcement to the world the second they found the first set of gold earrings? Because Goonies -- they knew everyone would come and raid the artifacts. Instead, they waited until their pockets were lined with treasure and body parts before issuing a press release months later.

The press release consisted solely of this photo, published full page in Grave Robbers Monthly.

#2. Geologists Discover 2.6-Billion-Year-Old Water, Drink It

Deep in the recesses of a Canadian mine, scientists found a pool of water believed to be between 1.5 billion and 2.6 billion years old. This water is so old that researchers think it's from back when that section of Canada was the actual ocean floor. And after theorizing that there may be lifeforms thriving within the water that are capable of living for billions of years independent of the sun, the geologists proceeded to drink that shit. One taster described the water as "very salty and bitter."
Brian Summers
"I added a sprinkle of anise seed to round out the flavor."
It's unclear what exact kind of eldritch horror the research team is destined to evolve into, but we'll get a better idea once their ventral polyps sprout up.

#1. Scientists Find One of the Largest Volcanoes in the Solar System Next to Japan

In a recent scientific discovery that could possibly explain the existence of Godzilla, scientists have found that the biggest volcano on Earth and one of the biggest volcanoes in the solar system has been hiding on the seafloor a thousand miles east of Japan.
"Well, men, this thing is filled with either radioactive lizard eggs or Kinder egg toys. We're praying for the toys."
For the last 20 years, researchers have been stumped as to whether the huge lumpy underwater mass was a group of volcanoes or just one big mama volcano. Turns out that at 120,000 square miles, the world's biggest zit is the latter. This thing is the size of New Mexico, and the nearest competition is all the way out on Mars. This thing is so big and wide that if you stood on its side, you wouldn't be able to tell which way was downhill. Hawaii's Mauna Loa, which is Earth's largest active volcano, would only take up 2 percent of this thing if you could magically smoosh them together.
So on the one hand, we've got this massive secret geological treasure that we're just now finding, which is exciting. On the other hand, we've only got about five minutes before Japan figures out a way to fetishize it.

Saturday, 26 April 2014

Continued from yesterday: MAXIMIZE THE MOMENT... ¤Before your hair grows gray and falls off your head.. ¤Before countless wrinkles crawl all over your skin. MAXIMIZE THE MOMENT... ¤Before your gums lose the grip on your teeth... ¤Before those crow's feet show up beside your eyes. MAXIMIZE THE MOMENT... ¤Before your chest begins to droop.. ¤Before that peculiar odor fills your breath. MAXIMIZE THE MOMENT... ¤Before your bones begin to shift out of joint. Your muscles start to twice and your memory becomes cloudy. ¤Before the night and the stars begin to twinkle against dark and dreary skies. ¤Before the clouds begin to rage before the shadows begin to race. ¤Before the issues of the past and an eternal future begin to haunt you. ¤Before the casket becomes closer than the cradle. Now you may be musing ''but what about people like me who have gone past the season of youth? I'm over sixty and my life us still a mess'' or I'm fifty and I can't point at any remarkable achievement I've had, what do I do''? Let me tell you what to do....HOLD ON.

Joke of the Day: (Nigerian): The President of Nigeria, his Deputy, Mr Akpos and a former Miss World, Agbani Darego were travelling in a train.The train suddenly goes through a tunnel and it got completely dark. Suddenly there was a kissing sound and then a slap! The train came out of the tunnel. The deputy and Akpos were sitting down looking perplexed. The President was bent over holding his face, which was red from an apparent slap. All of them remained diplomatic and nobody said anything.The Deputy was thinking; "These men are all crazily after Agbani Darego. The President must have tried to kiss her in the tunnel. Very proper that she slapped him."Agbani Darego was thinking: "The President must have moved to kiss me, and kissed Akpos instead and got slapped."The President was thinking; "Damn it, Akpos must have tried to kiss Agbani Darego and she thought it was me and slapped me."Akpos was thinking; "If this train goes through another tunnel, I would make another kissing sound and slap the President again."

