1. Michael J Fox
This would be an awesome quote under any circumstances, but the fact
that Fox has gone through so much and by all accounts kept a positive
perspective on life and retained his own dignity at all times, makes it
even more important.
If I can deal with adversity, then so can you is an additional message that I take away from this..
2. Johnny Depp
I love the quote because I think it can have two meanings (although I have no idea if that was intended).
On a personal level closing your eyes metaphorically to your own
problems, such as an abusive spouse, addictions or just an all round bad
attitude doesn’t mean you won’t feel the associated hurt any less.
But I also think it can be used on a more global level. That we can
ignore global problems like war, poverty, corruption, discrimination,
but that won’t make them go away, we actually have to make a stand if we
want to feel like we are making a difference.
3. Ashton Kutcher
I didn’t really know anything about Kutcher other then he married
Demi Moore and Punk’d people until I read this snippet from a speech he
gave at a school.
He sky rocketed in my estimation because this is brilliant. Maybe not
with this verbiage, but I could imagine the Dalai Lama saying this.
4. George Carlin
I’d never heard of Carlin until I moved to the US and now I’m sad
that I hadn’t because he wasn’t just a comedian, he was a modern day
Unfortunately, kids these days are told not to question and accept
what is taught them which is why there’s an entire generation who think
Christopher Columbus founded America and a group of people who believe
the world is only marginally older than Betty White.
5. John Lennon
I have a sneaking suspicion that there may be an element of this that
is apocryphal. Having said that, Lennon was a genius and he certainly
nailed this one.
After all, isn’t being happy the ultimate goal in life?
6. Elvis Presley
I think context with this is important because Presley grew up in the
time of segregation and racial intolerance, especially in the Deep
South where he heralded from.
I have no idea if racism was even in his mind (I suspect not), but my
guess is it caused a number of his followers to stop and think for a
moment. At least I hope so.
7. Marilyn Monroe
It’s only just recently started to understand that Marilyn Monroe was
nothing like I presumed. Sadly, I’d bought into the stereotype of her
being a vacuous self absorbed movie star only interested in her looks
and being told how wonderful she was.
I’m happy to say I was very wrong and she was a witty, caring and
intelligent women trying to fill a roll that was never right for her.
I hope more women take this message on board and ignore the
ridiculous attempts of the beauty industry to brain wash them into
thinking looks are more important than what’s on the inside.
8. John Stewart
How could I ignore such an awesome quote when I’m openly
obsessed with values and think they are the most important aspect of self development.
I almost used Roy Disney’s quote “
Making decisions is easy when you know what your values are“, but I gave this the nod.
9. Lucille Ball
This almost sounds self indulgent, but it’s not.
You are the most important person in the world to you and as such you have a duty to love yourself.
Too many people (and I have to say this is more of a female thing)
spend all their time putting others first. That is noble and I know it
has a positive intent, but not looking after yourself is not a recipe
for being a great parent, sibling, friend etc.
10. Will Smith
If you look around you every single thing you can see was at one time considered unrealistic.
If you only do things that you and the people around you think are
realistic then there is a high probability that you’ll never do anything
11. Robin Williams
I used to know a guy who was a lighting engineer on big Hollywood movies.
I asked him who the nicest big star he ever met was and he
immediately replied, Robin Williams. He said he would always eat with
the technicians, even sometimes bringing them lunch and usually have
them in fits of laughter.
Williams has that spark of genius/madness and whereas it hasn’t been
all plane sailing for him with drug addiction etc, the world would be
worse off without people like him.
So why on earth do we work so hard on teaching kids to conform and not stand out in the crowd?
12. Ricky Gervais
I saw this the other day and laughed my ass off because it’s so true.
People who are highly offended by something often believe their indignation makes them more right. Er, it doesn’t.
13. Robert Downey Jnr
It’s dead easy to have no interest in others and I can certainly be guilty of it.
Yet we all have fascinating stories to tell and it’s not just the rich and famous who we can learn from.
14. Kurt Cobain
I think we can all agree Kurt had a few problems, he was certainly a
tortured soul and had an unhealthy relationship with drugs and shot
However, you couldn’t accuse him of playing the media game. In other
words he was authentic and not in the people pleasing business.
I try to be like this with this blog. I never want to offend people,
but I also don’t want to be censoring myself all the time and end up
delivering a vanilla inoffensive blog that inspires nobody.
Kurt inspired millions whether you like him or not.
15. Mathew Bomer
I had to Google who this guy was as I’d never heard of him, but I’m glad I have now.
He so nails discrimination. The moment we start to ponder whether we
are being discriminatory because of a persons race, sexuality or
religion is the moment we have lost the battle.
I know it’s not easy (largely down to social stereotyping) but we
haven’t beaten discrimination until we don’t even think about it.
16. Ellen DeGeneres
I have never met Ellen, nor do I ever expect to, so I could be
completely wrong in what I’m about to say, but everything about her
oozes authenticity, caring and compassion.
I for one thinks she means every word of this and I love that we have
such a powerful role model showing younger people that it’s not just
about looking after yourself.
17. John Cussack
What can I say other than, YES! Whether you’re a religious person or not, surely this has to make sense?
18. Willie Nelson
Another quote touching on values.
Not sure if it’s the years of weed use that has made him so laid back, or he’s just a nice guy!
19, Tina Fey
I could have picked any number from this very sassy and incredibly intelligent woman.
This not only makes a great point, it also made me laugh as only a
couple of weeks ago I had two Jehovah’s Witnesses on my door step trying
to tell me I had everything all wrong.
20. Jimi Hendrix
I have no idea if this will ever happen although I suspect not, but
when he wasn’t, having wild parties, getting high and kissing the sky,
Hendrix made a lot of sense

So what do you think?
I think there are some gems here from some people who we maybe wouldn’t normally associate such insights from.
So what’s your favorite, please let me know in the comments!