Riddle: Jack went to school, and the following conversation ensued between him and his teacher. Teacher: Jack, how old are you? Jack : I don’t know, but I know am half my mother's age. Teacher : So how old is your mum? Jack: I don’t know but I know she's 5 years younger than my dad. Teacher: Wow! so how old is your dad? Jack: I don’t know, but I know the sum of all our ages is 80. Hmmmm, can you solve this riddle for the teacher?

Friday, 25 April 2014

Never let your AGE become your CAGE. It's not our AGE that makes you a SAGE. The WISDOM of Solomon has NOTHING to do with the AGE of Methuselah.. =JEHOASH became king of Israel at 7yrs. =DAVID was appointed National Harpist at 18. =TIMOTHY protege to Paul started leading the church at Ephesus when he was 19, at 21yrs, he leading a congregation of over 20,000 people. =At 7, HANDEL could play three musical instruments and had started composing one musical piece a week. =MICHAEL KEARNEY became the world's youngest graduate when he obtained a B.A in Anthropology from the University of South Alabama, USAGES at the age of 10. =AGBANI DAREGO became miss world at age 18. =COLIN MCCLAURIN was 19years old when he was elected Professor of Mathematics. =TIGER WOODS started playing golf at age 4 and became the world's number 1 twenty years later. =MIKE MURDOCK preached his first public message at age B.s. =BOBBY FISCHER became world's chest champion at age 14. =KIRK FRANKLIN was director of church choir at age 11. =KIRK FRANKLIN was director of church choir at age 11. =DENNIS VOLLMER of Oklahoma USA was 6yrs old when he wrote and illustrated his award winning book 'JOSHUA DISOBEYS''. =PROF (SIR) LAWRENCE BRAGG was 25yrs old when he won the Nobel Prize for Physics. At 14, MARK ANDERSON had made 80s, million by designing and creating Computer Programs. So your age does not matter, you can be who and what you want to be now...its never too late and you are never too young to achieve your goals.

Did you know that it's never too early to be the best. You're not too young to reach the crest. Mary McLeod Bethune said '' The world around us really belongs to youth. For youth will take over its future management. They must not be discouraged from aspiring towards greatness for they are the leaders of tomorrow.''

Thursday, 24 April 2014

SEIZE THE MOMENT: You might be wondering what moment I want you to seize. ''TIME''.. Ya, Time. Did you know that, Time doesn't fly. It's men who crawl. So therefore, to make the most of your life, you have to make the most of your time....dont Jonathan Edwards said 'I resolve to live with all my might while I do live. I resolve never to lose one moment of time and to improve my use of time in the most profitable way I possibly can. I resolve never to do anything I wouldn't do if it were the last hour of my life'. This is perhaps one of the first cliches you ever heard ''TIME FLIES''. Some years back, I startedasking myself a number of questions. One of them was ''does time really fly?'' lets reason together. Does time fly in the true sense of the word? Take out some time to think about it.... =Could it be possible that it's people who late around and fritter away their time in meaningless ventures? =Could it be possible that we often live in oblivion of the reality that we don't have all the time in the world? =Could it be possible that our priorities need to be adjusted? =Could it be possible that if we do what ought to be done at the right time we would accomplish a lot more.? The answer is years! Michael LeBoeuf said '' waste your money and you are out of money but waste time and you've lost a part of your life''. So am urging you to imply this message to your daily activities and see what will come out of it.

Short Story of the Day: A story tells that two friends were walking through the desert. During some point of the journey they had an argument, and one friend slapped the other one in the face. The one who got slapped was hurt, but without saying anything, wrote in the sand: TODAY MY BEST FRIEND SLAPPED ME IN THE FACE. They kept on walking until they found an oasis, where they decided to take a bath. The one who had been slapped got stuck in the mire and started drowning, but the friend saved him. After he recovered from the near drowning, he wrote on a stone: TODAY MY BEST FRIEND SAVED MY LIFE. The friend who had slapped and saved his best friend asked him, "After I hurt you, you wrote in the sand and now, you write on a stone, why?" The other friend replied "When someone hurts us we should write it down in sand where winds of forgiveness can erase it away. But, when someone does something good for us, we must engrave it in stone where no wind can ever erase it." LEARN TO WRITE YOUR HURTS IN THE

Wednesday, 23 April 2014

The 15 Craziest Things In Nature That you won't Actually Belive Existed

Mother Nature is beautiful and amazing because we can see many amazing stuff like these 15 things that you won’t believe they actually exist. All these places are real. It is hard to believe in that, but that is true.

1. Volcanic lightning aka “dirty thunderstorms.”

the 15 craziest things in nature you wont believe actually exist 1 The 15 Craziest Things In Nature You Won’t Believe Actually Exist
the 15 craziest things in nature you wont believe actually exist 2 The 15 Craziest Things In Nature You Won’t Believe Actually Exist

2. Frozen air bubbles in Abraham Lake.

the 15 craziest things in nature you wont believe actually exist 3 The 15 Craziest Things In Nature You Won’t Believe Actually Exist

3. Underground natural springs in Mexico.

the 15 craziest things in nature you wont believe actually exist 4 The 15 Craziest Things In Nature You Won’t Believe Actually Exist

4. Giant crystal cave in Nacia, Mexico.

the 15 craziest things in nature you wont believe actually exist 5 The 15 Craziest Things In Nature You Won’t Believe Actually Exist

5. Shimmering shores of Vaadhoo, Maldives.

the 15 craziest things in nature you wont believe actually exist 6 The 15 Craziest Things In Nature You Won’t Believe Actually Exist

6. Reflective salt flats in Bolivia.

the 15 craziest things in nature you wont believe actually exist 7 The 15 Craziest Things In Nature You Won’t Believe Actually Exist

7. Light pillars over Moscow.

the 15 craziest things in nature you wont believe actually exist 8 The 15 Craziest Things In Nature You Won’t Believe Actually Exist

8. Natural salt water fountain off the coast of Oregon.

the 15 craziest things in nature you wont believe actually exist 9 The 15 Craziest Things In Nature You Won’t Believe Actually Exist

9. Beautiful sandstone formations in Arizona.

the 15 craziest things in nature you wont believe actually exist 10 The 15 Craziest Things In Nature You Won’t Believe Actually Exist
10. Rainbow Eucalyptus trees in Kailua, Hawaii.
the 15 craziest things in nature you wont believe actually exist 11 The 15 Craziest Things In Nature You Won’t Believe Actually Exist
the 15 craziest things in nature you wont believe actually exist 11 2 The 15 Craziest Things In Nature You Won’t Believe Actually Exist

11. The Blood Falls in Antartica.

the 15 craziest things in nature you wont believe actually exist 12 The 15 Craziest Things In Nature You Won’t Believe Actually Exist

12. Spiderweb cocooned trees in Pakistan.

the 15 craziest things in nature you wont believe actually exist 13 The 15 Craziest Things In Nature You Won’t Believe Actually Exist
the 15 craziest things in nature you wont believe actually exist 13 2 The 15 Craziest Things In Nature You Won’t Believe Actually Exist

13. Giant clouds over Beijing.

the 15 craziest things in nature you wont believe actually exist 141 The 15 Craziest Things In Nature You Won’t Believe Actually Exist
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14.  The underwater forest of Lake Kaindy.

the 15 craziest things in nature you wont believe actually exist 15 The 15 Craziest Things In Nature You Won’t Believe Actually Exist
the 15 craziest things in nature you wont believe actually exist 15 2 The 15 Craziest Things In Nature You Won’t Believe Actually Exist

15. Lake Hillier, Australia

the 15 craziest things in nature you wont believe actually exist 16 The 15 Craziest Things In Nature You Won’t Believe Actually Exist


Colorful photos from Lagos Carnival 2014

It was such a beautiful scene to behold at the annual Lagos carnival which held today at the Tafawa Balewa square ground.
The richness of the cultural heritage exhibited by participants at the carnival was awesome....it was of high standard and could compete with similar carnivals globally.
http://distilleryimage2.ak.instagram.com/a4f3c6dac97111e39a200002c955008e_8.jpgThe carnival featured youths, mostly students in colorful costumes and floats dancing to music, while over 20,000 spectators were thrilled by the exercise.
The spectators included Lagos Gov. Babatunde Fashola, his wife, Abimbola, some members of the state executive council and some prominent Nollywood artistes.
See more photos below: